
破门而出  pò mén ér rù






  • 达克尔-史密斯说,问题在于,她为何不自己破门而出
    The question, said Ms Darker-Smith, is why she did not break the door down herself?

  • 每个人都在谈论破门而入…但世上更多的人想破门而出
    are more people in the world who want to break out of house.

  • 等到有人破门而出几欲动手时,——说“饶命啊英雄!”
    When wait until someone broke door but's several desire to begin, - say" Rao life hero! ""

  • 如果一扇窗关上了,就跑去另一扇窗,或者干脆破门而出
    If one window closes, run to the next window -- or break down a door.

  • 每个人都在谈论破门而入…但世上更多的人想破门而出。好评(0。
    Everybody's always talking about people breaking into house…but there are more people in the world who want to break out of house.

  • 这名男子识破了修女的用意之后,从修道院破门而出,并抢了路人的一辆自行车,落荒而逃。
    The man, apparently suspecting what was happening, fled the building and snatched a bicycle from a passer-by.

  • 他愤怒的提高嗓门对他的父亲说,“如此有钱却只送一本<圣经>?”他破门而出,离开了家。
    Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money you give me a Bible?" He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.

  • 当工作束缚了我的思想的时候,我将不会受制于所谓的工资——我可以破门而出,炒老板鱿鱼。
    If my job is not satisfying to me, I'm no longer tied to that paycheck - I can just get up and walk away.

  • 不要因为自己不快乐而浪费任何一分钟。假如一扇窗关上了,就跑去另一扇窗,或者干脆破门而出
    Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window -- or break down a door.

  • 不要因为自己不快乐而浪费任何一分钟。如果一扇窗关上了,就跑去另一扇窗,或者干脆破门而出
    Don't waste a minute not being happy. If one window closes, run to the next window -- or break down a door.

  • 破门而出造句相关
