
无风不起浪  wú fēng bù qǐ làng






  • 古老的谚语说:“无风不起浪。”
    An old adage says:"There is no smoke without fire."

  • 古老的谚语说“无风不起浪”。
    An old adage says : "There's no smoke without fire. ""

  • 没有火就不会冒烟。/无风不起浪
    It never smokes but there is a fire.

  • 无风不起浪。(不起烟。)
    There is no smoke without fire.

  • 没有不冒烟的火。(无风不起浪。)
    No smoke without some fire.

  • 无风不起浪,我想她肯定做过那种事。
    She must have done that sort of thing. Where there's smoke there's fire.

  • 不起火。/无风不起浪
    No smoke without some fire.

  • 有烟必有火;无风不起浪;事出有因。
    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

  • 不起烟。/无风不起浪
    There is no smoke without fire.

  • 不起烟。(或译:无风不起浪。)
    There is no fire without smoke.

  • 无风不起浪火不生烟。
    There is no smoke without fire.

  • 有烟就有火,无风不起浪
    Where there is smoke, there is fire.

  • 不起烟;无风不起浪
    There's no smoke without fire.

  • 得了,无风不起浪,没有故事哪来谣言。
    C: come one, no fire no smoke; no story no gossip.

  • 火没有烟;无风不起浪
    No smoke without fire.

  • 无风不起浪火不生烟;事出必有因。
    Where there's smoke, there's fire.

  • 火那有烟。无风不起浪。事出必有因。
    No smoke without fire. (There is no smoke without fire. ) (Where there's smoke, there's fire.

  • 但选民不一定懂得,他们会说无风不起浪
    But the voters might not. They would say where there's smoke there's fire.

  • 无风不起浪
    No wind, no wave.

  • 无风不起浪
    no wind, and no wave.

  • 这正符合“无风不起浪”这个谚语,因而不需要绝对的证实。
    The phrase "where there is smoke, there is fire" applies, so absolute confirmation is not required.

  • 当你提醒人们,接下来将会发生什么,接着它就会发生……无风不起浪。“他补充道。
    He added: "When you warn people that this is what's going to happen and then it happens … Where there's smoke, there's fire."

  • 然而“无风不起浪”,如何摆脱“逃离中关村”的阴影是中关村管委会目前所面临的难题。
    However, "There's no smoke without fire" and how to escape "from the Zhongguancun" shadow CMC is currently facing the problem of Zhongguancun.

  • 当然这些暗示是狡诈的,毫根据的,反对派懂得这点。但选民不一定懂得,他们会说无风不起浪
    Of course, these implications would sly and groundless , and the opposition would realize it. But the voters might not. They would say where there's smoke there's fire.

  • 报刊上流传起涉及这对皇家夫妇的传闻,两周后此事得到证实,她们宣布离婚,真是无风不起浪嘛。
    A rumrhyme circulated in trap press ab rocky trap royal couple, border arrive Papas savedr it engineer confirmed damagera trapy announced trapir divorce. TIllinoise's no smoke mood properly.

  • 俗话说,无风不起浪,虽然姚明没有公开宣布退出国家队,但他是否有过这样的想法,这可不好说。
    As the saying goes, calm not uprise, although Yao Ming does not have the announce publicly withdrawal national sports team, but he whether to have had such idea, this may not the flattery.

  • 当然这些暗示是狡诈的,毫根据的,反对派懂得这点。但选民不一定懂得,他们会说无风不起浪
    Of course, these implications would sly and groundless, and the opposition would realize it. But the voters might not. They would say where there's smoke there's fire.

  • 俗话说,无风不起浪,但是做为事件中心人物的姚明也搞不懂为什么会有这样的消息或是传言出来。
    As the saying goes, calm not uprise, but why will do for event key player's Yao Ming also cannot master will have such news perhaps the rumor comes out.

  • 虽然有关井压产是悍马惹祸的戏说,但无风不起浪,细细思量,名车为孝义带来的似乎还是负面作用多些。
    Despite Hanma post but each time is the written, but There's no smoke without fire, careful thought, perhaps as filial brought to more or negative role.

  • 无风不起浪”,就像依然健壮时却提前退休的李尔王,在他最小的女儿敢于拒绝花言巧语表达她对父亲的爱时的处理方式是一样的。
    "Nothing will come of nothing, " as a pre-retirement and still sane King Lear put it when his youngest daughter dared to withhold her affections.

  • 无风不起浪造句相关
