
偷梁换柱  tōu liáng huàn zhù








  • 不是所有的奢华品牌都在偷梁换柱
    Not all luxury brands do the bait and switch.

  • 盖某生乃某乙之侄,偷梁换柱之徒亦乙也。
    Health is a certain element of a person B, B is also only the substitution.

  • 一是将建筑面积与实用面积混淆,偷梁换柱
    First, the construction area and the saleable area of confusion substitution.

  • “攀钢系”偷梁换柱?
    "Department of Panzhihua Iron and Steel" tacit?

  • 放在皇宫的项链先是被偷梁换柱,后来又被转移。
    The necklace placed in the palace is replaced first and displaced later.

  • 该商城的做法,不过是偷梁换柱,挂羊头卖狗肉而已。
    The Mall practice, but is substitution, crying up wine and selling vinegar.

  • 同样,单元柜计价也会出现偷梁换柱不易被察觉的漏洞。
    Same, unit ark valuation also can appear the flaw that perpetrate a fraud is aware of not easily.

  • 偷梁换柱”的伎俩在一些地方大行其道,而且愈演愈烈。
    "substitution" tricks in some places run, and more.

  • 这个叫做偷梁换柱,实行投降之前的思想准备或舆论准备。
    This is "stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timbers"--preparing the public mind for their projected capitulation.

  • 这类不诚信的销售行为主要表现在销售中以次充好、偷梁换柱
    This kind not the sale action of sincere letter basically behaves shoddy in the sale, perpetrate a fraud.

  • 子有师,甚器子,阴告曰:此乃某生偷梁换柱之计也,需如此这般。
    Son of a teacher, a device son, Yin Gaoyue : This is a substitution of Health also required so.

  • 付款之后、离店之前再检查一遍商品(有些商店趁你不注意时偷梁换柱、以次充好!
    Check the product again after you have paid and before you leave the store (some stores give you a cheaper model when you are not looking!

  • 虽然这是出于体积考虑而“偷梁换柱”的无奈之举,但跟软件防抖相比,其效果也要明显很多。
    Although it is a volume considered "tacit" upset, but compared with the Anti-shake software, the effect should also clear a lot.

  • 一公司负责建材、卫浴洁具采购的主管人士向记者透露,这种“偷梁换柱”的策略被开发商采用甚多。
    a company building materials, bathroom fittings to reporters that the person responsible for procurement, This "substitution" strategy used by many developers.

  • 但是,这句话,他却没有说出口——而且,如果他是在窜改自己的话,那么,这就是他偷梁换柱的办法。
    But he didn't say that — and if he was garbling his words, there was method in his garble.

  • 因为他们最大的担心,莫过于施工队将材料偷梁换柱,以次充好,所以宁可自己辛苦点,亲力亲为买个放心;
    Because their greatest fear, is the construction material substitution will, nor, so they prefer hard point, attend to the job ever assured;

  • 如果产品果真有这般实效,如此宣传也未尝不可,可若都像重庆这个商家这样偷梁换柱地恶搞,这质量恐怕就玄乎了。
    If the products are really so effective, so there is propaganda, as if all this business so tacit Chongqing to spoof, which I am afraid the quality of the Xuanhu.

  • 另一类似的诡计是所谓的“偷梁换柱”广告,也就是说消费者所见的是一种产品(饵)而实际买到的却是另一种产品。
    A similar trick is used in so-called" bait-and-switch" ads, that is the customer is shown one product( the bait) and then given another.

  • 小一点儿的孩子可以采用“偷梁换柱”的方法,如在他玩的时候或给他喂果汁的中间插入药物,孩子可能不会注意到;
    The young a little child may use "perpetrates a fraud" the method, if plays in him or to him feeds the fruit juice the middle insertion medicine, the child possibly will not note;

  • 正是这种偷梁换柱的手段使其成功的躲避了应该缴纳的税收科目和款项,从而造成国家征收房地产企业的税收严重流失。
    It is this substitution means that the successful use of tax subjects and should pay money, thus creating a state of the real estate business tax serious loss.

  • 买期房可以降低价格,但消费者必然要承担一定风险,风险包括发生烂尾的风险,包括偷梁换柱的风险,包括降低质量的风险。
    Buying auction can lower prices, consumers will have to bear a certain risk, including the risk of termination risks, including the substitution risks, including the risk of lowering the quality.

  • 所有这些过程,司法部门都是在全世界人民的众目睽睽之下,表现出遮遮掩掩、躲躲闪闪、偷梁换柱、改头换面,让人看了无所不用其极。
    In the process of coping with these situations, the judicial departments behaved furtively and deceived the world in the broad daylight.

  • 如市场上的一些“红木”、“柚檀木”、“金丝木”等其实不过是被东南亚杂木偷梁换柱,经过染色、砂光、刮腻子、淋漆、美化包装而成的。
    If the market some "red" and "grapefruit Tanmu", "gold wood, " but in fact was Southeast Asia winds substitution, after dyeing, Shaguang, Guanizi, drip painting, landscaping by the packaging.

  • 偷梁换柱造句相关
