
偷鸡摸狗  tōu jī mō gǒu








  • 究竟是在做偷鸡摸狗之事,确实心虚。
    After all, is doing to remarry, really guilty.

  • 喝酒偷鸡摸狗道歉。
    Drinking, embezzling, apologizing.

  • 我们这儿的人都知道他是个爱偷鸡摸狗的人。
    Everyone around here knows that he's a man on the sly.

  • 汤米:毕竟,你是一个狡猾、偷鸡摸狗的下流小偷。
    Tommy: After all, you're a conniving, backstabbing, two-bit thief.

  • 辛苦了一天临下班时,工作会偷鸡摸狗一点是自然的。
    It's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.

  • 其他在中国的美国官员也对国民政府偷鸡摸狗的腐败行径发出警告。
    Other American officials in China also warned against the vast amounts of graft among Nationalists.

  • 其他在中国的美国官员也对国民政府偷鸡摸狗的腐败行径发出警告。
    The governing Nationalists received considerable American aid, but American officials in China warned of vast amounts of graft among Nationalists.

  • 我真希望这些十几岁的孩子不再做偷鸡摸狗的事情了,他们的道德哪儿去了?
    I wish that those teenagers would just stop all that hanky panky and behave, where are their morals?

  • 我真希望这些十几岁的小孩不再做偷鸡摸狗的事情了,他们的道德哪儿去了?。
    I wish that those teenagers would just stop all that hanky panky and behave, where are their morals?.

  • 绝大部份魔法世界对麻瓜所做的偷鸡摸狗事情,是将魔法隐藏,好保护麻瓜他们。
    Most of the clandestine activities of the wizarding world were to conceal their powers from the muggles for their own protection, rather than for the disguising any improper purposes.

  • 这是一句赞扬的话,指人很精明,狡猾。也指暗中寻欢的人,暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人。
    This is actually a complement. A sly dog is clever and sneaky.

  • 反而是那些偷鸡摸狗、经常闯红灯的驾驶人,他们常常投机成功,却没有被员警抓到。
    Those who do evil doing, such as those doing theft or breaking traffic rule, often are lucky and escape from police.

  • 在庞大警力下所维持的宁静都是暂时的,而一到阴暗处就偷鸡摸狗,这样的社会是不足取的。
    A peaceful society is maintained under powerful police, it is temporary. Once in the dark corner, thief prevails. Such society is unworthy being stayed.

  • 由于当时年景不好,很多人生活十分困难,有些人不得已铤而走险,干一些偷鸡摸狗的勾当。
    Because of the lean years, a lot of people were badly off. Some of them had no alternative but to take a risk in desperation to do evils.

  • 现年20岁的张某,定海临城人,初中毕业后,一直游手好闲,缺钱花时经常干些偷鸡摸狗的事。
    Zhang, now 20-year-old, Lincheng Dinghai, graduated from junior high school, which has been idle, lack of money to spend more time doing the regular Toujimogou.

  • 我将教训这些不信上帝,偷鸡摸狗的巫师巫婆:他们竟敢在国王的法律惩罚他们可恶的同伙时破坏国王的法律。
    I will teach these misbelieving, thieving sorcerers to interfere with the King's justice, when it has visited any of their accursed race.

  • 南非总统纳尔逊·曼德拉小时候也干过“偷鸡摸狗”的勾当呢?不过,曼德拉日前亲口承认,自己小时候曾当过偷猪贼。
    Nelson Mandela regaled the cast of an Oscar-winning gangster film yesterday with tales of his own teenage years as a pig thief.

  • 偷鸡摸狗造句相关
