
别出心裁  bié chū xīn cái








  • 别出心裁的设计瘦办公椅关系把一切理顺的。
    The quirky design of the Skinny Office chair ties it all together.

  • 好莱坞的才子们爱聚在这里互相开玩笑,一个比一个更别出心裁
    The Hollywood wits gathered to exchange jokes and top one another.

  • 包着别出心裁的礼物的皮儿开了,上面扎的蝴蝶结装饰带也开了。
    The fancy gift wrapping goes flying and so does the bow with which it's adorned.

  • 另一方面,大卫努力制作了一套奇特的、别出心裁的皮革裤套装。
    David, on the other hand, had labored to fabricate a curious patent leather trouser suit.

  • 而源自巴洛克的艺术特征,同样也体现那些别出心裁的窗帘布艺上。
    Which are based on religion and the arts from the Baroque features, but also in those same ingenuity on the curtain cloth.

  • 一部别出心裁的芬兰音乐纪录片,描述了70年代的社会主义运动。
    "Revolution" is the Finnish music documentary primarily focusing on the Finnish socialist movement in the 70s.

  • 结婚了廿一年后,我发现了一种别出心裁的方法,可以让爱的火花永保新鲜。
    After being married for twenty-one years, i had found an unique way to refresh my love life.

  • 所有要素都已齐备:书呆子,受欢迎的女孩,别出心裁的朋友,通宵的冒险。
    All the pieces are in place: the nerdy guy, the popular girl, the quirky friends, the all-night adventures and the obligatory house-trashing bash.

  • 虽然有些别出心裁,但她穿上去挺好看的,不知道时装评论家明天会怎么说。
    But then again, what do I know?I'm not much of a fashion risk-taker myself.

  • 南卡罗来纳州默特尔比奇市的大型濒危和珍稀动物研究所的驯虎方法别出心裁
    The South Carolina Myrtle Beach city large-scale is in imminent danger with the rare animals research institute's docile tiger method has an unconventional idea.

  • 结婚了廿一年后,我发现了一种别出心裁���方法,可以让爱的火花永保新鲜。
    After get marriaged for twenty-one years, i found an unique way to refresh my love life.

  • 图片说明:“引景入室”是客厅的设计主题,椭圆形的天花别出心裁地成一弯新月。
    Caption: "Bring scene into room " the design theme that is a sitting room, elliptic smallpox becomes one curved crescent uniquely.

  • 过后,怡伶还给了大家一个别出心裁,独一无二的红包,已感谢他们这三天的帮忙。
    After which, Vivian gave them a very special red packet to thank them for their effort.

  • 随著改革开放、越来越多人能负担一般产品时,要寻找别出心裁的礼物也越来越不容易。
    Finding a gift that stand out in China is getting more difficult, as more people can afford common items.

  • 这次密谈的结果带来了下星期日举行的那场别出心裁的郊游,四位青年邀请了那四位姑娘。
    The result of these shades was a dazzling pleasure party which took place on the following Sunday, the four young men inviting the four young girls.

  • 广东有一家名为“自定价格”的餐馆,店主别出心裁地想出一个由顾客自定价格的经营方式。
    Guangdong has one named "from sets the price" the restaurant, the shop owner finds out one from to set the price unconventionally by the customer the management way.

  • 一个让烟不能从烟囱中正常排出的发明也许是个别出心裁的东西,但它对人类没有什么用处。
    An invention to make smoke go the wrong way in a chimney might be a very ingenious thing, but it would be of no use to humanity.

  • 我这一辈子看到过不少很花哨的向承销商介绍新产品的活动,这一次的确是别出心裁,高出一筹。
    I've seen some pretty fancy dealer introductions in my time, but this one really took the cake.

  • 该产品采取纯金纯银材质,纪念牌正面,五枚纯金金片巧妙的以奖牌形式出现,五环形式排列更是别出心裁
    This product is made of pure gold and pure silver. On the obverse side are five pure golden slices like medals. The five-ring arrangement showcases the novelty.

  • 我也记得那条象豹子斑点的裙子。虽然有些别出心裁,但她穿上去挺好看的,不知道时装评论家明天会怎么说。
    Well, I don't see how the critics could like that dress. But then again, what do I know? I'm not much of a fashion risk-taker myself.

  • 我也记得那条象豹子斑点的裙子。虽然有些别出心裁,但她穿上去挺好看的,不知道时装评论家明天会怎么说。
    I can't remember her name. But - you can't forget the dress she wore, the one with the leopard print design. Now that's taking a fashion risk!

  • 这款别出心裁、精巧细致的镀金色项链,让时尚休闲的造型别具特色﹔深红色调为您的颈项添上优雅迷人的点缀。
    Dramatise a smart casual look with this sophisticated and exquisite gold-plated frontal necklace. It reflects shades of red as it elegantly adorns your neck.

  • 在经济形势低迷的情况下。伦敦的一家餐馆想出了一个别出心裁的奇招来招揽顾客:让顾客自己来决定付多少餐费。
    London restaurant has come up with a novel idea to drum up customers in the economic downturn: letting customers decide how much they want to pay for their meal.

  • 为吸引独生子女一族,全家超市别出心裁,特意聘用了一批年龄与之相仿的年轻雇员(或干脆翻译成“同龄雇员”)。
    Family Mart strategically hired young employees who are close in age to the generation of only children it wishes to attract.

  • 陶家菊膳别出心裁的将食用花卉与上海菜、粤菜、川菜等几大菜系的特点巧妙结合,创造出了清淡、清爽、清雅的菜品系列。
    Tao's Ju Shan combines flowers with Shanghai cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine and other kinds of cuisines perfectly. Cuisine is bland, cool and refined.

  • 然而,现在条件好了,我们住上了三室一厅的大房子,它不但外形设计好,光照效极佳,而且设计别出心裁——冬暖夏凉,抗地震!
    However, conditions now, we live in the a big house, it is not only good design, excellent light efficiency, and design ingenuity - anti-earthquake!

  • 许多想成为该党总统候选人的人,聘请顶级公共关系和宣传专家,由他们撰写别出心裁的宣传口号,“推销”他们为之效力的候选人。
    Many aspiring to be elected as the party candidate employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrases and set about "selling" their man.

  • 2009年6月16日,在浙江杭州举办的中国美术学院毕业生作品展上,展出了许多别出心裁的东西。照片上这位游客面前的雕像名叫“维纳斯”。
    A visitor views a sculpture named 'Venus' at an exhibition for graduates of China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, capital of southeast China's Zhejiang Province, June 16, 2009.

  • 它们均出自大师之手,无论从用料、色彩、摆设、口感上都别出心裁,在传统工艺的基础上,结合现代人的时尚口感需求,将人们沉睡已久的味觉顷刻唤醒。
    Whether from materials, colors, decorations or savor are unique in the integration of traditional process with modern taste to wake up your sleeping sense of taste.

  • 1990年第二届人工生命会议上,他播放了和同事迈克尔•利特曼(2)一起制作的相当重要的人工生命世界的别出心裁的录像,迷倒了在场观看的250位严肃的科学家。
    He broke up 250 serious scientists at the 1990 Second Artificial Life Conference with a wickedly funny video of a rather important artificial life world he and colleague Michael Littman had made.

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