
再三再四  zài sān zài sì







  • 可以二,决不可再三再四
    One can make the same mistake once even twice but never thrice.

  • 他的良心再三再四地研究那样立在他面前的两个人,主教和冉阿让。
    His conscience weighed in turn these two men thus placed before it, -- the Bishop and Jean Valjean.

  • 他们回答说:「那人再三再四问我们和我们的家庭说:你们的父亲是否还活著?
    7They replied, "The man questioned us carefully about ourselves and our kinsfolk saying: 'Is your father still alive?"

  • 他们再三再四地说︰“基督已经复活了﹗”这就是他们正要带给忧伤之人的讯息。
    Christ is risen--over and over again they repeat it. This is the message they are carrying to the sorrowing ones.

  • 上主这样说:“为了以色列再三再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们为了银钱出卖义人;
    6 3 4 Thus says the LORD: For three crimes of Israel, and for four, I will not revoke my word;

  • 上主这样说:「为了大马士革再三再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们用铁辊压榨了基肋阿得。
    3Thus saith the Lord: For three crimes of Damascus, and for four I will not convert it: because they have thrashed Galaad with iron wains.

  • “复”是再三再四地:这一句是描述父母关心爱护之情,是永不疲倦松懈的。“腹”,就是抱在怀里;
    "Took care of me, looked after me constantly" describe how tenderly parents care for and protect their children without ever becoming weary or lax.

  • 显然,他怀着不为人们理解的沉重心情,在各种各样的场合中不由自主的再三再四地表明了他的思想。
    With obvious unwillingness, with bitter conviction that he would not be understood, he more than once, under the most different circumstances, gave expression to his real thought.

  • 「复」是再三再四地﹕这一句是描述父母关心爱护之情,是永不疲倦松懈的。「腹」,就是抱在怀里;
    "Took care of me, looked after me constantly" describe how tenderly parents care for and protect their children without ever becoming weary or lax.

  • 上主这样说:“为了犹大再三再四犯罪,我不收回成命,因为他们离背了上主的法律,没有遵守衪的诫命;
    4 2 Thus says the LORD: For three crimes of Judah, and for four, I will not revoke my word;

  • 他显明他现下爱他们的心,正如从前与他们同在作他们可爱的教师时一样,他便再三再四地向他们显现。他要用慈绳爱索紧紧地牵引他们。
    to reveal that He had the same heart of love as when He was with them as their beloved Teacher, He appeared to them again and again.

  • 你还真大量呢!人家说二,不能再三再四,都犯第次了,估计也没救了。到那时也不知道几年过去了,所以你的结论是:不管如何,你都不会离婚。
    Became a better person and be sure to know who you are before meeting someone new and hoping that person knows who you are.

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