
一问三不知  yī wèn sān bù zhī







  • 例句:老师上课提问,他常常一问三不知
    E. g:He often said he knew nothing when the teacher asked.

  • 老师向一位学生提出很多问题,可是这位学生却一问三不知
    A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions, but the student couldn't answer any of them.

  • 老师向一位学生提出很多问题,可是这位学生却一问三不知
    The First president A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions, but the student couldn't answer any of them.

  • 老师向一位学生提出很多问题,可是这位学生却一问三不知
    A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions, but the student couldn't answer any of them.

  • 在这之后无论是电话联系还是上门询问,得到的结果都是一问三不知
    Since then asked whether by telephone or door, the result is nothing.

  • 世界太大了,百分之九十九的时候我都是一问三不知,我想这才是正常的。
    Much of the world, 99% of the time I always said "sorry, I don't know", I think this is normal.

  • 直到上法庭,陈女士对已经逃走的林某的真实姓名、籍贯等情况仍是一问三不知
    Until court, Ms Chan had fled to the Lin real name, place of origin is still nothing.

  • 韩菱纱:哎~一问三不知,真没劲!可我瞧你那支古怪的剑,也许就是剑仙之物呢。
    Han Lingsha: Eh! Utterly ignorant. You're really uninteresting! However, I think if that odd sword of yours is the sword fairy's thing.

  • 如果他们一脸茫然,一问三不知,很有可能他们根本就没有读书,更不要说自己写论文了。
    If they respond with blank stares and shrugged shoulders, there's a chance they haven't read, much less written, their own paper.

  • 别人要深入了解的东西你一问三不知,或者只知其然不知其所以然,人家就认为你这个地方的项目缺乏可行性。
    The thing that others should know deep you are utterly ignorant, perhaps know its not to know its the reason why like that only, the family thinks you the project of this place lacks feasibility.

  • 浦东新区的东方物业、庆隆物业的个别从业人员服务态度差,工作散漫,上班时间打牌,对巡查员的问题一问三不知
    Pudong New Area of the East property, individual practitioners Qinglong property poor attitude, work duties, working hours playing cards, the issue of inspectors seized;

  • 另一方面,如果业主本身对服务项目和标准也一问三不知的话,那么其要求得到的管理服务也只能是自己的凭空想像出来的。
    On the other hand, if the owners of the service items and standards are nothing, then its claim management services can only be imagined by its own.

  • 一问三不知,刘星被张静茹一顿埋怨,什么当儿子的不知道老爸的爱好是不孝顺呀,刘星无奈了,谁让自己碰见张静茹这个孝女了呢?
    Yiwensanbuzhi, Liu Xing Zhang Jingru meal was blame, what the father did not know his son's love is not filial piety ah, Liu Xing helpless, their gregarious met Zhang Jingru this Xiaoru?

  • 一问三不知造句相关
