
从长计议  cóng cháng jì yì








  • 城市规划要从长计议,坚持高标准。
    Urban planning should consider and adhere to high standards.

  • 第七,看待基金净值排名应从长计议
    Seventh, look at the top should be a long-term fund net.

  • 但是从长计议,艾伦爵士的观点还是占了上风;
    But in the long run Sir Alan's view prevailed;

  • 您的爱人已经被抓住了,相救她的话我们的从长计议
    Your wife has been seized, Xiangjiu her words of our long term.

  • 但像州长、参议员洛克菲勒说的,我们需要从长计议
    But as the Governor and Senator Rockefeller said, we'll have that conversation later.

  • 莱昂-波维:即使他的恢复良好,还有一些需要从长计议的。
    Leon Powe: There is something to be said about the long view, even as his rehabilitation continues.

  • 次日清晨,书上的四个字——从长计议——却仍然在我脑海里索回不已。
    Next morning, four words from the book "take the long view" were still in my mind.

  • 而中央也是希望调控房价升幅而非让房价下降,限房价的标准宜从长计议
    And also hope that the price increases rather than to control prices decline Sales prices are advised to consider the criteria.

  • 然而住房消费毕竟不同于其他,必须要从长计议,避免一时冲动盲目决策。
    However, unlike other housing consumption after all, must be careful to avoid impulse blind decision-making.

  • 剩下的似乎只有羞辱,即使如此,乔治仍从长计议,预见他最终要统治这个国家。
    Only humiliations seemed left, but even here George took a long view, foreseeing as he did the eventual dominance of this country.

  • 国会不当在货币上挑起争端,而当从长计议,问问美国人首先是何以对中国如此反感。
    Rather than picking fights over the currency, Congress should step back and ask why Americans are so upset with China in the first place.

  • 房地产开发企业在分享房地产“牛市”这块蛋糕的同时,更应从长计议应对宏观调控。
    With enjoying the bull market of real estate, the real estate exploring corporations should consider how to cope with the macro-control policy in the long run.

  • 这或许是因为她很可能当选总统,不得不从长计议,考虑美国在伊拉克最后阶段的问题。
    This may be because she expects to win, and to have to oversee America's endgame in Iraq.

  • 同志四号:我们需要再从长计议,这一次绝不能草率,不然我们被逮到了,下场会比现在更惨!
    The fourth for comrade: We need to talk over at length again, must not be careless this time, otherwise we have been captured to, end Will be more miserable than now!

  • 但是两国一些议员和民族主义者对其中的一些条款仍持反对意见,使得两国和解还需从长计议
    But the deal must be approved by both parliaments, and nationalists in both countries object to some of its provisions.

  • 不过,房地产价格上涨与否不是件小事情,通常要根据市场的变化,严谨的调查分析后再从长计议
    However, small pieces of real estate prices is not whether or not things usually according to the market changes and rigorous investigation after careful analysis.

  • 所以,从资金安全的角度考虑,切莫盲目看多做多,落袋为安、及时获利了结才是从长计议的根本。
    Therefore, funds from the security point of view, not to blind to see more and more pocket for security and timely long-term profit-taking is fundamental.

  • 军队在斯瓦特的军事行动结束后将奔赴部落地区继续执行任务,而在那里国家权力被架空,此事需从长计议
    In the tribal areas, where the army is expected to resume campaigning after it finishes in Swat, and where the state is currently a figment, addressing it will require serious thought.

  • 他在国会听证时的冷静难免让人抱怨他是不是太维护总统了,而且现在再对伊拉克从长计议似乎已经晚了些。
    Con: His coolness in Congressional testimony led to grumbling that he's excessively protective of the President, while it could be too late for competence to have a long term impact on Iraq.

  • 最后得出,应从长计议,奋力开拓,全面开创我国政府应急管理体系的新局面,加快我国应急管理体系的建设。
    It is pointed that we should give the matter a further thought and create a new situation for accelerating the construction of the emergency management system in our country.

  • 最后得出。应从长计议,奋力开拓。全面开创我国政府应急管理体系的新局面,加快我国应急管理体系的建设。
    Lt is pointed that we should give the matter a further thought and create a new situation for accelerating the construction of the emergency management system in our country.

  • 在这方面,我们可能输了。我讲的是,社会领袖是否能够从长计议,是否能够用最佳的立法设法解决遇到的问题。
    I am talking about the ability of a society's leaders to think long term, address their problems with the optimal legislation and attract capable people into government.

  • 2009年对自主品牌来讲的确是极为关键的一年,但并非决胜的一年。自主品牌前行,还应稳扎稳打,从长计议
    2009 is a pivotal year for independent brand, but that isn't the decisive year. We need operate for safety against the independent brand and discuss more thoroughly.

  • 不过既然有些英国地区已经深受伊斯兰文化薰染,亟需良好负责的教导:那麽,无论如何,都需要政府的从长计议
    But life in some urban parts of Britain is so steeped in Islam that it needs to be well and responsibly taught: that, at any rate, is the government's calculation.

  • 虽然他们有强烈的购房意愿和迫切的住房需求,但住房消费毕竟不是一蹴而就的事情,要从长计议,避免冲动和盲从。
    Although they have a strong desire and urgent housing needs housing, but housing consumption, after all, not one thing, to give, to avoid impulse and blind obedience.

  • 但是,最重要的是要从长计议,要考虑到随着你从业经验的丰富和职业水平的提高,这些行业能够继续支付优厚的薪水。
    If we put these two career levels together, engineering seems to be best for above-average money initially, and above-average money as you move up the career ladder.

  • 但是,最重要的是要从长计议,要考虑到随着你从业经验的丰富和职业水平的提高,这些行业能够继续支付优厚的薪水。
    But it is also important to take a longer ——term view and consider those functions that will continue to pay well as you gain experience and move up the career ladder.

  • 认为任何制度革新都将导致医疗资源的定额配给的人(59%)超过认为从长计议医改将带来费用减省的人(46%)。
    And more people (59%) believe that any new system will lead to rationing of care than think it will lead to long-term cost savings (only 46%).

  • 但是他认为,从长计议的话,重点应该转移,侧重水土保持、用水效率和城市用水合理定价,让城市居民承担相应份额。
    But he argues that in the long term the focus must shift to conservation, efficiency, and more rational pricing so that city users pay their fair share.

  • 11月28日,在CBI一年一度的大会上,布朗再一次展现了他从长计议的架势,他表示,基础设施的投资攸关英国的未来。
    At the CBI's annual conference on November 28th, Mr Brown was once again burnishing his credentials as a long-term planner, saying that investment in infrastructure was vital for Britain's future.

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