
穷兵黩武  qióng bīng dú wǔ








  • 军国主义造成穷兵黩武
    Militarism breeds in armies.

  • 大多数人视希特勒为一穷兵黩武的混世魔王。
    Hitler was a deep-dyed villain to most.

  • 我说这句话并不是虚张声势,也不是穷兵黩武
    I do not say this in any spirit of bravado or belligerence.

  • 暴虐控制,重于经济繁荣,甚至重于穷兵黩武
    Despotic control was more important than economic prosperity, or even military strength.

  • 中国不愿意使喜怒无常的金正日更加穷兵黩武
    China does not want to antagonise the unpredictable Mr Kim;

  • 但是只有在俄罗斯更加穷兵黩武的条件下,这才会发生。
    But that won't happen unless Russia throws its weight around a lot more.

  • 正是在这种认识下,边塞诗中出现了反对穷兵黩武的呼声。
    Is precisely under this kind of understanding, in the frontier fortress poem presented the call which the opposition engages in wanton military activities.

  • 我的看法是这位先生是关心台湾的,他不是穷兵黩武的武夫。
    My opinion: This gentleman cares about Taiwan. He is not a jingoist.

  • 一如历史所揭示,这样的一种看待世界的方式,在穷兵黩武者中并不稀奇。
    As history reveals, that view of the world is not uncommon among those who wield most of the means of violence.

  • 日本不甘心只做经济大国,还想做政治大国,又想穷兵黩武,重蹈历史的覆辙。
    Japan wants to be more than just an economic power , and to be a Politics power . And it is a militaristic empire, wants to return to its old habit.

  • 以非裔身份当选的奥巴马上台后,美国有望从伊拉克撤军,穷兵黩武的可能性大降。
    Identity with African-elected Obama came to power, the United States is expected to withdraw its troops from Iraq, the possibility of warmongering to drop significantly.

  • 盖吾人坚持非将负责之穷兵黩武主义驱出世界,则和平安全及正义之新秩序势不可能。
    We insist that a new order of peace, security and justice will be impossible until irresponsible militarism is driven from the world.

  • 在整个20世纪,一小撮人控制了一些重要国家,穷兵黩武企图弱肉强食、恐吓世界。
    Throughout the 20th century, small groups of men seized control of great nations, built armies and arsenal s, and set out to dominate the weak and intimidate the world.

  • 它并未发出穷兵黩武的号召,只是一带而过提到中国,从未明确提及中国已成为强国的事实。
    It is not a jingoistic call to arms. It mentions China only in passing, and it never explicitly addresses the reality that China has already become a big power.

  • 于是游就馆就将日本粉饰成1937-1945年战争的亚洲解放者和西方穷兵黩武的受害者。
    A connected museum paints Japan in its wars of 1937-45 as the liberator of Asia, a victim of Western belligerency.

  • 他说:「以前有个模式,就是北韩穷兵黩武一意孤行,而且如果它要胁的够久,它就会获得奖赏。
    "There's been a pattern in the past where North Korea behaves in a belligerent fashion, and if it waits long enough [it] is then rewarded, " said Mr Obama.

  • 冬季里,胜利的氏族享受着和平的时光,穷兵黩武的公猪也变得十分温顺,甚至可以称得上浪漫。
    Successful clans enjoy a period of peace, and the warlike boars become quite docile -- some would even dare say romantic -- during winter.

  • 还有一个原因是,布什总统穷兵黩武,发动伊拉克战争,造成巨额的财政赤字,不得不靠举债过日子。
    Another cause is that America has to get along based on borrowing money for Finace deficit caused by War to Iarq by President Bush launched.

  • 若巴基斯坦穷兵黩武,政治激进,全球反恐战争将不会胜利。这就使穆沙拉夫总统最近的行动非常让人担忧。
    THE FIGHT AGAINST international terrorism cannot be won without demilitarizing and deradicalizing Pakistan. That's what makes Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's latest move so worrisome.

  • 成吉思汗从来没打过日本,打日本的是忽必烈,这纯粹是穷兵黩武的侵略战争,没什么好炫耀的,而且还是失败的。
    Genghis Khan never played Japan, beat Japan's Khan is that this is purely militaristic aggression, there was nothing to show off, but also a failure.

  • 奥巴马在北京的时候,应该传递如下信息:任何军事冒险行为都将代价高昂,而且会催生一个穷兵黩武、反华的印度。
    When Mr Obama is in Beijing, his message should be that any military adventure will prove costly and trigger the rise of a militaristic, anti-China India.

  • 中国不愿意使喜怒无常的金正日更加穷兵黩武;同时在东亚地区对抗的博弈中试图拉拢韩国(两个国家都与日本在争议岛屿问题上龌龊频繁)。
    China does not want to antagonise the unpredictable Mr Kim; and it is keen to draw South Korea closer in the game of regional rivalries (both countries have rows with Japan over disputed islands).

  • 穷兵黩武造句相关
