
杯中物  bēi  zhōng  wù








  • 他将杯中物一饮而尽。
    He emptied the cup at a draught.

  • 酒徒们也还在浅饮低酌,只是杯中物年份日短罢了。
    Wine drinkers haven't stopped sipping; they just seem to be choosing cheaper vintages.

  • 为了免遭暴死,人们开始请求主人先喝一两口自己杯中物
    As a means of avoiding sudden death, people began requesting that their host take a sip or two from their glass.

  • 不管是谁,有两件事情可以相信,其中之一就是他于沉湎杯中物
    There are two things that will be believed of any man whatsoever, and one of them is that he has taken it drink .

  • 喜欢杯中物的人士比以前多了一些辨别能力,葡萄酒的质量也有所提高。
    Wine lovers have become a little more discerning and wine quality has improved.

  • 奥古斯丁天生才智过人,却是个爱好杯中物和女人,且生活放荡的年青人。
    Born with a superior mind, Augustine was a young man who loved wine, women, and wild living.

  • 诚然,压力总跟你使坏,尤其是如果你用愤怒、绝望或沉溺于杯中物来回应它。
    Sure, stress can be bad for you, especially if you react to it with anger or depression or by downing five glasses of Scotch.

  • 对于喜欢杯中物的人来说,这是一个极好的时代,有这么多物美价廉的葡萄酒可供选择。
    For the wine lover this is a wonderful time, there are so many options at fantastic prices.

  • 一八六一年,美国南军司令约翰•马格鲁德下令严禁将士携酒进军营,虽然他自己酷爱杯中物
    In 1861, American Confederate commander John Magruder, despite a fondness for alcoholic refreshment, absolutely forbade soldiers from bringing liquor into camp.

  • 老闆、雇员、还有每日酒吧内所招呼著的不同酒客,每人都有自己的故事,亦望凭杯中物去寻找人生的味道。
    The owner of the bar, its employees, and its clients all have their own individual stories - each and every one searching for the essence of life in their glasses.

  • 长久以来我们就知道,沉溺杯中物的习性具有家族遗传。对某些人来说,那只不过是给这个复杂习性的昭彰恶名,多添上一笔罢了;
    The tendency to become dependent on alcohol has long been known to run in families, which for some only added to the social stigma attached to this complicated condition.

  • 进化意味着某些消失,另一些新的才会发生。它就像一个空杯子,只有你舍弃了杯中物,才能接受新事物进入。愿新事物与你交谈。
    evolution means the necessary disappearing will result in newborn. it just like an empty glass, when you abnegated the things in glass that it might to received new existence.

  • 杯中物造句相关
