
冷若冰霜  lěng ruò bīng shuāng








  • 教师对待学生不应该冷若冰霜
    Teachers should not treat their pupils coldly.

  • 我没有情绪。一点也没有。冷若冰霜
    I'm a child of chill.

  • 她的冷若冰霜也许激起了他好胜的灵魂。
    Her indifference aroused perhaps his combative soul.

  • 还有一个身患癌症,对他冷若冰霜的父亲。
    There is also a suffering from cancer, his indifferent father.

  • 有些售货员态度冷若冰霜拒人千里之外
    Some shop assistants are frosty in manner, repelling customers from a distance.

  • 皮不斯小姐说她冷若冰霜,不把人放在眼里。
    Miss Pybus said she was cold and haughty .

  • 他的朋友突然对他冷若冰霜,使他十分难过。
    His friend's sudden coldness really hurt.

  • 有的山洞现仍有喷气现象,有的则冷若冰霜
    Some of the caves are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted.

  • 他表示愿意帮助,可是她却冷若冰霜地拒绝了。
    He offered his help, but she froze him off.

  • 他看起来冷若冰霜,用冷酷的眼神打量着新犯。
    He looks like he could piss ice water. He appraises the newcomers with flinty eyes.

  • 大家都说她冷若冰霜,但她其实只是害羞罢了。
    People say that she's as cold as ice, but she's actually just shy.

  • 风冷型冷若冰霜水机无须配置辅助冷却塔和水泵;
    Air cooled water chillers can work without cooling tower and water pump.

  • 而威武又冷若冰霜的女侠啊,你真的整个正到不行!
    The mighty frosty again the Woman ah, you really will not do a whole are to!

  • 他对那位气焰渐衰的拿破仑,可以说是冷若冰霜的。
    Since we are making a portrait, and since we do not wish to conceal anything.

  • 那位歌手对待歌迷的态度冷若冰霜,让他们感到很失望。
    The fans were disappointed because the singer was as cold as ice towards them.

  • 这位警官姓霜,生性冷若冰霜。他走进厨房,站在我身旁。
    The inspector, Frost by name and by nature, came into the kitchen, stood beside me.

  • 他会摆出一副冷若冰霜的样子,并不断使用“阁下”这种尊称。
    His use of the honorific "sir" would multiply while he assumed a glacial demeanor .

  • 一个比较憔悴,有著严峻的眼睛跟白色的长胡子,脸色冷若冰霜
    One was gaunt, with flinty eyes, a long white beard, and a face as hard as a winter frost.

  • 中国也不太可能联手日本去处理朝鲜问题,因为他们关系冷若冰霜
    Nor is it likely that China will allow its frosty relationship with Japan to affect its handling of North Korea.

  • 这些人以前从未冷落过他,而今却对他冷若冰霜,真使他灰心丧气。
    He was depressed by the coldness of these humans who had never been cold before.

  • 更糟的是,那个曾殷勤地求她帮忙的小女孩,突然间变得冷若冰霜
    To make matters worse, the sweet girl who had politely asked for a favor, suddenly turned cold and aloof.

  • 对于那些憎恨她的人,无情的静默强化了她冷若冰霜的冰雪皇后形象;
    For the people who hated her, the stony silence reinforced her image as an ice queen;

  • 选择兔子的你喜欢有分裂人格的人,外表冷若冰霜,内心却热情似火。
    A. rabbit - those who has split personality, like cold as ice on the outside, but hot as fire in the heart.

  • “我不知道为什么他们对我的儿子是重要的,”董贝先生冷若冰霜地说道。
    'I don't know why they should be, to my son, said Mr Dombey, coldly.

  • 假如马英九“总统”会见这位到访贵宾,那么中国的反应很可能是冷若冰霜
    A particularly frosty Chinese response is likely if President Ma Ying-jeou meets the visiting dignitary.

  • 知道了这些,你也就知道了婚后的她为什么有时娇媚可人,有时却冷若冰霜
    Has known these, you had also known after marriage she sometimes is why charming may the human, sometimes actually iced cold.

  • “真的?好一个自私又孤芳自赏的小人!记得吗?”当年你老抱怨他冷若冰霜的抚摸。”
    Really? What a selfish, narcissistic creep! Remember how you used to complain about his icy touch?

  • 在这一次约会中,莉莉似乎很喜欢我,而在另一次约会时,她又冷若冰霜。她的态度变幻莫测。
    Lily seems to like me on one date and then turns very cool on the next. She's changeable as a weathercock.

  • 而且,除非我脑子里清清楚楚地印下了她那冷若冰霜的面貌的印象,否则那种奇异的感觉是难以消除的。
    Besides, unless I had received a distinct impression of her passionless features, that strange feeling would hardly have been removed.

  • 不管您心爱的女人对周围的人是如何冷若冰霜,只要她跟别的男人和事物一接触,似乎就会失去她的香味和完整。
    It is as though the woman you love, however indifferent she may be to her surroundings, loses something of her savour and consistency when she comes into contact with men and things.

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