
十拿九稳  shí ná jiǔ wěn








  • 看到他到处受欢迎的样子, 他们觉得他当选是十拿九稳的。
    Judging by the enthusiastic reception given him everywhere, they felt that his election was in the bag.

  • 我们球队将会取胜,这已十拿九稳
    There is little doubt that our team will win.

  • 哈马斯说,停火协议并非十拿九稳
    Hamas says a ceasefire is not a done deal.

  • 他对问题的实质并不是那么十拿九稳
    His mastery of the issues is less assured.

  • 在大多数情况下,根本没有十拿九稳的事。
    In most cases there's no such things as certainty.

  • 我们赢定了,十拿九稳的赢定了,我告诉你。
    We 're sure to win. It's in the bag, I tell you .

  • 他肯定能通过这次的面试,这是十拿九稳的了。
    I bet he will pass the interview. Its dollars to buttons.

  • 他肯定能通过这次的考试,这是十拿九稳的了。
    I bet he will pass the exam. It's dollars to buttons.

  • 比赛还远未结束,但取胜已经是十拿九稳的了。
    Long before the end of the game it became clear that the victory was already in the bag.

  • 第二,在大多数情况下,根本就没有十拿九稳的事。
    Second, because in most cases there's no such thing as certainty.

  • 看到他到处受欢迎的样子,他们觉得他当选是十拿九稳的。
    Judging by the enthusiastic reception given him everywhere, they felt that his election was in the bag.

  • 她可能觉得劳苦劳累地竞选那并不是十拿九稳的总统职位并不值得。
    She may have decided that the hazing of a presidential campaign is simply not worth the uncertain reward.

  • 其实,即使到现在奥巴马对医改法案能否通过也没有十拿九稳的把握。
    In fact Mr Obama cannot be certain even now of securing any health reform at all.

  • 当贝尔先生突然对我表示非常友好时,我确信那项合同已经十拿九稳了。
    When Mr. Bell suddenly became very friendly with me, I knew the contract was in the bag.

  • 总统受到新闻界的很大打击:新闻界使劲地报道说“交易已十拿九稳”。
    The President took a drubbing from much of the press which had breathlessly reported that a deal was in the bag.

  • 他们看了一下第一题,答对可以得五分,心里想:太酷了,这下十拿九稳
    They looked at the first problem, which was worth five points. "Cool, " they thought, "this is going to be easy. "

  • 在人生道路上,有许多往往自以为十拿九稳的却往往在最后关头杳无踪影。
    Have on the life road many usually from think almost certain of but usually have no trace and shadow in the final reckoning .

  • 唯一十拿九稳的办法就是,走到他面前,手里拿着伪装起来的炸弹,引爆它。
    The only sure way was to walk up to him, camouflaged bomb in hand, and detonate.

  • 比赛取胜是十拿九稳的了。我们领先十分,而且他们最好的球员因犯规而下场。
    The game is all but in the bag. We've ten points ahead and their best player has fouled out.

  • 好书善于布局﹐让你看着看着﹐到了一处﹐你十拿九稳﹐知道故事会怎么发展。
    There comes a point in every good book where you're convinced you know how the plot goes.

  • 没错,波特兰青年军进军季后赛的前景确实值得看好,但也并非十拿九稳之事。
    Yes, Portland youth into the army of the playoffs should be optimistic about the prospects for true, but surely not matter.

  • 总裁非常高兴,因为他知道几个大宗定单已经是十拿九稳了。一。起。呵。英语站。
    The General Manager was excited because he knew he had already had several major contracts in the bag.

  • 坦白无遗常常十拿九稳地能骗过人们,特别是当招供并不出于自觉时,更能蔽人耳目。
    The plain truth is often the surest way to hoodwink people, more especially when it is told unconsciously.

  • 对我来说,这也不是十拿九稳的,Idontthinkitisaslamdunk。
    Id say for you that is a slam dunk!

  • 他和心里的这位顾问翻来覆去辩论了几个钟头,对这样一件十拿九稳能赚钱的事,他并不急于立即采取行动。
    For several hours he argued pro and con with this mental counsellor, feeling no need to act at once in a matter so sure of profit.

  • 而且可以十拿九稳地养活,欧洲早期历史上常见的、目前在东方诸国仍周期性地发生的那种饥荒,已经看不到了。
    and supports them with certainty, exempt from those periodically recurring famines so abundant in the early history of Europe, and in Oriental countries even now not unfrequent.

  • 昨日,有消息称,曾经“十拿九稳”夺标的房企大鳄中凯集团已经黯然出局,最终胜利者是来自浙江的开发商绿城集团。
    Yesterday, there was news that had "never" win the championship Housing enterprises predators, Super Group has lost out, the ultimate winner from Zhejiang developers music groups.

  • 国家航空和航天局曾将航天飞机的再度发射称为一个“十拿九稳”的计划,但是“发现者”号的旅程一波三折,问题重重。
    The National Aeronautics and space Administration had called it a "success-oriented" schedule to get the space shuttle flying again, but the odyssey of "Discovery" was beset with various problems.

  • 如果你因为要和兄弟吃生鱼片而错失了一场重要比赛,你仍然是一个忠实的粉丝,因为“这场比赛是十拿九稳的,伙计。”
    You can miss big games to go eat sushi with your bros and still be a fan because you're "positive we've got the game in hand, bro".

  • 虽然升级的前景是乐观的,但是我们不能因此而看到假象,不能以为那是十拿九稳的事。赛季漫长,我们还有很长的路要走。
    The signs are positive, but we can't lull ourselves into a false sense of security as the road is still long"."

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