
更上一层楼  gèng shàng yī céng lóu








  • 我们要使产品质量更上一层楼
    We should make the quality of our products even better.

  • 约瑟夫-派使这种想法更上一层楼
    Joseph Pine pushed the idea a step further.

  • 希望下次的期末考试能更上一层楼
    I hope the next time the final exam to the next level!

  • 良好的饮食和锻炼帮助饿哦学习更上一层楼
    Good food and exercise help me to study better.

  • 他希望生意更上一层楼,但也表示人们的资金并不宽裕。
    He wishes business was better but says people do not have much money.

  • “我相信杰拉德会助托雷斯更上一层楼。”贝尼特斯说。
    "I think Gerrard's level will improve with Torres available, " added Benitez.

  • 不过,无论发生什么,这个赛季我们已经更上一层楼了。
    Whatever happens now, though, this season has been one of progression.

  • 影迷们可以确信,未来她定将不断超越众望,更上一层楼
    And her fans can be sure that she will undoubtedly continue to exceed all expectations.

  • 中国乒乓球项目的绝对优势在悉尼奥运会更上一层楼
    China's dominance in the Olympic table tennis competition was taken to a new level in Sydney.

  • ﹕美的精髓源自内心,而拥有位好的发型师则更上一层楼
    The essence of beauty comes from within, but having a great stylist doesn't hurt.

  • 为想让职业生涯更上一层楼的初级开发人员寻找密诀有困难吗?
    Having trouble finding tips for beginner developers who want to take their career to the next level?

  • 当然,我们每个人都需要更上一层楼,然后继续在起合作无间。
    Everyone must step up their level of play and we must continue to work together as a team.

  • 现在我有能力更上一层楼,我也相信今年我会享受个美妙的赛季。
    Now I'm able to get forward more and I believe I can have a good year.

  • 以客户要求为准则,也是我们要坚持的,否则永远也无法更上一层楼
    The principle of customer requirements, it is something we insist otherwise never even more floor.

  • 她是我们学习英语的榜样。我们向她学习,并祝愿她的英语更上一层楼
    We think she is an example in English studying. We shall study from her, and we wish she do better.

  • “良好的开始是成功的半。”相信同学们在未来的日子里定能更上一层楼
    "A good beginning is half done. " Our students are bound to improve in their pronunciation in the future.

  • 公司导入国际先进的管理理念,使公司的管理水平和摄影产品品质更上一层楼
    Company into the international advanced management concepts, so that the company's management level and a higher level of product quality photography.

  • 德。布恩教授高兴地和五位奖学金获得者进行合影,并祝他们学习更上一层楼
    Professor Boon is standing with the five scholarship winners for a photo and wishing them good study achievements.

  • 值此新春佳节之际,祝您及家人幸福吉祥身体健康,乐驰千里马,更上一层楼
    On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish you good fortune and happiness of family health, Le Chi Chollima, scaling new heights!

  • 对韩国则在合并初期,经济会受到定的影响,但度过磨合期以后,经济更上一层楼
    South Korea early in the merger, the economy will be affected to a certain extent, but after running-in stage through to achieve further economic progress!

  • 福勒承认那对他而言极其失望,但是他坚信拉法·贝尼特斯的球队下赛季将更上一层楼
    Fowler admits it was a disappointing outcome for him but has backed Rafa Benitez's men to go one better next season.

  • 具强烈的酸味及独特的香气,中度烘培的豆子带有强烈的酸味,深度烘培风味更上一层楼
    Sour with a strong and unique aroma, medium roasting the beans with a strong sour, bakery depth of flavor the next level.

  • 的确,很多商界成功人士都没读过MBA,但是这个学位会使你在职业生涯中更上一层楼
    Well, plenty of people are successful without an MBA. But the degree does give you the ability to take your career to a higher level.

  • 把所有过去设下却没实现的计划,和现在所立志的想法,大胆的跟随,只求更上一层楼
    Writing down every plan, following all damned resolutions in the past and present to become better, if not great.

  • 发音很清楚,表达很流畅!祝贺你!只是注意个别声调和语调!祝你更上一层楼!评价此评语。
    Your pronunciation is very clear and you express fluently! Congratulatons! Just pay attention to some tones and internation! Wish you more progress in future!

  • 美国国会并没有立刻接受该温和、宽泛的薪酬限制措施,位民主党领导人表示,他希望更上一层楼
    The tempered broader approach to executive pay wasn't immediately embraced on Capitol Hill, where a leading Democrat said he wants to go farther.

  • 社区卫生服务的意义在于,它体现了人文医学精神,使卫生服务提高个档次,人民健康水平更上一层楼
    The significance of community health service is that it is concerned with all the needs of people and thus can provide better medical service to improve people's health.

  • 专业的品质加优良的服务,保证能为您个性化的需求提供非同寻常的解决方案,助推您的事业更上一层楼
    Coupled with the excellent quality of professional services, can you guarantee that the personalized needs of extraordinary solutions, propelled higher level of your career!

  • 虽然利物浦抱着雄心壮志力图在赛季第二名的基础更上一层楼,但卡拉格承认现在的形式甚至有些倒退。
    Carragher admits it is vitally important that stance is backed up, with Liverpool looking to go one better than last season's second place finish.

  • 随着我们对UV胶印的工艺操作不断探索,以及今后新工艺和新材料的不断开发,UV胶印的水平会更上一层楼
    As we on the UV offset printing process, exploring new technology and the continuing development of new materials, the level of UV offsctdruckereien been more heights.

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