
穿凿附会  chuān záo fù huì








  • 此事仍是传说,穿凿附会的痕迹明显。
    The matter is still legend, Chuanzao of the obvious signs.

  • 对其作品中艺术形象的穿凿附会更是违背了文艺理论的基本常识。
    Giving strained interpretations and drawing farfetched analogies to the artistic figures in Shakespear's works are even more contrary to the general knowledge of theory of literature and art.

  • 它仅仅只是以讹传讹穿凿附会的“形象之蜃”、“自尊之蜃”吗?
    Was it merely a mistake caused by misinformation that happened to be able feed our unsatisfied desire for glory, self image and ego?

  • 不论先知的预言或诗人的篇章,我们都可以穿凿附会,把各种意见强加给它们。
    The text, whether of prophet or of poet, expands for whatever we can put into it.

  • 过去一些读者对李商隐“无题”诗的研究往往穿凿附会,破坏了诗的整体艺术形象。
    Some scholars used to study Li Shangyins poem" No Title" with eisegesis so as to destroy the whole beautiful image of it.

  • 精神斗争乃系同主流思想对干,不是附会穿凿。我等的使命是踢爆一切吹水老作,寻觅真相。
    Mental fight means thinking against the current, not with it. It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth.

  • 孔子一言不发地走出史博馆,心想历史记载灰暗不明,就是被你们这些穿凿附会的烂家伙搞的。
    Going out of the museum silently, Confucius thought that it is the shabby guys like them and their far-fetched explanations that make the historical records full of obscurities.

  • 诗经婚恋诗中影射事物或文字的隐语,潜藏许多秘辛,又因《诗经》中诸多旧解穿凿附会,造成谬误。
    The enigmatic languages in the Book of Odes about the things and words, has hided many secrets. The old interpretation had given of the Book of Odes in wrong explanation, which caused the mistake.

  • 孔子一言不发地走出史博馆,心想历史记载之所以昏暗不明,就是被你们这些穿凿附会的烂傢伙瞎搞的。
    Going out of the museum silently, Confucius thought that it is the shabby guys like them and their far-fetched explanations that make the historical records full of obscurities.

  • 穿凿附会造句相关
