
铜墙铁壁  tóng qiáng tiě bì








  • 一砖一瓦地垒,铜墙铁壁耸云霄;
    One brick upon another, and the tallest wall is made.

  • 一砖一瓦的垒,铜墙铁壁耸云霄;
    One brick upon another, and the tallest wall is made.

  • 铜墙铁壁”的信仰是有感染力的。
    The British belief in the "bastion of Empire" was infectious.

  • 真正的铜墙铁壁是什么?
    What is a true bastion of iron?

  • 树立铜墙铁壁或者拒绝冲突并不是真正的管理。
    Stonewalling or avoiding conflicts is NOT managing them.

  • 英国人对于“帝国的铜墙铁壁”的信仰是有感染力的。
    The British belief in the "bastion of Empire" was infectious.

  • 铜墙铁壁现在吸收固定值的伤害,随你的护甲值提升。
    Unbreakable Armor now absorbs a flat amount of damage that increases as your armor increases.

  • 这是真正的铜墙铁壁,什么力量也打不破的,完全打不破的。
    That is the real iron bastion, which it is impossible, and impossible, for any force on earth to smash.

  • 这是真正的铜墙铁壁,什么力量也打不破的,完全打不破的。
    That is the real iron bastion which no force can smash, no force whatsoever.

  • 他们身穿轻甲,可以用钢制枪头组成防御敌人冲锋的铜墙铁壁
    Wearing light armour, they are capable of presenting a defensive wall made up of rows of steel pikes waiting to impale charging foes.

  • 此前我们不能打破阿尔巴塞特的铜墙铁壁因为他们防守的非常积极。
    Until then we couldn't break the wall of Albacete as they defended well and were very motivated.

  • 铜墙铁壁将吸收等量于原天赋提升护甲量减免的伤害,但是不再提升护甲。
    Unbreakable Armor now absorbs a flat amount of damage that increases as your armor increases. It no longer boosts armor.

  • 然而,在张在东看来,“业主是真正的铜墙铁壁”一点都不虚,而且很实。
    However, Zhang appears in the East, "the owner is the real iron wall" is not trivial, but very real.

  • 国民党现在实行他们的堡垒政策,大筑其乌龟壳,以为这是他们的铜墙铁壁
    The Kuomintang is now pursuing a policy of blockhouse warfare, feverishly constructing their "tortoise-shells" as though they were iron bastions.

  • 拉涅利的想法十分明确,鲍尔森与西索科在中场树立起一道铜墙铁壁的防守。
    Ranieri's very clear ideas, Paulson Sissoko in midfield and set up an iron wall of defense.

  • 失去了德罗巴的桥头堡,对付克鲁日铜墙铁壁的防守切尔西确实显得办法不多。
    Drogba has lost a bridgehead against the impregnable fortress of Cluj defensive approach appears to be not more than Chelsea do.

  • 外面枪弹很难射进,墙顶通道宽可跑车,放火防攻设施齐全,可谓铜墙铁壁固若金汤
    Bullet fired into the outside it is very difficult, channel width can beqiang ding sports facilities arson attack prevention, is impregnable fortress, impregnable.

  • 与前一版本的NIS相同,这个最新版本的防火墙对于恶意软件的防护可谓是铜墙铁壁
    As in previous versions of NIS, the latest firewall is armor-plated against attack by malware.

  • 我们都是人,都是超越国籍、种族、信仰的个体,都是面对著叫做“体制”的铜墙铁壁的危卵。
    We are all human beings, individuals transcending nationality and race and religion, fragile eggs faced with a solid wall called The System.

  • 为了生存,犹太人将不得不建立一支“铜墙铁壁”的军事力量,直到阿拉伯人接受了他们国家的持久性。
    In order to survive, the Jews would have to build an "iron wall" of military power until the Arabs accepted their state's permanence.

  • 魔苟斯的烈火、铜墙铁壁以及高山巨石守著一样珍宝,我会不顾所有精灵王国力量之反对,大胆拥有它。
    For rock and steel and the fires of Morgoth keep the jewel that I would possess against all the powers of the Elf-kingdoms.

  • 不管四分卫有怎样充满创造力的即兴表演,NFL铜墙铁壁般的防守也能将场上最天赋异禀的领袖吞没。
    And while a quarterback can improvise and create, NFL defenses are savvy enough to swallow up all but the most preternaturally gifted field generals.

  • 至于张在东抛出的 钱是假的,地也假的,真正的铜墙铁壁是业主 这一理念,很多人都认为很虚也很玄。
    As for Zhang in the East out of money is false, and also false, the real owners of the iron wall is the idea that many people think is also very mysterious way.

  • 看起来是一个不可能的任务:要涉过汹涌澎湃的河水:要跨越完全陌生的地区,还要攻取铜墙铁壁般的城池。
    The task seems impossible: a swollen, turbulent river to ford; foreign terrain to cross; mighty walled cities to conquer.

  • 他们一致称扬仁慈的天主,个个勇往直前,不但准备冲锋杀敌,而且还敢与最凶猛的野兽搏斗,冲破铜墙铁壁
    Then they all together blessed the merciful Lord, and took great courage, being ready to break through not only men, but also the fiercest beasts, and walls of iron.

  • 他们一致称扬仁慈的天主,个个勇往直前,不但准备冲锋杀敌,而且还敢与最凶猛的野兽搏斗,冲破铜墙铁壁
    Then all of them together thanked God for his mercy, and their hearts were filled with such courage that they were ready to assault not only men, but the most savage beasts, yes, even walls of iron.

  • 在警、保、三方如临大敌、铜墙铁壁的包围中,在围观人群不明就里的注视中,我犹如汪洋中的一条独木舟。
    I felt life a canoe in the ocean with so many people looking at me and had the police, guards and staff surrounding me.

  • 他们一致称扬仁慈的天主,个个勇往直前,不但准备冲锋杀敌,而且还敢与最凶猛的野兽搏斗,冲破铜墙铁壁
    Then they all together blessed merciful Lord, and took great courage, being ready to break through not only men, but also the fiercest beasts, walls of iron.

  • 在这样的规则下,甚至像泰肖恩·普林斯这样铜墙铁壁的防守者在和一名持球的超级明星的对抗中将会无能为力
    With this rule, even lock down defenders like Tayshaun Prince will be powerless against a dribble-driving superstar.

  • 很多以色列人认为,如果此时要是以色列意志不坚,那么以色列藉以赢得中东地区勉强承认的铜墙铁壁般的超强军事力量,将受到重创。
    If Israel falters, many of its people think, the iron wall of military power that has enabled it to win grudging acceptance in the Middle East will have been seriously breached.

  • 铜墙铁壁造句相关
