
以身殉职  yǐ shēn xùn zhí








  • 去年春上到北戴河,后来到北京工作,不幸以身殉职
    Last year, Google arrived in Beidaihe, then it down to Beijing. Unfortunately, working in Beijing later died in harness.

  • 已有四名消防员以身殉职,政府官员称这是一场纵火案。
    Four firefighters have died already and officials say it is arson.

  • 美国将永远不会忘记那些以身殉职的男女将士,将永远铭记他们。
    And America will never forget the ones who have fallen -- men women last seen doing their duty, whose names we will honor forever.

  • 美国将永远不会忘记那些以身殉职的男女将士,我们将永远铭记他们。
    And America will never forget the ones who have fallen —— men and women last seen doing their duty, whose names we will honor forever.

  • 枣宜会战中以身殉职的国民党将军是第三十三集团军总司令张自忠将军。
    Date should be the line of duty in the Battle of the Kuomintang generals Zhang commander-in-chief is the 33rd army generals.

  • 伟大的共产主义战士张思德同志1944年在陕西安塞县窑中烧炭时,因炭窑崩塌以身殉职
    Great communistic soldier Comrade Zhang Saide filled in in Xi'an of short for Shaanxi Province 1944 when charcoal is being burned in prefectural kiln, because charcoal kiln collapses, die at his post.

  • 英国传教士柏格理22岁来到中国,1915年在石门坎护理受伤寒传染的苗民时不幸以身殉职
    British Missionary Samuel Pollard came to China at the age of 22, and died at his post in 1915 when he was nursing the infected Miao villagers at Stone Gateway.

  • 以身殉职造句相关
