
不绝于耳  bù jué yú ěr







  • 对祖国母亲的颂歌环绕不绝于耳
    Songs of extolling the motherland are ringing far and near.

  • 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精力。
    We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.

  • 观众席上的助威声不绝于耳
    In the auditorium cheers the sound to be lingering on faintly.

  • 窗外,阵阵清风吹来,鸟儿的啁啾声不绝于耳
    Out the window, bursts of breeze blowing, birds chirping voices.

  • 我住在一个飞机场附近,过往飞机日夜不绝于耳
    I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.

  • 世界范围内,对食品和燃料价格暴涨的抗议不绝于耳
    Around the world, protests against soaring food and fuel prices are mounting.

  • 值得关注的是,最近有关房地产利润的争论,不绝于耳
    What is noteworthy is that the recent controversy related to real estate profits, lingering.

  • 初到古城,穿梭于大街小巷,叮咚水声不绝于耳,如奏三弦。
    When I first arrived in the ancient city, the streets in the shuttle, BUZZ voices from the water, such as playing sanxian.

  • 往年除夕夜不绝于耳的爆竹声,今年午夜后不久就沉寂了下来。
    Firecrackers, which on the new year's eve once went on all night, stopped shortly after midnight.

  • 当今,这样的言论/抱怨/话不绝于耳:“……”或者“……”!
    How often nowadays we hear such remarks/complaints/words as this "…" or "…"!

  • 飞机正在逐渐把我逼疯。我住在一个机场附近,过往飞机日夜不绝于耳
    Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad. I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.

  • 哦,那不绝于耳的树叶随风摇摆的“沙沙”声,原来是与鼓点声相应来的啊。
    Oh, that leaves endless wind swinging "imperfections" sound, the original sound with the drums corresponding to the ah.

  • 最直接的表现就是“抄底”论的不绝于耳和对中国经济应变能力的过分乐观。
    The most direct performance is "copies the bottom" to discuss lingering on faintly and to China economical strain capacity optimistic excessively.

  • 留学解答资讯网:南斯拉夫科索沃省北部爆发战斗,步枪和迫击炮声不绝于耳
    The war broke out in north Kosovo of Yugoslavia, the noise of musketry and trench mortar is continuing around.

  • 最近,关于经济与环境政策的沉闷争论不绝于耳,这让我开始联想到被煮的青蛙。
    I started thinking about boiled frogs recently as I watched the depressing state of debate over both economic and environmental policy.

  • 修建新路固然必要,不过随着气候变化问题的逐步升温,反对的声音也会不绝于耳
    New roads are needed, but with climate change rising up the agenda there will be no shortage of arguments against them.

  • 日常生活,广告战与价格战的硝烟不绝于耳,中国企业市场竞争的激烈程度可见一斑。
    The frequent "advertisement war"or"price war" just reveals the one aspect of hard competitive market in China.

  • 在捧得欧洲杯后不久,球员和官员们为出色地完成任务而相互庆贺,溢美之词不绝于耳
    Not long after United's European Cup triumph, words of praise flowed between players and officials who congratulated each other for a job well done.

  • 同时随着生活压力的不断增大,人们更容易心浮气躁,抱怨声不绝于耳,人生的美好也因此而遗失了。
    Meanwhile, along with the pressure of living is increasing, and people are more likely Xinfuqizao, endless grumbling, life's beautiful and therefore lost in the mist.

  • 从那时起,双方以军事对峙,蓄意破坏和不绝于耳的谩骂声为特点的敌对状态演变为更广泛的战略对抗。
    Since then, mutual enmity, expressed in military confrontations, acts of sabotage and a steady stream of invective, has ripened into a broader strategic rivalry.

  • 在驼梁,盘旋蜿蜒的山径与水溪相依相伴,游人沿路迤逦而行,潺潺流水声在山谷中回荡,不绝于耳,令人振奋。
    Tuoliang in, circled the winding trails and accompanied by Shuixi dependent, and visitors along the lines Yili, gurgling sound of water echoed in the valley, we can often hear exciting.

  • 而且如果利率上升,失业率依旧居高不下,再加上巨额的亏空,国会的不满之声将会不绝于耳,甚至白宫也会如此。
    And there will be howls from Congress, and maybe the White House too, if interest rates rise when joblessness is still high and the deficit huge.

  • 一阵嗡嗡声不绝于耳。这是个多么勇敢的举动啊!一个学生羡慕的说道;另个学生说“我们应该支持他和像他学习。”
    A buzzing noise followed. What a man of actions! one said in admiration. How should we support him and learn from him! said another.

  • 英国既是左翼-穆斯林合作的中心地带,同时又是烽烟四起的前哨阵地。犀利刻薄的批评声不绝于耳,矛头直指政治伊斯兰。
    Just as Britain is the heartland of the leftist-Muslim partnership, it is also the main locus of a sharp and trenchant critique of political Islam.

  • 最近一段时间,关于食用油涨价的消息不绝于耳,那么,目前我市食用油市场情况如何,为此,今天记者走访了我市部分零售市场。
    Recently it is rumored that the cooking oil prices are rising. What is the real situation on the oil market in the city?Today the reporter has visited some retail shops.

  • 新办法一出台,京城上下炒得沸沸扬扬,这期间京城几家知名的典当行,登门咨询的客户络绎不绝、咨询房屋典当的电话也不绝于耳
    A new approach to the introduction, a seething streets on speculation that several prominent officials during hock OK, they Advisory customers flooded, the telephone also heard Advisory Housing hock.

  • 另一方面,日本国内时常传出不合谐的声音,“产业空洞化”,“中国威胁论”等论调不绝于耳,两国经济磨擦数量增多,范围扩大。
    On the other hand, inharmonious viewpoints such as " industry hollow ", "China threat" appeared in Japan, trade friction increases in larger number and wider scope.

  • 大家都很认真地对待此次纳新希望多招几个技术人才,但同时大家也没摆出一副副严肃的面孔,欢声笑语不绝于耳,相亲相爱的一家人不就应该是这样吗?
    They hoped that we could receive more technical talents. At the same time m, everybody was not severe but talked and smiled happily, which looked like we were in a happy family.

  • 大家都很认真地对待此次纳新希望多招几个技术人才,但同时大家也没摆出一副副严肃的面孔,欢声笑语不绝于耳,相亲相爱的一家人不就应该是这样吗?
    They hoped that we could receive more technical talents. At the same time, everybody was not severe but talked and smiled happily, which looked like we were in a happy family.

  • 这里十分热闹嘈杂,摊贩不停的叫卖声,驴子的嘶咛声和搬运工大声吆喝着的人们让路,要买不买拿不住主意的顾客,争长论短,讨价还价,如此嘈杂之声不绝于耳,真让人眼花头晕。
    The din of store-holder crying their warns, of donkeys and porters clearing away from themselves by shouting vigorously and would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining is continuous makes you dizzy.

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