
积劳成疾  jī láo chéng jí








  • 查理斯·狄更斯工作非常勤奋,以致于渐渐积劳成疾
    Charles Dickens had worked very hard and it became very clear that he was wearing himself out.

  • 票号局面甫定,而孟已积劳成疾,同治八年(1869)卒。
    Vote No. situation just set, and Monsanto has been broken down from constant overwork, Tongzhi eight years (1869) single.

  • 由于积劳成疾,1976年的这一年,他彻底病倒了,基本不能起床了。
    Due to years of tired work, in 1976, he completely collapsed and almost not able to get up.

  • 由于积劳成疾,1976年的这一年,他彻底病倒了,基本不能起床了。
    Broken down from constant overwork as a result, the year of 1976, he thoroughly sick of, can not get up the basic.

  • 丑娘和赵小旭奔跑着去迎接出狱的王大春,然而,积劳成疾的丑娘突然摔倒在地。
    Ugly mother and xiaoxu run to meet dachu, however, the fatigued mother fall to the groud.

  • 另外从生理上来分析,一个家庭主妇的主要劳动是打扫卫生,如果面积过大,会积劳成疾
    Also possible from the physical analysis, the main labour is a housewife cleaning, if their area is too great, will become ill because of overwork.

  • 不幸的是,孙中山由于辛苦工作,积劳成疾,于1925年3月12日带着深深的遗憾去世。
    unfortunately, sun yat-sen broke down from hard work and passed away full of regrets on march12th, 1925.

  • 《二十四孝图》又是陈少梅先生以传统画题为题材的最后的画作,1964年,终因积劳成疾,猝然辞世。
    "Ershisixiao map" is Mr. Chen Shaomei traditional painting entitled to the theme of the last paintings, 1964, the end result of Jilaochengji, Curan death.

  • 尽管中国媒体在过去一年里一直跟踪刘翔的行踪,但他还是在远离公众视线的情况下休养他积劳成疾的右脚。
    Even as Chinese media tracked him throughout the past year, Mr. Liu rehabilitated his callused right foot far from the public eye.

  • 这些人往往觉得自己很健康,可以任意吃东西,可以任意透支体力,结果积毒成病,积劳成疾,一旦爆发,往往难以补救了。
    It is because these people tend to believe that they are very healthy and can eat anything casually and overwork. Then their health may be ruined by long-term weariness and unhealthy diets.

  • 1992年积劳成疾,英年早逝。1991年完成长篇小说《平凡的世界》获得第三届茅盾文学奖,他的作品《人生》被改编成电影后,引起轰动。
    Fell in 1992, died early. 1991 completed novel "extraordinary World" is the third of Mao Dun Awards, his work "The Life, " which was made into a film, which caused a sensation.

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