
人尽其才  rén jìn qí cái








  • 不能人尽其才,才是最可悲的。
    Cannot be fully utilized, it is most unfortunate.

  • 在美国最大浪费就是未使人尽其才
    The greatest waste in America is failure to use the abilities of people.

  • 从而使企业真正做到人尽其才,才尽其用。
    So that the business really the best use of them before they make the best use.

  • 让每个人都人尽其才
    Let every man so his best.

  • 通过发挥人尽其才的方法,配合业务计划的成功。
    Partner the business in achieving its plans through achieving the best from their people.

  • 促进人力资本的市场化合理配置,人尽其才、才尽其用。
    To promote the progress of the marketing of human resources capital, Every talent finds his/her proper position.

  • 促进人力资本的市场化合理配置,人尽其才、才尽其用。
    To promote reasonable distribution of human resource capital according to the market demands.

  • 在国际工程项目中,如何实现人尽其才,是管理中的重点。
    How to use men to their best advantage is the focus of international project management.

  • 人们普片认为,澳大利亚社会崇尚人尽其才,充分实现自我。
    It is commonly hold that in Australia people made (what they could) of themselves , given their abilities.

  • 让每一位员工都人尽其才,不断开发和提供客户珍视的服务;
    to allow everyone to make the best use, and constantly develop and provide customers with cherished services;

  • 人们普片认为,澳大利亚社会崇尚人尽其才,充分实现自我。
    It is commonly held that in Australia people make what they could (be/become) of themselves , given their abilities.

  • 所以我到各个公司讲解怎么保持自己的人际关系,怎么人尽其才
    And so I go out I teach them how to maintain their people skills; how to get the most from people.

  • 所以我到各个公司讲解怎么保持自己的人际关系,怎么人尽其才
    And so I go out and I teach them how to maintain their people skills; how to get the most from people.

  • 所以我到各个公司讲解怎麽保持自己的人际关系,怎麽人尽其才
    And so I go out and I teach them how to maintain their people skills; how to get the most from people.

  • 水帮鱼,鱼帮水,这样才能人尽其才、地尽其利、物尽其用、货畅其流。
    Water holds fish, and fish fresh the water. Only when we are ready to help, we makes the best use of things.

  • 优秀员工是我们公司最宝贵的资产,我们必须以人才为本,做到人尽其才,奖励优秀。
    Great people, allowed to grow at the pace of their talent and compensated accordingly, are the most valuable assets of our company.

  • 作为税务代理行业的管理者,在人力资源管理方面必须做到:量才、适才、人尽其才
    Regard duty Wu as the controller of acting industry, the respect manages to must accomplish in manpower resource: The target;

  • 房地产企业切忌搞世袭制或近亲“繁殖”,各类专业人才要做到人尽其才,才尽其用。
    Shun hereditary system in the real estate business or close relatives "breeding" of professionals to be put before use.

  • 人力资源挖潜的本质就是人尽其才、人尽其用,它不同于以提高能力为目的的人力开发。
    Manpower resource digs going essence is the person uses up his ability, person uses up his to use, it is different from the manpower that is a purpose with increasing capacity to develop.

  • 企业员工管理的目的就是为组织在合适的时机,提供合适的人力资源支持,并使人尽其才
    The aim of managing employees is to provide right human in right time for the company and to let them work at their best.

  • 老一套的态度,即员工听从指挥,而不能自做主张或独断独行,常常使得员工不能人尽其才
    The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make decisions or act on their own initiative leads to underused people.

  • 选人的目的自然是为了用人,在实践中考察人、使用人,能够人尽其才也就成了用人的根本。
    The purpose of choosing people for the sake of management in nature, as a practical matter in people, users can get the best became the foundation of personnel.

  • 负责所有与相关部门有关的HR问题和项目,通过员工们的人尽其才配合运营单位的领导人完成他们的目标。
    Responsible for all HR issues and initiatives relating to PF, IT, Legal, partnering the business unit leaders in achieving their plans through achieving the best from their people.

  • “员工是企业最大的财富”、“以人为本”、“用人为贤,人尽其才,才有所用”,这是企业核心的人才观。
    "The employees are the best wealth of the enterprise…. " "To be honest, to do our best…" These are the beliefs of our company.

  • 医院欲适应新形势、新情况的需要,就要在认识和观念上进行根本转变;创造拴心留人、人尽其才的工作环境;
    In order to catch up with the new situation, the leaders of the hospital should change the way they think and be well-prepared in mind.

  • 负责所有与PF,IT,法律有关的HR问题和项目,通过员工们的人尽其才配合运营单位的领导人完成他们的目标。
    Responsible for all HR issues and initiatives relating to PF, IT, Legal, partnering the business unit leaders in achieving their plans through achieving the best from their people.

  • 在我们所处的时代,我们知道我们需人尽其才集思广益。我们更应不断开拓新天地,超越经常使我们分道扬镳的分歧。
    In the times that we face, we know we don't have a person to waste, we don't have an idea to overlook.

  • 公司坚持“以人为本”的管理思想,我们深信,只有人尽其才,充分发挥每一个人的优势,企业才能持续发展,不断进步。
    The company insists the people oriented management thought. We resolutely believe the enterprise can have sustainable development as long as bringing into full play each one's ability.

  • 因此,我们要以情感为出发点,根据实际需求以求得个人潜力的发挥和积极性的增强,以达到人尽其才,才尽其用,事竟其功的良好效果。
    So we should start with the emotions to develop their potential and strengthen their positivity according to the actual demands.

  • 人才是企业的核心竞争力,公司尊崇每一位人才,积极实施“人才资源配备最佳化、个人价值最大化”的人才战略,以实现“人尽其才、物尽其用”的目标。
    We established "organize human resource in the best way, extend personal value in maximum" as our strategy; treated "making good use of everybody" as our goal.

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