
从天而降  cóng tiān ér jiàng








  • 待财富从天而降的人三餐不继。
    He who waits upon fortune is never sure of dinner.

  • 他们向这个从天而降的怪物发起了攻击。
    They attacked the monster that had fallen from the sky.

  • 作为值日生的你要截住从天而降的水果。
    As the attendant stopped you from heaven fruit.

  • 怜悯就像从天而降的甘霖。
    Mercy falls like the gentle rain from heaven.

  • 上面是发怒的天空——雨水伴着闪电从天而降
    Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played.

  • 这个英国女孩从天而降,真的是个不好的征兆吗?
    Is Naomi, the British woman who parachuted from above, really bad news?

  • 不付出血汗,希冀成绩会从天而降,那是幻想。(苏步青)
    Without hard work, it is a mere illusion to expect that achievements will fall from the sky.

  • 突然,一直蛾鹰悄无声息地从天而降,一口叼起变色龙就走。
    Then abruptly a silent moth hawk swooped down from the sky and caught the chameleon in its beak.

  • 气象学家表示他们对于一连串动物从天而降的现象也很疑惑。
    Meteorologists admit they are bewildered by a spate of incidents in which the creatures appear to have fallen from the sky.

  • 给他们降下玛纳使他们有饭吃,给他们赏赐了从天而降的粮食。
    God rained manna upon them for food; bread from heaven he gave them.

  • 它就像一道从天而降的瀑布,猛烈地阻隔河流中正常连续流动的水流。
    It is the waterfall that interrupts violently the peaceful continuous flow of the river's water.

  • 巨大的破坏力在喜玛拉雅地区释放,恰恰印证了女神从天而降的那种威势。
    A destructive power is unleashed across the Himalaya, one that echoes the descent of Ganga from the heavens.

  • 妻子说想环游世界。仙女挥了挥手,各色机票从天而降,瞬间堆满了妻子的手。
    The wife wanted to travel around the world, The fairy waved her hand, and Boom! She had the air tickets in her hands.

  • 幽灵天使从天而降,严惩你周围的敌人,然后短暂逗留威胁著敌人做成更多伤害。
    Spectral angels swoop down to attack the foes around you and then linger briefly, threatening to inflict further damage.

  • 你们需要更多的钱,但你们不能指望钱会从天而降;你们能做的就是更加努力工作。
    You need more money but you can't rely on pennies from heaven. You'll just have to work harder.

  • 在孩子幼小的心目中,一个从天而降然后飘然而去的叔叔,难道不是天使的化身吗?
    In a child's heart, is not an uncle, who emerges unexpectedly like falling from heaven and disappears like being taken away by wind, an angle?

  • 此时,一辆卡车正好从后边开到那辆汽车边上,司机看见一块蛋糕从天而降,紧急刹车。
    Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden.

  • 我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降、预备好了、就如新妇妆饰整齐、等候丈夫。
    And I saw the holy town, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, like a bride made beautiful for her husband.

  • 我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降,预备好了,就如新妇妆饰整齐,等候丈夫。
    I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

  • 我又看见圣城新耶路撒冷由神那里从天而降、预备好了、就如新妇妆饰整齐、等候丈夫。
    And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

  • 这些湖泊的可能来源,若不是存在地底的液体,就是蒸发之后从天而降的碳氢化合物雨。
    The lakes may fill up either from liquid stored underground or through evaporation and subsequent hydrocarbon rain.

  • 很久以前的一个冬天,鹅毛大雪从天而降,一个美丽的皇后坐在镶有檀木窗户的旁边缝着衣服。
    Long, long ago, in the winter-time, when the snowflakes were falling like little white feathers from the sky, a beautiful Queen sat beside her window, which was framed in black ebony, and stitched.

  • 德军方面认同艾森豪威尔和布莱德利看法,即鲁登道夫大桥是个从天而降的最具威胁的战略要点。
    The Germans agreed with Eisenhower and Bradley that the Ludendorff Bridge was suddenly the most critical strategic spot in Europe.

  • 一个莫名其妙被邻居讬孤的女子葛洛莉,带著从天而降的小男孩,偶然展开了躲避追杀的逃亡之旅。
    However, his six-year-old Puerto Rican son, Phil, escapes with Gloria, a neighbor who was a former girlfriend of one of the gangsters.

  • 据传说,国旗是在“林达尼兹(现爱沙尼亚首都塔林)战役”中从天而降的,并且给丹麦人带来了好运气。
    According to legend, fell from the sky during the Battle of Lyndanisse (now Tallinn) in Estonia, and turned the Danes' luck.

  • 但是事实毕竟摆在这里,当你独自一个骑行于路上的时候,一心想着自己的事务,这本书从天而降,把你打到了马下。
    But truth be told, you were simply riding down the path, minding your own business, when it fell out of the sky and knocked you clean off your horse.

  • 贝林达在考虑换个工作,这时有个升级机会从天而降,因此她抓住了那个机会,继续干了下去,工资要比以前高了许多。
    Belinda was thinking of changing jobs when this chance of promotion dropped in her lap, so she took it and stayed on at a much higher salary.

  • 黑石氏族剑圣:愚蠢的圣骑士!我黑石氏族的巫师已经预言!不久恶魔将从天而降,这个可悲世界将会陷入燃烧的火海!
    Blademaster of Blackrock Clan: Paladin fool! The warlocks of the Blackrock clan have spoken! Soon demons will rain from the sky, and this wretch world will burn!

  • 至于所谓的“意外”――卡车拐过街角撞来、砖头从天而降――学着面对每个这种事件,当它是一个更大拼图的一小部分吧。
    As for the so-called "accident"—the truck coming around the bend, the brick falling from the sky—learn to greet each such incident as a small part of a larger mosaic.

  • “举起手来不准动!”一声严厉的命令从天而降震耳欲聋四位身穿风衣的彪形大汉把我们团团围住这时已是第二天凌晨三点了。
    "Hands up! Don't move! " all of a sudden the sharp orders stunned us. Four sturdy men wearing top coats surrounded us. It was o'clock in the morning the next day.

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