
雷霆万钧  léi tíng wàn jūn








  • 他们一致出来作证,他用什么来对付这种雷霆万钧之力呢?
    What does he offer in opposition to this overwhelming unanimity?

  • 鲁能开场便是一个雷霆万钧的闪电战,既得了分,更提了气。
    Luneng opening is a force of the lightning war, not only won, raised more gas.

  • 中国有雷霆万钧的事后查处,足以保证危机事件的及时处置。
    China has investigated and dealt with after the force sufficient to ensure the timely disposal of the crisis.

  • 奔跑如风驰电掣,咆哮如雷霆万钧,它们就是一直被奉为“百兽之王”的老虎。
    RUNNING like the wind, roaring like thunder, tigers have long been respected as a king of the animal world.

  • 后金以其训练精良的弓箭手,搭配雷霆万钧的铁骑,大败过度迷信火器的明军。
    Although the Ming army was equipped with a large quantity of firearms, it was nevertheless completely defeated by the well trained archers and armed cavalry of the Manchu troops.

  • 不知疲倦的奔跑、及时的分球、雷霆万钧的远射,生姜头在绿茵场上堪称一位全能王。
    Tireless running, the point in time, the long-range force, ginger can be called on the first pitch in a all-around Wang.

  • 信息化和全球化的汹涌浪潮将以雷霆万钧之势推动世界经济进入知识经济的第三阶段。
    These two trends will push the world economy into the knowledge-based third stage with great momentum.

  • 虽然没有惊涛骇浪,但有一种排山倒海的气势在起伏,有一种雷霆万钧的力量在激荡。
    Although no stormy seas, but there is a mounting momentum in the ups and downs, there is a strength in one another, who have.

  • 智利柴滕火山把天空燃烧,当富有带电粒子的火山灰喷上天空,产生出雷霆万钧的闪电。
    Caption:: The fury of Chaiten volcano seems to set the sky on fire. Highly charged particles of pumice roar upward in spreading clouds of gas and smoke, generating crackling tangles of lightning.

  • 尼加拉瓜瀑布由美国瀑布和马蹄瀑布组成,每秒中数以万计立方米的水量发出雷霆万钧般的撞击声。
    That thundering crash is the tens of thousands of cubic feet of water that flow each second over Niagara Falls which includes the American Falls and Horseshoe Falls.

  • 新传媒最新创作《一线之间》将在2月16日,晚上8时30分首播。制作严谨,雷霆万钧,切勿错过!
    When The Time Comes also stars Dasmond Koh and Carole Lin, and debuts February 16, 2004, at 8. 30pm.

  • 你有没有发现,你给狗的脸部扇凉,它会雷霆万钧;如果把它放在车上兜风,他却高兴得把头探出车窗外呢?
    Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride; he sticks his head out the window?

  • 惟独共产主义的思想体系和社会制度,正以排山倒海之势,雷霆万钧之力,磅礴于全世界,而葆其美妙之青春。
    The communist ideological and social system alone is full of youth and vitality, sweeping the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt.

  • 惟独共产主义的思想体系和社会制度,正以排山倒海之势,雷霆万钧之力,磅礴于全世界,而葆其美妙之青春。
    alone is full of youth and vitality, sweeping the world with the momentum of an avalanche and the force of a thunderbolt.

  • 和喇叭手吹奏的声音迴响在战场上,直到部队遭受步枪攻击、大炮的爆炸声崩溃和骑兵如雷霆万钧的冲锋而结束。
    Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry.

  • 第22届年度“雷霆万钧”的组织者声称,联合起来的摩托车手是在奋力争取悼念战争中牺牲的士兵和囚犯的责任。
    The organizer of the 22nd annual Rolling Thunder says motorcyclists are uniting to push for full accountability for missing soldiers and prisoners of war.

  • 这时,不少市民正兴致勃勃地在这里观看潮水,突然间,狂风挟着巨浪以雷霆万钧之势扑向大坝,轰然作响,险象环生。
    At that time, many people are happily watching the tide here, suddenly, the wind waves to Leitingwanjun Xiezhe a trend toward the dam, Hongranzuoxiang, Xianxianghuansheng.

  • 让球迷怀念的是,在1971年阿森纳夺得双冠王那年,他在足总杯决赛对利物浦的比赛中打入了雷霆万钧的制胜一球。
    Memorably, he clinched the Double in 1971 with a thunderous winner in the FA Cup final against Liverpool.

  • 这就是他,还值得一提的是,霍华德扑倒在地板上飞身救球和他在攻守转换时跃起做一记雷霆万钧的暴扣都一样的卖力。
    Yet, there he is, just as likely to dive on the floor for a loose ball as he is to sky for a thunderous dunk in transition.

  • 风笛手、鼓手和小号手吹奏的音乐将回绕在空中,但是被火枪的射击声、大炮的轰击和雷霆万钧的骑兵冲锋所掩盖而结束。
    Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and thethunderous charge ofcavalry.

  • 值得一提的是,拜纳姆无数个雷霆万钧的灌篮打的太阳屁滚尿流找不着北,从此他的潜能也是人们和整个联盟茶余饭后的话题。
    Moreover, Andrew's outstanding performance included an array of thunderous ally-oop dunks that sent the Phoenix Suns running for the hills and set the league ablaze with talk of his massive potential.

  • 雷霆万钧组织’的摩托车手们从五角大楼行至国家林荫路,度过他们每年一度的阵亡将士纪念日神圣之旅。布什总统会见了他们。
    The Rolling Thunder riders made their annual Memorial Day pilgrimage from the Pentagon to the National Mall and also met with President Bush.

  • 风笛、鼓手、横笛吹奏者和喇叭手吹奏的声音迴响在战场上,直到部队遭受步枪攻击、大炮的爆炸声崩溃和骑兵如雷霆万钧的冲锋而结束。
    Bagpipes, drummers, flautists and trumpeters will fill the air with play out over the crack of musket fire, the boom of artillery and the thunderous charge of cavalry.

  • 巴特勒可以冲到篮下作出雷霆万钧的暴扣,有些他的精彩镜头事后会被人上载到YouTube网站,而且值得大家一再回味或者是第一次观看。
    Butler can throw down spectacular dunks, some of which live posthumously on YouTube and are worth checking out again or for the first time.

  • 缺少了GMU基地上雷霆万钧的大炮,法拉戈号只能求助于火力较弱的武器,即使事情看来毫无希望,武器战位上的船员们依然顽强地开火再开火。
    Lacking the grand slam of the GMU's cannon, the Farrago turned to its lesser weapons, gamely firing and firing, weapons crews staying at their stations even though things seemed hopeless.

  • 当你在场上遇上吉诺比利时,他会用诡异的突破脚步轻松绕过你,之后以雷霆万钧之势快速地上篮得分,而你只会像一个水桶一样站在他身后看他得分。
    You're just as likely to get beaten by a quick slash to the lane as you are a bucket from behind the line when it comes to Ginobili.

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