
举手投足  jǔ shǒu tóu zú




唐·韩愈《应科目时与人书》: “庸讵知有力者不哀其穷,而忘一举手一投足之劳而转之清波乎?”



  • 举手投足的恍惚刹那间,谁把韶光偷换,谁把流年暗藏?
    Trance the twinkling of an eye, who steal for the Shaoguang, who concealed the fleeting time?

  • 大地胎音,是我连绵不断的呼吸。举手投足,叩出世之门。
    Earth embryo sound, it is my continuous and ceaseless breath.

  • 女人啊当妳来回操持家务时妳的举手投足如山涧在小卵石间轻歌。
    Woman when you move about in your household service your limbs sing like a hill stream among its pebbles.

  • 不要将自己想得太美,你的美丽完全在你的那举手投足间流露出来。
    Don't try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

  • 行善要日日行、时时行,不断去行,哪怕是举手投足也要存有一分善念。
    Good deeds must be done daily, at every moment, ever continuous. Even the simplest conducts need to contain a measure of virtuous thought.

  • 人的起心动念,就是善恶业的因;日用之间的举手投足,就是因的萌芽。
    Our every thought is a cause of good or bad karma, and our daily activities are the sprouts of these causes.

  • 要利用所有的机会,甚至举手投足、一言一笑,来破坏他们的传统价值观。
    it is necessary to make use of all resources, even Jushoudouju, in a word and smile, to the destruction of their traditional values.

  • 第九,要利用所有的资源,甚至举手投足,一言一笑,来破坏他们的传统价值。
    Ninth, we must use all our resources, even our every behavior, every words and every smiles, to damage their traditional value.

  • 他们或许穿着极为简单的服饰,但他们在举手投足间都透露着一种尊贵的气质。
    They can even dress in very simple attires, but their gestures and the way they behave will imply their prosperity.

  • 这……这还是自己昨天认识的那个举手投足谈话聊天之间都充满了优雅的大小姐吗?
    This…… this is their understanding that yesterday's chat between Jushoudouju were full of elegant Daixiaojie?

  • 面试中个人的举手投足,一颦一笑,都传递着特定的含义,直接影响着面试的结果。
    Interview the individual gestures, smiles, all convey a specific meaning, a direct impact on the results of the interview.

  • 这种从细微处着手的纪律管理,不仅严肃了军容,让军人在举手投足之间表现出庄严的气质;
    This kind from the discipline management which slight place begins, not only has enforced the military discipline, lets the serviceman between raises hand to step in displays the dignified makings;

  • 孩子们能敏锐地捕捉到你不经意间的举手投足,把你遗漏的百分之一的爱当成百分之百的关怀。
    Children will be able to quickly capture the you inadvertently, you put one per cent of the missing 100% of care as love.

  • 来自欧美菲律宾国家的资深外籍教师,全部经严格教师考核,风趣、负责、举手投足训练有素 。
    Senior foreign teachers from Europe, the United States and Philippines, , all were very stringent assessment, humorous, responsible, well-trained.

  • 美国人创造了一个不用举手投足就能过得舒舒服服的世界,为什么还是习惯于用各种方式放松自己呢?
    Why is it that, having created a world in which he could live without raising a hand or taking a step, the American habitually seeks ways of letting off steam?

  • 我对绿蒂的依恋,她的一蹙一颦、举手投足所给予我的热切的快乐,都增加了他的胜利,因而他更爱她。
    and my attachment to Charlotte, and the interest I take in all that concerns her, augment his triumph and his love.

  • 你们千万不要忘了,我们每个人时时刻刻都在和文明交谈,每个人的举手投足之间都传递着丰富的文明信息。
    You must not forget that each of us all the time and civilizations in the conversation, each person transfer between the information rich civilizations.

  • 51岁的李月久依然健硕,胸围宽阔、臂膀发达,举手投足间,20多年前“自由体操王子”的风采依稀可见。
    51-year-old Lee is still on for a long time of strong build, broad chest, arm developed between Jushoutouzu 20 years ago, "Prince floor exercise, " the faintly visible presence.

  • 当时仍在花莲念书的安以轩,有着一头及肩的飘逸长发、一双圆亮晶澈的大眼,举手投足间,有着说不出的魅力。
    Hualien is still time to study the Xuan An, with a shoulder-length hair flowing in, a pair of round-the crystal Cheol big eyes, Jushoutouzu, could not have the charm.

  • 女孩子更多的被教导缝纫、歌唱,不是很好的法语,有时是德语,其它的一切都是为了使其举手投足如同淑女一般。
    It was more common for the girls to be trained to sew, to sing—but not too well—to speak French and sometimes German, and for the rest to conduct herself (sic) as a lady in every way.

  • 无数颗星星同时目睹着深邃的大海里每一朵浪花,你生活中的举手投足在时光的池塘里迭闪出缕缕不绝的层层涟漪。
    A million stars share in the creation of each wave in the sea and every action of your own life creates a never-ending ripple in the pool of time.

  • 要是我能在新千年将至之际,挑战一下人们的偏见,像是男人该怎么穿着打扮,怎么举手投足,那可真是妙事儿一桩。
    If I can challenge people's preconceptions of what a man is supposed to look and behave like at the end of the millennium, then that's extremely positive.

  • 她无休无止的流淌,她永远是最美丽的风景,是灵动的诗歌,是梦中的彩虹。曼妙的女人,举手投足间舞动你心中的情愫。
    She endless flow, she will always be the most beautiful scenery, is Smart's poetry, is the dream of the rainbow. Manmiao woman, Jushoutouzu between dancing your heart's sincerity.

  • 此时,她已经退休了,发丝间染上了大片大片的银白,他也苍老了许多,腰板不再挺直了,却依然掩不住举手投足间的气度。
    At this point, she had retired, and inter-hair infected with the large tracts of white, and he aged a lot no longer straight, but still not conceal tolerance between .

  • 李小龙演过陈真,甄子丹在亚视电视剧《精武门》里也演陈真,有网友评价,剧里的甄子丹举手投足和表情对白都在模仿李小龙。
    Bruce Lee played Chen, Yen ATV in the TV series "Fist of Fury" also play Chen, evaluation friends, play in the Yen Jushoutouzu expression and dialogue in imitation of Bruce Lee.

  • “我没有接受过任何医疗训练。有太多的东西需要我去学,甚至举手投足和当你说话时的样子都要做得让人信服才行,”他说道。
    "I don't have any training in medicine. And there's so much to learn, even just to get off the ground and be convincing when you say the words, " he said.

  • 眼前这个身高一米六五左右的女孩儿,无论说话还是举手投足,都那么内敛、谦和,富有教养,一点儿看不出存在任何耀眼的光环。
    The girl presented in 165 cm either her talk or her every act and every move was so restrained, humble, and well-cultivated, no one can see any dazzling aureole on her at all.

  • 在你能做到这一点时,你的所有心念、行为及谈吐都会在不知不觉中反映它们,你的每一句话,甚至你的举手投足都成为对整个世界的开示。
    When you can do that, all your thoughts, behaviors and speeches will reflect it without you knowing, your every word, even your every move becomes teaching to the whole world.

  • 专家们认为我们“无声的语言”表达的含义远远多于任何一次交谈中所用的词语,这些无声的语言包括:走路姿势、外表的细微变化、如何举手投足
    Experts believe that our "silent speech"-the way we move, small changes in appearance, posture and gestures-conveys far more meaning than the words in any conversation.

  • 中国号称“礼仪之邦”。到了清代,礼仪之风更盛,传统礼仪对于社会生活的各个方面,大到国家军政,小到衣食住行、举手投足,元不做出详尽的观定。
    In Qing Dynasty, manners were paid more attention than ever. From army and government to back and belly, every aspect of social life was specifically stipulated.

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