
稍逊一筹  shāo xùn yī chóu






  • 在英语方面,我比他稍逊一筹
    I am just a little better than he is in English.

  • 任何替代肯定会稍逊一筹的。
    Any substitute was certain to be worse.

  • 相比之下,猪牛羊等其他肉类就稍逊一筹
    As soon as comparatively, the pig cattle and sheep and so on other meats slightly abdicate plan.

  • 参议员奥巴马在印第安纳州稍逊希拉里一筹
    Senator Obama narrowly lost to Hillary in Indiana.

  • 但团队提出的点子更多,即使点子的质量稍逊一筹
    But groups come up with more ideas as such, even though they may be of inferior quality.

  • 翻译这两位竞争者的相对劣势是在驾驶上,第二位稍逊一筹
    The relative disadvantage of the two competitors is that the second one is less skillful in driving.

  • 而且还有还有很多稍逊一筹的金融中心正在努力向它们看齐。
    And there are plenty of lesser financial centres that aspire to become more like them.

  • 高盛在风险管理方面拥有良好声誉,摩根斯坦利也仅稍逊一筹
    Goldman's reputation for risk management is excellent, Morgan Stanley's a bit patchier.

  • 可以看出,与偶像剧相比,神话片和历史片的网络影响力稍逊一筹
    Can be seen with the idol drama, film and history, myth-chip network Shaoxunyichou influence.

  • 比起强大的词酷,它是稍逊一筹,不过喜欢简单的人,应该会觉得这个很好用的。
    Compared to the great Nciku, it is not that good on providing various options, but it should appeal to people who like something simple.

  • 这些骑兵作战装备在爱尔兰军中首屈一指,但与欧洲诸国贵族部队相比仍稍逊一筹
    These men have the best equipment available, but are still lightly armed in comparison to the nobles of continental kingdoms.

  • 而邹凯稍逊一筹,只打出了106公里,一向有些腼腆的邹凯自己表示的确是尽了全力了。
    The Shaoxunyichou ZOU Kai, played only 106 km, has always been shy and some of their own, said ZOU Kai is the best.

  • 对此,隋菲菲表示:“我们确实稍逊一筹,但我们的篮板和快攻很好,我们也一直没有放弃。
    In this regard, Sui Feifei, said: "We do Shaoxunyichou, but our fast break and rebounds well, we never give up."

  • 扯开说个我个人武断的看法,任何改编的电影,总是比原著稍逊一筹的,但是这不影响我们欣赏电影本身。
    I have to note that neither of the two novels is distinguished. We should say, if the original novel is a real masterpiece, no adaption could be superior to it.

  • 它的脖颈上挂有一根小丝带,上面写道:“日本国皇帝的夜莺,比起中国皇帝的夜莺来,自然稍逊一筹。”
    Round its neck hung a piece of ribbon, on which was written "The Emperor of China's nightingale is poor compared with that of the Emperor of Japan's."

  • 在星期二的初选中,参议员奥巴马在北卡以14个百分点的优势击败克林顿,在印第安纳,他只是稍逊一筹
    On Tuesday, Senator Obama scored a 14-point victory over Clinton in North Carolina and narrowly lost to her in Indiana.

  • 比圣淘沙名胜世界稍逊一筹的滨海湾金沙于2月开放,其中包括新加坡首个赌场(还有环球影城主题公园)。
    Marina Bay Sands follows the slightly less spectacular Resorts World Sentosa, which opened in February and included Singapore's first casino (as well as a Universal Studios theme park).

  • 同尤文图斯对阵切尔西一样,罗马和阿森纳的比赛也可谓势均力敌。但国米的实力同曼联比起来还是稍逊一筹
    Roma and Arsenal will be equal, just like Chelsea against Juventus, but Inter are outsiders against Manchester United.

  • 其最高时速将达到0。8马赫——即音速的0。8倍,约合每小时600英里,比起下一代民用客机的速度稍逊一筹
    Its top speed would be 0. 8 Mach—that is, 0. 8 times the speed of sound or around 600 miles per hour, slightly slower than the coming generation of airliners.

  • 黄奋强则对记者说,他买楼盘主要是看投资价值,经过实地的比较发现,易居东城显然是稍逊一筹,投资回报不会很高。
    Huang is co-keung told the media that he is looking at buying real estate investment value, after more ground found in Dongcheng apparently Li Yi, investment returns will not be high.

  • 温州的人均GDP较之北京、上海、广州、深圳等大城市是无法企及的,甚至较之同省的杭州、宁波等兄弟城市也要稍逊一筹
    Wenzhou per capita GDP than Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other large cities can not be attained, even compared with the same province Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities also Li brothers.

  • 法院还对那些重要性稍逊一筹的事件做出裁决:比如,公交一族是否可以从税收中享受交通费的折扣,或者酒吧是否可以允许烟民吸烟。
    So do lesser matters, such as whether commuters can deduct transport costs from taxes or whether bars can let smokers light up.

  • 稍逊一筹造句相关
