
前赴后继  qián fù hòu jì








  • 只要前赴后继,自由是不会消灭的。
    And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.

  • 违法者“前赴后继”解析“圈地”热的惊人背后。
    Offenders "wave upon wave" song "sung" hot behind the alarming.

  • 他们前赴后继和殖民主义者作斗争,取得了辉煌的胜利。
    They rose wave upon wave against the colonialists, winning splendid victories.

  • 全世界人民要有勇气,敢于战斗,不怕困难,前赴后继
    People of the world, be courageous, dare to fight, defy difficulties and advance wave upon wave.

  • 正是这巨大的利润空间让许多投资者前赴后继加入这一淘金狂潮。
    It is this huge wave upon wave profit space for many investors to join this gold craze.

  • 整日,粉笔们前赴后继,为的竟只是帮我们将知识更清楚地呈现。
    All day, chalk their advancement, and has only the knowledge to help us more clearly shown.

  • 那些前赴后继死去的人简直要把他笑死了,而且这时他状态还很好。
    So not only will Michael be laughing his ass off as the human race dies, he plans on looking good while doing it.

  • 再想想废奴主义者们,他们前赴后继英勇斗争,直至看到奴隶制的终结;
    Think of the abolitionists who struggled and died to see the end of slavery.

  • 投资者们清楚的意识到机遇远大于危机:他们正前赴后继的涌入这个国家。
    As they continue to pour in, investors plainly think the opportunities outweigh the risks.

  • 在革命战争年代,党号召全党同志不怕牺牲、前赴后继地为革命的胜利而英勇斗争。
    During the revolutionary wartime, our Party called on all its members to fight bravely and fear no sacrifice, and advance wave upon wave for the victory of revolution.

  • 为了我们有更美好的生活,他们前赴后继,斗争并牺牲,他们努力工作直至双手蜕皮。
    Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificed and worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a better life.

  • 米堡遇上曼联总是士气高昂,上赛季在河畔球场前赴后继,差点毁了曼联卫冕的前途。
    Manchester United event laramie always highly motivated, and last season in the stadium-one after the other, almost ruined the future of Manchester United defending.

  • 在中国球员的留洋史中,一批又一批惨淡而归,一批又一批球员又要前赴后继,踏上征途。
    Chinese player in the history of Liuyang, one group after another while going from bad to worse under, one group after another of the players and also one after the other, set foot on the journey.

  • 为了矿山的发展壮大,一代又一代矿山人前赴后继,披肝沥胆,献出了自己全部理想与情爱。
    Expand for the development of mine, generation person of another acting mine advance wave upon wave, be loyal and faithful, gave oneself all ideal and love.

  • 我一直坚信人生并不是一场你胜我败的角逐,而更像一场前赴后继的荒野接力。——余秋雨。
    I always believe that life is not a win-or-lose rivalry, but a continous relay race in the wilderness.

  • 为了完成这个历史使命,一代又一代中国共产党人前赴后继,无数革命先烈献出了宝贵生命。
    Chinese Communists have been fighting one generation after another to fulfill this mission, and countless revolutionaries have sacrificed their lives in the course.

  • 一方面是,大理国历代统治者前赴后继的长达一百五十多年的执着请求宋廷册封,主动追求臣服。
    For one thing , the successive governors of Dali insisted to require Song to confer titles and pursue to be their officials on their own initiative for no less than one hundred and fifty years.

  • 为了实现这个宏愿,一代又一代中华儿女以鲜血和生命为代价,前赴后继,进行了艰苦卓绝的努力。
    In order to realize this wish, generation after generation, Chinese continuously made extremely hard efforts at the cost of their blood and lives.

  • 在今天这个阵亡将士纪念日,当我们国家缅怀其前赴后继牺牲的英雄时,我们的爱国主义情绪尤其强烈。
    On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

  • 正是基于这种思想,世界各国微生物工作者前赴后继,对产生纤维素酶的微生物进行了广泛深入的研究。
    Base on this idea, International community microorganism worker work hard for studying microorganism which produce cellulose.

  • 灾难深重的中华民族,一百年来,其优秀人物奋斗牺牲,前赴后继,摸索救国救民的真理,是可歌可泣的。
    For a hundred year, outstanding figures devoted themselves in succession to graphing for the truth to save the country and the people from ordeal. Their deeds are moving to praises and tears.

  • 中国人民经过长期前赴后继的英勇奋斗才取得国家独立和民族解放,因而极为珍惜来之不易的独立自主权利。
    the Chinese people won the independence for their country and the emancipation of the nation; therefore they hold dear their hard-earned right to independence.

  • 然而这一切需要我们前赴后继地努力,我们不能等待上帝的垂青,我们必须努力向上,改造自己,改造人类社会。
    However, all we need to advance wave upon wave, we can not wait for God's favor, we must work hard to up and transform themselves and transform human society.

  • 但是如果死的是队长,这样做是可以理解的,剩下对队员应该前赴后继地去救他,否则(在渗透的情况下)队长就没了…
    However if it's your SL who is down, it can be understandable, as the rest of the squad can spawn in, or (in the case of robbie) he can bunny hop away.

  • 正是一批批伟大的科学工作者,前赴后继,不甘被迷信和愚昧蒙蔽双眼,心怀祖国和民族,肩担使命,去追求科学的真理。
    In our country, there are many great scientists. They are patriotic; they believe the truth; and they try their best to learn knowledge and use the knowledge to make the country stronger and stronger.

  • 土地违法案件层出不穷,土地违法者“前赴后继”,有深刻原因造成一些地方政府土地违法的主要原因:首先是认识问题。
    illegal land use cases are land offenders "wave upon wave", a local government land and some of the profound causes of the main reasons : The first is understanding.

  • 另方面,“为帝王将相作家谱的所谓‘正史’,也往往掩不住”作为“中国的脊梁”的仁人志士“前赴后继”的“光耀”[32]。
    On the other hand, "as the emperor Writers spectrum so-called 'official history', are often not conceal "as" the backbone of China "of the people with lofty ideals" of endless "and" shine "[32].

  • 想象一下苏联的军队在广场进行庄严的阅兵仪式,前赴后继的苏联领导人站在列宁的陵墓前宣誓革命遗志,这些过往历历在目,记忆犹新。
    Images of successive Soviet leaders standing astride Lenin's mausoleum while the military might of the Soviet Union is paraded past are still fresh in the memory. But look towards the dazzling St.

  • 深受其苦的中国人民,一百多年来,一直把推翻“三座大山”的压迫,争得人权作为自己的目标,为此前赴后继,不惜流血牺牲,进行了长期的艰苦卓绝的斗争。
    Over hundred years, chinese people who are deep in the sadness, had done a long hard struggle to pull down the three mountains and gain human rights even losing their lives.

  • 每一个真真正正的人是一种事业,一个国家,一个时代;他需要无限的空间,人力和时间来确确实实地完成他的计划;——他的后代也将前赴后继地跟随他的步伐。
    Every true man is a cause, a country, and an age; requires infinite spaces and numbers and time fully to accomplish his design; ---and posterity seem to follow his steps as a train of clients.

  • 前赴后继造句相关
