
神思恍惚  shén sī huǎng hū







  • 我觉得他有些神思恍惚
    I don't think he's quite all there.

  • 厄舍常常神思恍惚地在这些书上坐上几个小时。
    Over some of these books Usher would sit dreaming for hours.

  • 突然间,他从这种奇怪的神思恍惚中惊醒过来。
    He suddenly awoke from his queer trance.

  • 只是最后自己确实是神思恍惚,难道是此刻进入了梦中?
    It was just that at the very end he had definitely become dazed. Could he be dreaming this very moment?

  • 罗恩一边吃着哈利的面包,一边仍然神思恍惚地盯着房门。
    Ron, who was now helping himself to Harry's toast, was still gazing dreamily at the door.

  • 他的老师是这样描述他的:“迟钝,不合群,神思恍惚,老在做白日梦。”
    His teacher described him as "mentally slow, unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams."

  • 他的老师是这样描述他的:“迟钝,不合群,神思恍惚,老在做白日梦。”
    His teacher described him as "6)mentally slow, unsociable and adrift forever in his foolish dreams."

  • 水老鼠神思恍惚,木然远望,终于看见一个小斑点出现在远方洁白的路面上。
    The water rat, paralysed and string, saw at last a distant speck on the white surface of the road.

  • 水老鼠神思恍惚,木然远望,终于看见一个小斑点出现在远方洁白的路面上。
    The water rat, paralysed and string, saw at last a distant spect on the white surface of the road.

  • 尽管在家神思恍惚,但她也不会放走任何一个机会,只要它们能给她带来收益。
    even with insanity in the family she wouldn't have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized.

  • 路上行人不少,经常可以看到一些神思恍惚的梦游人,还停留在迷离幻境之中。
    Many pedestrians throng the walkway. It is not unusual to see individuals who seem to be walking in their sleep. They are still tangled in a welter of confusing circumstances.

  • 艾斯特洛吓得神思恍惚,不敢相信。他丢下尸体,整天在外面的雪堆间乱闯,寻找食物。
    All that day, his mind frozen in a stupor of horror and incredulity, Estelow left the corpse untouched while he tramped through the drifts outside, seeking food.

  • 只有非常了解尼克松的人才能从他神思恍惚和闷闷不乐的神态中看出他内心深处的剧烈不安。
    One had to know Nixon well to recognize his inner turmoil in the faraway look and the frozen melancholy of his features.

  • 你自己有没有过神思恍惚的时候,就是不知道在做什么,好像自己身在当地,思绪却飘到老远去了?
    When did you last catch yourself in an unconscious action, unaware of what you were doing, your body one place, your mind another?

  • 她浮荡在恍惚神思中,沉浸在对于欢乐的预感中,她兴奋到了极点,终于伸出双臂,要将自己的全部心愿搂住。
    She stretches out her arms finally to embrace the object of all her wishes and her lover forsakes her.

  • 我把信放进抽屉里锁了起来。我这人有时候会神思恍惚,这样做了就可以在日后疑心是否真有此事时,有个实实在在的凭据。
    I put her note away in a drawer, so that I would always have reality to hand should I ever have doubts, as happened from time to time.

  • 神思恍惚造句相关
