
兔死狐悲  tù sǐ hú bēi








  • 兔死狐悲, 物伤其类。
    The fox mourns over the death of the hare, and so animals grieve for their kind.; Like mourns over the death of like.; When a rabbit dies his kind, even though it be a fox, weeps.; When the hare dies, the fox mourns.

  • 我觉大概是兔死狐悲?华人砸浙大砸的都有点不客观了。
    I guess just karen thinks he is one of us and believed he should be treated nicer.

  • 真的很难过,难过得想哭,有种兔死狐悲的感觉,一点安全感都没有。
    Really very sad, a sad cry, Tusihubei kind of feeling, a sense of security that did not.

  • 兔死狐悲」这个成语就是由这个故事而来的。表示对同类的死亡或不幸的伤心。
    The idiom "The fox is sad at the death of the hare" comes for the story above, illustrating one feels sad for the death or misfortunes of his companions.

  • 兔死狐悲”这个成语就是由这个故事而来的。表示对同类的死亡或不幸的伤心。
    The idiom "The fox is sad at the death of the hare" comes for the story above, illustrating one feels sad for the death or misfortunes of his companions.

  • 政府出面收购金融投资银行,无非是兔死狐悲,害怕金融危机连累到自身的利益。
    The government acts to purchase the finance Investment bank, nothing but is the like grieves for like, the fear financial crisis implicates own benefit.

  • 兔死狐悲,退赛的气氛让少数多愁的人开始伤感,比如中超两大穷光蛋辽足和深足。
    Tusihubei back the atmosphere match Duochou to allow a small number of people are sad, such as the poor wretch Liaozu and more than two feet deep.

  • 兔子、狐狸都属狡猾、机智之辈,成语“兔死狐悲”比喻因同类的灭亡而感到悲伤。
    The rabbit and fox are both considered to be smart and resourceful, so the saying "When the rabbit dies, the fox grieves" describes the bond between opponents who are also kindred spirits.

  • 或许寒蝉效应、也或许兔死狐悲,终归特侦组将难以自安,后面可能造成的效应难料。
    Perhaps the cicada effect, also perhaps the like grieves for like, after all especially will detect the group with difficulty from peacefully, behind will possibly create effect difficult material.

  • 否则官员只会对同僚被问责充满“碰上了就自认倒霉”的同情,而不会兔死狐悲地反思自身的职责。
    Otherwise, officials will be accountable to the full of his colleagues, "a hit on Zirendaomei" sympathy and will not Tusihubei to reflect on their responsibilities.

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