
抑郁寡欢  yì yù guǎ huān






  • 患者自从1993年看到我以后,就曾经抑郁寡欢
    The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993.

  • 他在卡拉金娜面前显得非常抑郁寡欢。”皮埃尔说。
    He is very melancholy with Mademoiselle Karagin, " said Pierre."

  • 但他们知道将鸟囚禁在室内,可能导致鸟儿抑郁寡欢
    But they know that cooped up indoors, birds may become depresses.

  • 快乐与贫富无关,有的家财万贯可能是每天抑郁寡欢
    Happiness has nothing to do with the rich and the poor, and some may be Jiacaiwanguan melancholy day;

  • 爱情真可爱;同时也很可帕!它能让人精神百倍;也能让人抑郁寡欢
    Love is really lovable; Simultaneously also very may the handkerchief! It can let person spirit hundred times; Can also let the human despondent widowed oh happy!

  • 谁说我们不是在更加珍惜生命和友情?谁说我们因面对阴霾而终日抑郁寡欢
    Who says we are not cherishing more lives and friendship?Who says we are gloomy before haze?

  • 他们抑郁寡欢,终身被困在工作上或职业轨迹中,而这仅仅由于他们需要那份按周或按月支付的工资去应付各种费用。
    They are unhappy. They are hooked by having to stay on their jobs, or the career tracks, simply because they need the weekly or monthly paychecks to keep up with bills they owe.

  • 一位康奈尔大学食品营销专家在其参与的一项最新研究中发现,当人抑郁寡欢时比心情愉悦时更容易通过食用大量方便食品来抚慰自己受伤的心灵。
    People feeling sad tend to eat more of less-healthy comfort foods than when they feel happy, finds a new study co-authored by a Cornell food marketing expert.

  • 抑郁寡欢造句相关
