
移花接木  yí huā jiē mù







  • 这完全是一种移花接木、欺世惑众的说法。
    This is a totally deceptive statement that substitutes one thing for another.

  • 明眼人一看,已断定是经移花接木制作的图片。
    The clever ones should know it is composited right away when they see the pictures.

  • 移花接木的蚕丝被。
    grafting of silk have been.

  • 《文水县志》载:“春分日,酿酒拌酷,移花接木。”
    "Wen water records" containing: "Vernal Equinox Day, wine mixed with cool, deceitful act.

  • 你可以看出,这报告的最后部份是事后想起才移花接木的。
    You could see that the last part of the report had just been grafted on as an afterthought.

  • 帖子一上网,网友纷纷表示雷人,也有网友质疑可能为移花接木之作。
    Post a Internet users who have said mine is also likely to challenge friends for the graft.

  • 为了与你相爱,我将向时间宣战,它使你枯萎,我令你移花接木换新装。
    And all in war with time for love of me, As he takes from you, I engraft you now.

  • 照片素描,冰封效果,旧照片翻新,移花接木,非主流效果都能制作,不过就是菜了点!
    Generally the picture manufacture, the special effect, can do! Is not too only good!

  • 很多小的涂料厂家,本身没有制造优质涂料的能力,却采用移花接木的方法欺骗消费者。
    Many small paint manufacturers do not have the ability to create high-quality paint is used grafting methods to deceive consumers.

  • 承认《录音录像制品复制委托书》中其印鉴的真实性,但否认委托复制涉案光盘(移花接木型)。
    recognized the "Phonograms reproduction orders, " the authenticity of the stamp, but denied by reproduction in CD-ROM (grafting type).

  • 他很快就被叫做「小胖」,照片从此被移花接木加入其他象徵性的脸孔,包括蒙娜丽莎、玛丽莲梦露与其他众所皆知的名人。
    That picture of "Xiao Pang" (Little Fatty), as he was soon named, has since been morphed onto other iconic visages including the Mona Lisa, Marilyn Monroe and other well-known celebrities.

  • 可以说,《王德明》这部悲剧是李健吾着意选择中国历史记载中类似人事作为移花接木的基础加以创造而铸就的民族化艺术品。
    In a word, in choosing the similar people and events in recorded history as the basic of his adaptation, Li Jianwu made the tragedy Wang Deming a nationalized artwork by his creation.

  • 近几个周来,关于中国的不实报导,更加激起了人们的怒火。例如,移花接木,合成不实图片,以证明那里确实存在“镇压”。
    Thereis especially infuriated criticism of some of the misreporting of Chinain recent weeks, such as crafting photos or even using photos from other countries to prove a crackdown.

  • 中国网民们对一段时间以来,西方一些媒体不惜使用移花接木的手段和来自别国的假照片攻击中国进行所谓“镇压”,也感到尤为愤怒。
    There is especially infuriated criticism of some of the mis-reporting of China in recent weeks like crafting photos or even using photos from other countries to prove a "crackdown".

  • 这次以“移花接木”为题目的展览,是试图在中国当代艺术的历史中对利用后现代主义的观念、方式的创作进行梳理与相对集中地展示。
    This exhibition entitled Hypallage attempts to categorize and exhibit the creations, which resorts to post-modern concepts and modes, in the history of Chinese contemporary art.

  • 这个录像视频我也看了,从内容来看明显带有剪接、张冠李戴、移花接木的痕迹。也许达赖集团从某些西方媒体那里学到了一些剪辑画面的技巧。
    I have also seen the video. The contents are obviously edited and doctored. Maybe the Dalai clique got some tips of image-editing from certain western media.

  • 移花接木造句相关
