
假手于人  jiǎ shǒu yú rén







  • 原始撑起自己的一生,不会假手于人
    Primitive people propped up their own lives, not prosthetic hand on you.

  • 假手于人并不表示你在财务管理上失去自主权,一切任由理财专员为你决定。
    Ask somebody else does not mean you have lost in financial management autonomy Commissioner for financial management of all let you decide.

  • 我的女儿──民的罪罚,比索多玛的还重,索多玛顷刻间倾覆了,并非假手于人
    The punishment of my people is greater than that of Sodom, which was overthrown in an instant, without a helping hand.

  • 我的女儿──民的罪罚,比索多玛的还重,索多玛顷刻间倾覆了,并非假手于人
    For the punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of Sodom, which was overturned suddenly without any hand falling on her.

  • 我的女儿──民的罪罚,比索多玛的还重,索多玛顷刻间倾覆了,并非假手于人
    The punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the penalty of Sodom, Which was overthrown in an instant without the turning of a hand.

  • 我的女儿──民的罪罚,比索多玛的还重,索多玛顷刻间倾覆了,并非假手于人
    Vau. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and hands took nothing in her.

  • 所谓「文如其」、「艺品即品」,王玉花博士生性勤劳,生活简朴,即使病中,她的日常生活仍自行打理,不愿假手
    It is said that a person's creations are a reflection of his or her character. Dr. Yuhua Wang has always been a very diligent person who leads a simple life.

  • 结果将把接受试验的的本身自我意识进行转移—认为真手成了假手,这类似一个口技表演在让他的玩偶“说话”时所造成的感知转移。
    The result is to redirect the subject's sense of self from his real hand to the rubber hand in a way analogous to the redirection employed by a ventriloquist when he makes his dummy "speak".

  • 假手于人造句相关


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