
干柴烈火  gān chái liè huǒ








  • 我是烈火中的利剑,干柴旁的守卫。
    I am the watcher near the dry wood.

  • 这个热好像也可以胡乱解释,说是干柴烈火
    This heat is like OK also and careless explanation, saying is dry bavin blaze.

  • 如果干柴烈火相遇,发生了性关系,那么很好!
    If do bavin blaze to encounter, produced sexual relationship, so very good!

  • 我是烈火,也是干柴,我的一部分耗损着另一部分。
    I am the flame and I am the dry bush, and one part of me consumes the other part.

  • 我是烈火,我是干柴,我的一部分耗损着另一部分。
    I am the flame and I am the dry bush , and one part of me consumes the other part .

  • 于是两只海龟找了个草丛,一起练了几遍干柴烈火掌。
    As a result of two months of sea turtles found in the bushes, along with Dry fire a few times to practice hand.

  • 你还纪不记得?那天晚上我们在山上练那套干柴烈火掌 的时候,你好讨厌噢!
    Do you remember what you did when we were practicing 'Encounter between dry firewood and blazing flame Palm'?

  • 水手用嘴使劲吹气,一分钟以后,干柴发出爆炸的声音,一堆熊熊的烈火在黑暗中燃烧起来了。
    A minute later the dry wood crackled and a cheerful flame, assisted by the vigorous blowing of the sailor, sprang up in the midst of the darkness.

  • 把实木“搬进”了厨房,这或许会让你不解:干柴烈火向来是不能“共处一室”的,又有谁会“引火入室”呢?
    The wood "into" the kitchen, perhaps you could give : Agni has not left the "coexistence of a room" who is "pyrophoric --"?

  • 晴远,一个40多岁的背包女侠,遇过比我更甚的事情:某对路上偶遇的干柴烈火就在她房门外大干起来,一直到早上。
    Qingyuan, a backpacker woman who had more than 40 years old, met the worse thing: two people just did it out of her room's door, the whole night!

  • 干柴烈火造句相关
