
哀莫大于心死  āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ








  • 哀莫大于心死,穷莫大于心穷。
    Was totally disheartened, great in mind the poor poorer.

  • 莫大于心死。人的悲伤有多少种?
    How many kinds does the person's sadness have?

  • 永无欢乐的是可悲的,哀莫大于心死
    It is a sad heart that never rejoices.

  • 永无欢乐的是可悲的;哀莫大于心死
    It is a sad heart that never rejoices.

  • 要不是有希望,早就灰意懒了。哀莫大于心死
    If it were not for hope, the heart would break.

  • 哀莫大于心死
    Cold heart is a dead heart.

  • 例句:她的孩子因为出车祸不幸离开了人世,此时的她哀莫大于心死
    E. g:Her baby died because of a traffic accident. She is in great sorrow at this moment.

  • 哀莫大于心死”,中国计算机界的科学家们曾经对这句话感受颇深。
    "Sad not die at the heart greatly " , the scientists of Chinese computer group once were experienced to this word quite deep.

  • 有句话说“哀莫大于心死”,如果我的心死了,除去无尽的悲伤还有什么是可寻的。
    There is a saying"There is no grief so great as that for a dead heart", if my heart is dead, what else can be traced on me except endless grievance.

  • 到这地步,我们不仅没有照顾到“末位”者,反而彻底地毁灭了他,要知道“哀莫大于心死”。
    To this point, we did not take into account the "bottom", but he thoroughly destroyed to know "was totally disheartened.

  • 但对相信「哀莫大于心死」的中国人而言,换我为你之后所需要的理复健,和对器官移植、判定脑等,所带来医学伦理的争议和困惑,却比别的民族更难解决。
    But for Chinese people, who believe that the heart is more than just another bodily organ, the psychological and ethical problems involved are greater than for other people.

  • 在还爱对方时分开,跟哀莫大于心死时离开是有很大的区别的。我很庆幸自己是后者,我的决定是很决裂很干脆的。另外,奉劝那些想自杀的人要先想想自己寻不成被人救活时是会被控上法庭的。
    PUTRAJAYA: Concerned that more people are resorting to ending their lives at the first sign of problems, police are considering enforcing the law on attempted suicide as a form of deterrence.

  • 哀莫大于心死造句相关
