
众所周知  zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī







  • 由于众所周知的原因, 两国人民间的关系中断了20多年。
    Owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two people were suspended for over twenty years.

  • 众所周知华侨是刻苦耐劳的。
    It is generally known that the overseas Chinese are a hardworking lot.

  • 众所周知,食物给我们提供能量。
    As we know , food gives us energy.

  • 兩人的表演才能都是众所周知的。
    The acting abilities of both are well-known.

  • 偶还想告诉你们一个众所周知的传说。
    I also want to tell you a well-known legend.

  • 复活节游行是众所周知的一种时装展览。
    The Easter promenade is well known as a fashion show.

  • 众所周知,台湾是中国不可分割的部分。
    Taiwan is part of China, as is known to all.

  • 在欧洲,丹麦王子复仇的故事是众所周知的。
    The revenge story of Demark prince is well known in Europe.

  • 众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。
    As we known, competition and cooperation is a hot topic in this society.

  • 众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。
    As everyone knows, competition and cooperation is the hot topic in this modern society.

  • 这些下降的神就是印度传统众所周知的阿瓦塔(化身)。
    These divine descents are the well-known avatar as of the Hindu tradition.

  • 众所周知,每个孩子都有无限的成功潜能以及爱的能力。
    It recognizes that every child has limitless potential for success and limitless capacity for love.

  • 众所周知,孩子在许多问题上,想法与他们的家长是不同的。
    As we all know, children think differently from their parents on lots of issues.

  • 他们宣誓独身,但众所周知的是也曾经有人犯下轻率的举动。
    They are sworn to celibacy, as well, though indiscretions have been known to happen.

  • 她有一个众所周知的坏脾气,被激怒时就开始大叫并摔盘子。
    She has a notoriously bad temper and when angered will start yelling and throwing dishes.

  • 而不是众所周知的蓝色罩覆盖旁观者将面临的这一独特的红色。
    Instead of the well-known blue cowl covering onlookers will be confronted by this unique red one.

  • 众所周知,那些官方的谎言在我们的历史书里常常与真理混为一谈。
    Often the official lies, as you know, are confused in our history books with the truth.

  • 众所周知,英国是一个高度工业化的国家,而农业也扮演着重要的角色。
    Britain is a highly industrialized country as we know, yet its agriculture plays an important role too.

  • 众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其他许多有用的东西。
    As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things.

  • 但是事实上,我不知道这个问题的答案,意思是说这还不是众所周知的事情。
    But the fact that I don't know the answer means to say that it is not public knowledge.

  • 第三种力就是众所周知的扭转力,或者称为转矩,因为它趋于使一个物体扭转。
    A third force is known as a torsional force, or a torque since it tends to twist an object.

  • 中文摘要众所周知的,时域有限差分法用来解决电磁的问题是一个很好的分析工具。
    It is well known that the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is a powerful numerical analysis tool for solving electromagnetic problems.

  • 众所周知,每个行业的发展状况都会随着经济环境的变化而变化,包装行业也不例外。
    As we all know, the development of the city along with the economic environment in the packaging industry is no exception.

  • 芯片制造商规划新一代的微处理器通常依赖于一个叫摩尔定律的众所周知的经验规律。
    Chip-manufacturers planning the next generation of microprocessors commonly rely on a well-known empirical regularity known as Moore's Law.

  • 众所周知,我们笑是因为我们发现有事情很幽默,但是我们觉得事情比较幽默的原因不同。
    Most agree that we laugh when we find something to be humorous, yet different reasons exist for what we find to be humorous.

  • 蜘蛛毒素会引起休克,瘫痪和死亡已经众所周知,但它们是如何引起这些痛苦的还所知甚少。
    While spider toxins that lead to shock, paralysis, and death are well studied, far less is known about how spider venoms cause pain.

  • 人类历史上最杰出的事业是由亚历山大大帝创造的,也就是众所周知的马其顿王国的亚历山大。
    The most extraordinary career in the history of mankind is the one of Alexander the Great, also well known as Alexander of Macedonia.

  • 太过苏梅岛是众所周知的国际旅游者的十字路口/中转站,也是一个许多各民族的移民定居的地方。
    Samui is well known as a travelers' international crossroads, and is also a place where a number of expats of all nationalities have settled.

  • 虽然她要求她手下的男性演员扮演女性角色,女性演员扮演男性角色,但是众所周知她自己二者都能扮演。
    Though she required her male actors to play female roles and her female actors to play that of the males, she was known for playing roles of either gender.

  • 众所周知,最大的船是泰坦尼克号,但它还是沉没了,所以最好的船依旧是友谊。我爱我的朋友正如我自己的双眼。
    We all know the biggest ship is Titanic but it sank, so the best ship is still friendship. I love my friends just as to like my own eyes .

  • 众所周知造句相关
