
不绝如缕  bù jué rú lǚ








  • 流入不绝如缕,却少了相应的流出。
    This steady influx is not counterbalanced by any comparable outgo.

  • 正是由于俗赋自身的不绝如缕,故南北朝以后,俗赋仍继续发展。
    It was because of its intrinsic persistence that the popular fu continued to develop after the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

  • 明知无力偿还而孜孜于购房者不绝如缕,而银行、出借人亦欢欣鼓舞,弃呆账坏账于不顾。
    People bought homes they knew they couldn't afford from banks and lenders who pushed those bad loans anyway.

  • 香港和海外社会创业者跨越重重障碍,奋力前进,改变世界的种种事迹,鼓舞人心,而且不绝如缕
    There has been a constant stream of inspiring stories of local and overseas social entrepreneurs who are changing the world against all odds.

  • 最后,对两汉辞赋“九体”作品较为稀少的原因及“九体”作品在产生后不绝如缕的因由进行了分析。
    End, studying the reason that Two HansCi-fu "nine type" works were more rarely seen and the creativity of "nine type" works didn"t stop after producing.

  • 这是年轻而正直的精神在不完美的社会条件下挣扎的结果,但她对周围和后世的影响“依然不绝如缕^。
    "this is the result of young and upright spirit struggles to an imperfect society, but influences she exerted on the present and the future are"still precarious.

  • 由于在知识分子中还有不绝如缕的乱世“右武”思想与主张及其勇武精神,才使近代中国免于列强瓜分。
    Because Chinese intellectuals had the spirit of militarism in troubled times, China was exempted from being partitioned by big powers.

  • 但是,问责制风暴频起,何以公共安全事故仍然不绝如缕,甚至在一些地方、一些行业,有愈演愈烈之势?
    However, the accountability storm frequency, the public why the accident is still hanging by a thread, and even in some places, some of the industry, become worse?

  • 清明时节似乎注定要成为一个追思的季节。那不绝如缕的雨丝总能勾起人们缅怀先人、尊祖敬宗的绵绵情感。
    Tomb-sweeping Day seems to be a season of memory. The constant drizzle reminds people of the affinity of forefathers and respect to ancestors.

  • 西方羌,从羊,此异种也”[1]并以此为滥觞,在中国历史上有关“华夷之辨”“冠履之分”的论述不绝如缕
    Western Qiang, from the sheep, the xenograft is also" [1] and use it as the beginning, in the Chinese history of the "Hua Yi Distinction between ""the sub-冠履"hanging by a thread of discussion.

  • 对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福如潺潺的流水伴随一生一世,秋高气爽的重阳,何不一起出去登山赏菊?
    you miss the wave as the Smoke hanging by a thread, and for your blessing as the water gurgling along with life, better weather in the Chung Yeung, why not go out together Shangju climbing?

  • 祝:脸上不长小豆豆,身上不长五花肉,头上戴个大花帽。今年30,明年28,永远都是一支花,快快生个胖娃娃!对你的思念象袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。
    wish: a long face, small non-Doudou, who not long pork, wearing a big flower hat. 30 this year, next year, 28, will always be a flower, birth weight baby as soon as possible!

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