
穷凶极恶  qióng xiōng jí è








  • 他是一个穷凶极恶的杀人犯。
    He is a nefarious murderer.

  • 这里的收容人大多是穷凶极恶的罪犯。
    The inmates here are mostly violent criminals.

  • 法官对凶手说他是一个穷凶极恶的人。
    The judge told the murderer that he was a monster.

  • 他是个穷凶极恶的恶棍。
    He is a villain/scoundrel of the deepest/blackest dye.

  • 穷凶极恶的方式;达到穷凶极恶的程度。
    in a nefarious manner or to a nefarious degree.

  • 恶魔的,关于恶魔的,有恶魔性质的;穷凶极恶
    Of, concerning, or characteristic of the devil; satanic.

  • 这是人无法逃避的战争,任他穷凶极恶也逃脱不了。
    there is no discharge from the battle, nor does wickedness deliver those who practice it.

  • 另一方面我们也不应该让穷凶极恶之人从幸福跌落到悲惨中。
    Nor, on the other hand, should (3) an extremely bad man be seen falling from happiness into misery.

  • 更可笑的是那些穷凶极恶的罪犯竟成了我们时代的某种英雄。
    And it is even more ridiculous that the violent criminal has become a kind of hero in our time.

  • 除了穷凶极恶的谋杀式“非对称”战术,塔利班已是穷途末路。
    Its leadership had been shredded by systematic assassination, and it was reduced to murderous but desperate "asymmetric" tactics.

  • 有的在他们自己人中间本来穷凶极恶,此刻却显得孩子般的恭顺。
    Some, who when among themselves were most violent, now appeared as submissive as children.

  • 祂又向我说:“你进去看一看他们在那里所做的穷凶极恶的丑行。”
    Enter, he said to me, and see the abominable evils which they are doing here.

  • 发现拉塔塔克星的是那些穷凶极恶的奴隶贩子,他们经常出没于外环。
    Those that discovered Rattatak were unscrupulous slavers common in the Outer Rim.

  • 现在,我可以放手写写我所见过的最穷凶极恶的的用法律欺压弱者的事例。
    I am now allowed to write about the worst example of legal bullying I have ever seen.

  • 这里说的坏男人,不是穷凶极恶的恶霸,也不是不学无术,混吃等死的无聊混混。
    A naughty man, by definition, is not a villain who commit heinous crimes, nor is he a street punk who knows nothing.

  • 孙晓菲的哥哥孙正华负责侦破此案,面对穷凶极恶的绑匪,他能把冬冬解救出来吗?
    Sun Xiaofei brother Sun Wah is responsible for the detection of the case, in the face of the vicious kidnappers, he can rescue the Tonton it?

  • 因了你的穷凶极恶,以色列家,我也要同样对待你:以色列的君王将在风暴中完全沦亡。
    So shall it be done to you, Bethel, because of your utter wickedness: At dawn the king of Israel shall perish utterly.

  • 有些非常穷凶极恶的RAT病毒设计成以一种即使在被发现后也非常难去除的方式安装。
    Some especially nefarious RATs have been designed to install themselves in such a way that they're very difficult to remove even after they're discovered.

  • (例子)这同样适合于那种在游戏中穷凶极恶地追求胜利的人,因为他们对生活失去希望。
    The same is true of pursuing triumph badly in games, because they are hopeless for life.

  • (例子)这同样适合于那种在游戏中穷凶极恶地追求胜利的人,因为他们对生活失去希望。
    The same is true of extremely vicious people hankering for victories in games, since they have lost hope to life.

  • 当他们呼求上主时,上主决不俯听他们;反要掩面不理他们,因为他们行了穷凶极恶的事。
    When they cry to the LORD, he shall not answer them; Rather shall he hide his face from them at that time, because of the evil they have done.

  • 因为他们在以色列中间行了这穷凶极恶的丑事,我遂将我的妾切成碎块,遍送以色列基业各地。
    So I took my concubine and cut her up and sent her through every part of the territory of Israel, because of the monstrous crime they had committed in Israel.

  • 他们穷凶极恶已达到极点,就如在基贝亚的时日一样;上主必不忘他们的罪孽,必要惩罚他们的邪恶。
    They have sinned deeply, as in the days of Gabaa: he will remember their iniquity, and will visit their sin.

  • 裁减得体的衣着,闪闪发亮的袖扣,温文尔雅的眼镜,端庄典雅的领带,他怎么看也不像是一个穷凶极恶的暴徒。
    With his well-tailored suits, shiny cufflinks, wise reading-glasses and elegant ties, he looks a thousand miles from a rough house warlord.

  • 这就是为什么在我们解放伊拉克五个月后,形形色色的杀人凶手穷凶极恶地妄图破坏伊拉克的进步,妄图让这个国家陷入混乱。
    And that is why, five months after we liberated Iraq, a collection of killers is desperately trying to undermine Iraq's progress and throw the country into chaos.

  • 穷凶极恶、蛮不讲理的人是教你安忍的明师。在碰上一个这样的人时,你应该欢喜对待。你可不是每天都可以碰上学习考验忍耐的良机!
    A hostile person is your teacher of tolerance. Rejoice when you meet one. It is not every day that you meet a perfect opportunity to practise your patience.

  • 我们的政策就是用我们全部能力,用上帝所给予我们的全部力量,同一个在人类黑暗悲惨的罪恶史上所从未有过的穷凶极恶的暴政进行战争。
    War with all our might and with all the strength God has given up, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.

  • 我难以想像BBC指他们其中之一是“穷凶极恶的领导人”,或者要问一问BBC在过去的这么多年来为什么对他们那些人的“历史”如此友善。
    I cant imagine the BBC referring to a single one of them as a murderous leader , or asking why history - or indeed the BBC over the years - has been so kind to them.

  • 他们不打算停止表达他们自己关于妇女权利或同性恋的穷凶极恶的恼人观念,可我们却必须闭口不言,全盘接受,否则我们就是在“侮辱”他们。
    They do not propose to stop voicing their own heinously offensive views about women's rights or homosexuality, but we have to shut up and take it -- or we are the ones being "insulting."

  • 向上偏离的规定:如果被告的犯罪行为对被害人来说是穷凶极恶、非常残酷、残忍或极端丧失体面,向上偏离是允许的。参见?K2。8(极端犯罪行为)。
    Upward Departure Provision. —If the defendant's conduct was exceptionally heinous, cruel, brutal, or degrading to the victim, an upward departure may be warranted. See ?K2. 8 (Extreme Conduct).

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