
厚此薄彼  hòu cǐ bó bǐ








  • 做父母的不能对孩子厚此薄彼
    It's not right for parents to play favorites.

  • 她对待她所照顾的孩子尽可能不厚此薄彼
    She tried not to show preference in her treatment of the children in her care.

  • 他对平时训练和正式比赛一视同仁,绝不厚此薄彼
    He treats the routine training as important as the competition, never thinks that this is important while the other is not.

  • 然而,在对外贸易关系中,“厚此薄彼”是不可避免的。
    S. protectionist tendencies. However, foreign trade relations, "partiality" is inevitable.

  • 在上海一家论坛上,许多参与讨论者都说不能厚此薄彼
    On a local parent-child forum , most participants said they will try to strike a balance.

  • 首先,任何科学研究都要求人们不能厚此薄彼,偏向某一方面。
    In the first place any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one.

  • 你的孩子们很快意识到,你对他们不是一视同仁,而是厚此薄彼
    Your children quickly realize that you make fish of one and flesh of another.

  • 我们都知道她一点也不懂该怎么替演奏课评分,而且她厚此薄彼
    We all know she has no idea how to grade playing tests.

  • 个人偏见和喜好致使我们选择理论厚此薄彼,这和后现代主义是一致的。
    The idea that bias and personal preference cause us to prefer one theory over another is compatible with postmodernism.

  • 两类课程的时间并非决定商学院排名的主要因素,雇主似乎也没有厚此薄彼
    Neither format dominates the business school rankings. Employers do not seem to discriminate.

  • 任何科学研究都要求人们对可供考虑的诸多因素不能厚此薄彼,偏向某一方面。
    In the first place, any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration.

  • 你当然不能厚此薄彼,因为过分厚待了一位,必将丧失两位嘉宾的友爱与信赖。
    Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

  • 因为这个话题也只有是雕塑界本身才能产生意义,而并没有什么厚此薄彼的意图。
    Because this subject has meaning only to sculpting circle, in which has no intention to favour one and be prejudiced against the other.

  • 科学的发展有赖于两者的共同发展,尽管站在个人的角度,更多人乐于厚此薄彼
    Science depends on both, although many people are happier on one side than the other.

  • 首先,任何科学研究都要求人们对可供考虑的诸多因素不能厚此薄彼,偏向某一方面。
    In the first place, any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration .

  • 首先,任何的科学研究都要求人们对于选择来考虑的一系列因素组成部分不能厚此薄彼
    In the first place, any scientific study requires that there be no preferential weighting of one or another (of the items in the series it selects for its consideration).

  • 当然,你对他们不要厚此薄彼,因为偏厚任何一位客人,就会同时失去两个人的爱与信任。
    Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

  • 不会厚此薄彼。一个真正懂得爱情完全是自由的人,也肯定知晓如何在自由与爱情之间取舍。
    A man who knows freedom is full of love, and a man who knows love is always willing to give freedom.

  • 中外学者对礼貌问题有过许多的研究,但几种主要研究似乎对涉及其中的交际双方有厚此薄彼之嫌。
    Lots of studies on politeness have been made at home and abroad. However, some influential theories seem to treat the two sides of communication involved in politeness unequally.

  • 但陆云无论在文学理论还是辞赋创作上,都颇有自己的见解并取得了一定成就,我们实在不该厚此薄彼
    But Lu Yun had his own views both on theories and writing. He also made some achievements that should not be neglected.

  • 但人们似乎应当质疑,当周一华尔街银行崩溃时,雷曼兄弟没有得到任何帮助,政府为什么会厚此薄彼
    But there are likely to be questions about inconsistency in policy since no government aid was forthcoming to support Lehman Brothers when the Wall Street bank collapsed on Monday.

  • 但是,“研讨会”开成了“批判会”不说,“办法”竟然通篇不提公立医院,似乎有“厚此薄彼”之嫌。
    But, "Seminar " left " critically meeting " do not say, "Method " connect actually piece do not carry public hospital, have it seems that " say turkey to one and bazzard to another " disrelish.

  • 不过谢强很技巧地称,他与广州诸多发展商如珠江合生、富力地产、星河湾老总均为莫逆之交,谈不上厚此薄彼
    However wake tactfully said that he and many developers such as Guangzhou and the Pearl River Hop, decimating real estate, Xinghewan mister are friends, not one.

  • 我对平时训练和正式比赛一视同仁,决不厚此薄彼。因为你不能期望训练中的马马虎虎会给以后的比赛带来佳绩。
    I take peacetime training and the same race equally, not favoritism. Because you can not expect a so-so training in the competition will bring future success.

  • 如果说过去的18个月让美国人明白了什么,那就是市场崩溃不会厚此薄彼,即使是最老谋深算和高明的投资者也损失惨重。
    IF the last 18 months have taught Americans anything, it's that market collapses don't discriminate. Even the most sophisticated and affluent investors lost big chunks of their fortunes.

  • 神从来不偏待人,祂不会厚此薄彼:可是,真诚地回应神及神话语的人,却的确会获得神赐下更多锻鍊信心和学习事奉的机会。
    God has no favourites. He is no respecter of persons. But it is always true that when anyone responds warmly to God and his Word, he leads that one on to further opportunities for faith and service.

  • 神从来不偏待人,他不会厚此薄彼:可是,真诚地回应神及神话语的人,却的确会获得神赐下更多锻炼信心和学习事奉的机会。
    God has no favourites. He is no respecter of persons. But it is always true that when anyone responds warmly to God and his Word, he leads that one on to further opportunities for faith and service.

  • 神从来不偏待人,祂不会厚此薄彼:可是,真诚地回应神及神话语的人,却的确会获得神赐下更多锻炼信心和学习事奉的机会。
    God has no favourites. He is no respecter of persons. But it is always true that when anyone responds warmly to God and his Word, he leads that one on to further opportunities for faith and service.

  • 当然,我们强调和倡导“我要安全”,并不否定“要我安全”的重要性,也不是顾此失彼,或厚此薄彼,而是要注意两者有机的协调和统一。
    " Of course, we emphasize and promote "safe" does not negate "I am safe", and is not a loss, or unfairness, but to pay attention to both of coordination and unity.

  • 对两者必须一视同仁,不偏不倚,不能厚此薄彼。要坚持社会科学与自然科学、社会科学人才与自然科学人才并重,更要坚持社会科学教育与自然科学教育并重。
    Equal weight should be attached to social science and natural science, to those involved in the two sciences, especially to education in both of them.

  • 厚此薄彼造句相关
