
亲密无间  qīn mì wú jiàn








  • 我们从小亲密无间,常常共读一书。
    We had been intimate from children, and had read the same books together.

  • 我与朋友之间总是亲密无间
    I am near to my friends always.

  • 若伤害你的朋友亲密无间
    If a close friend hurts you.

  • 相处一月之友,亲密无间
    Remaining together for a month brings the closeness of relatives.

  • 不幸的是你们很难达到真正的亲密无间
    Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for them to achieve intimacy.

  • 不幸的是,你们很难达到真正的亲密无间
    Unfortunately, this makes it difficult for them to achieve intimacy.

  • 大卫和乔纳森亲密无间
    David and Jonathan were knit in friendship.

  • 玛丽和杰克亲密无间
    Mary and Jack stick together like fun.

  • 破裂的友谊可以重归于好,但绝不会亲密无间
    A broken friendship may be soldered but will never be sound.

  • 本周被逮捕的人中都是哈塔米先生亲密无间的顾问。
    Several of those arrested this week were Mr Khatami's close advisers.

  • 在达到肉体的亲密无间之前,你们必须经过一个初级阶段。
    Is reached before physical intimacy, you have to go through a preliminary stage.

  • 有谁能够告诉我们。为什么我们不能成为亲密无间的朋友?
    Can some one tell us why we can not just be friends?

  • 大喜乐--竭力的认识耶稣基督:毕生追求和神的亲密无间
    An overcoming joy - Pressing on to know Jesus Christ: a lifetime pursuit of intimacy with God.

  • 然而你爱一个女人四年,四年之中你同她亲密无间,分享一切。
    Chandler: … You , however have had the love of a woman for four years.

  • 我不一定是你最心仪的人,但我们一定能成为亲密无间的朋友。
    I not necessarilyam the person which you most admires, but we certainly can become the intimate friend.

  • 这种紧张心理是由于和父母缺乏亲密无间的相互了解而产生的。
    And the tension behind teenagers' attitudes comes from a lack of close understanding with their parents.

  • 有一次,我们梦见彼此竟是陌生人。醒来时,才发现我们本是亲密无间
    Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.

  • 爱是一种积极的、自适应的情感,包括一种与他人亲密无间的渴望和亲合力。
    It is a positive and adaptive emotion, which involves an affinity and desire for closeness with another human being.

  • 我们通常所说的朋友和友谊是由心灵相通的机遇相联结的频繁交往与亲密无间
    Those we ordinarily call friends and pities, are but acquaintances and familiarities, tied together by some occasion or commodities, by means whereof our minds are entertained.

  • 若伤害你的朋友原本是亲密无间的。你无论如何也无法释怀。记住,还有我的双手。
    If a close friend hurts you, and you don't understand . Remember I'm here , I'll lend a helping hand.

  • 一句「把酒话桑麻」,就把你爱田家那种亲密无间的感情,演绎得比东篱菊更精彩。
    A line of "drinking while talking about farming" explains your intimate feeling to farmers more excellently than does the poem of plucking chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge.

  • 这种亲密无间并不意味着持续地呆在一起,因为距离和分别在爱的关系中有时是必要的。
    This closeness does not imply a continual"togetherness, "for distance and separation are sometimes essential in a loving relationship.

  • 但和朋友一起的,尤其是和你无话不谈亲密无间的朋友一起,这样的步行就有全新的意义。
    But with a friend, particularly one with whom you hae shared things no one else should know, it takes on a whole new meaning.

  • 您一直是我们的好老师,更是我们亲密无间的朋友。感谢您为我们所做的一切。让我们最真诚地谢谢您!
    You have always been a good teacher and our intimate friend. Thank you for all that you have done for us. Thank you sincerely!

  • 小说还用锐利的笔调描写了有关女性友谊的问题——是什么使她们亲密无间,又是什么使她们分道扬镳
    The novel is particularly illuminating and incisive on the subject of female friendship, on what draws girls and women together and then drives them apart.

  • 对两个人能够如同一个人演奏,这不仅是对人的能力及可能性的惊人证明,而且是对人的亲密无间的证明。
    For two people to be able to play as one is an amazing demonstration of not only human capability and possibility, but of human intimacy.

  • 我梦想有一天,在一条长长的、绿树冠盖的林荫大道上,退休的金融家和努力奋斗的年轻人缓步同行,亲密无间
    I have a dream that one day on the long boulevard, the retired financier and the struggling youth walk together at the table of brotherhood.

  • 马克思与恩格斯在斗争中结下真诚而无私的友谊,使他们精诚合作,亲密无间,共同撰写了许多科学社会主义经典著作。
    Marx and Engels have forged in the struggle sincere and selfless friendship, so that they sincerely cooperate closely and co-authored a number of classics of scientific socialism.

  • 无论你是从事电视游戏业务,还是从事教育,或身为父母,理解孩子们为何与产生相互交流关系的软件如此亲密无间是尤为重要的。
    Whether you are in the video game business, the education business, or the parenting business, it's vital to understand why kids have such an affinity for interactive software.

  • 于是,他经常夜里偷偷的跑出去,也因此经历了许多的冒险奇遇,其中包括一场灾难,这场灾难改变了他与父亲之间的关系,使他们变得更加亲密无间
    He sneaks out night after night, and has several adventures, including a near tragedy that changes his relationship with his father and brings them closer together.

  • 亲密无间造句相关
