
两面三刀  liǎng miàn sān dāo








  • 两面三刀的人终归不会有好下场。
    Double-dealers will come to no good end.

  • 两面三刀的人,最终不会有好的下场。
    People on both sides, and ultimately there will be no good end.

  • 我开始了解你是怎样一个两面三刀的人。
    I'm beginning to learn how two faced you are.

  • 他是个两面三刀的人,他懂得怎么向领导阿谀谄媚。
    He is a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.

  • 这故事是说那些两面三刀的人,最终不会有好下场。
    He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends.

  • 他是个两面三刀的人,他懂得怎么向领导阿谀谄媚。
    He is a two-faced person, he know how to butter up the power.

  • 富人两面三刀巧取豪夺,既不怜悯也不帮助穷人。
    Rich men are capricious and exacting and do not pity and help the poor.

  • 他是一个两面三刀的人,他知道怎样向领导阿谀谄媚。
    He's a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.

  • 在竞选总统时,他的对手攻击他两面三刀,搞阴谋诡计。
    In the presidential campaign, his opponents attacked him duplicitous and engage in intrigue.

  • 比尔的哥正在两面三刀座大砖房之间建一座漂亮的房子。
    Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.

  • 他是一个两面三刀的人,他懂得的如何向领导阿谀谄媚。
    He's a two-faced person, he knows how to butter up those power.

  • 主回路:3极;辅助触头;两面三刀对常开常闭任意选用。
    Main Return Circuit:Triple ends, Auxiliary Contactor, Double pairs normal close type and normal open type to be selected.

  • 他跑进街道,过马路要看看两面三刀边,要不然是很危险的。
    He runs into the street. Look both ways before you cross the street. Or it's very dangerous.

  • 是的。我觉得生物和化学是两面三刀个紧密相联的研究领域。
    Yes. I think biology and chemistry are two closely related fields of study.

  • 请不要推。排成两面三刀排,男孩子在这儿,女孩子在那儿。
    No pushing, please. Make two lines, boys are/line up here, girls are/line up there.

  • 柱下两面三刀面各砌以石柱,柱中有孔,以要栓紧砌以固柱顶。
    Column under the surface of the block toping mian san dao pillars and columns have holes to bolt to a solid block capitals tight.

  • 我们非常憎恨布哈林那帮两面三刀、杀人破坏,干尽坏事的豺狼。
    We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of Bukharinite wreckers.

  • 他告诉妻子他爱她,但又背着她找小三儿。这个两面三刀的伪君子。
    He would tell his wife that he loved her while cheating on her with his mistress. The two-faced liar!

  • 把它们关在同一笼子几周之后,这两面三刀个动物开始彼此相互习惯。
    After many weeks of living in the same cage, the two animals became accustomed to each other.

  • 木栅栏外洞庭两面三刀侧,石碑林立,多数是大清年间重修洞宇时所立。
    Wooden fence outside the Dongting Liangmiansandao side of the stone buildings, most of the Qing Yu-year renovation when the legislation.

  • 不过我看每天乘车往返两面三刀地的人越来越少,因为这既费时又费钱。
    I see daily commuting diminishing, though, because of the cost in both time and money.

  • 金米:我爱这个男人,我绝不会把他让给一个两面三刀、型夸张的美食评论家。
    Kimmy Wallace: I love this man, and there is no way that I'm gonna give him up to some two-faced, big-haired food critic.

  • 事实上,保险公司和制药公司在打赌,认定奥巴马不敢揭露他们两面三刀的行为。
    The insurers and the drug companies are, in effect, betting that Mr. Obama will be afraid to call them out on their duplicity.

  • 历史上,黑龙潭曾两面三刀次被皇帝敕加“龙神”封号,使黑龙潭名列中国名泉之列。
    In the history, Black Dragon Pool was conferred the title of "God Dragon" by emperors for twice, becoming one of the famous springs of China.

  • 比尔愿出4000美元买我的车,也许有人会出更多,但有一只鸟在手胜过两面三刀只鸟在林子里。
    eg. Bill has offered to buy my car for $4000. Someone else might pay more, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  • 伊利丹:“阿卡玛……你的两面三刀并不让我感到意外。我早该把你和你那些畸形的同胞全部杀光。”
    Illidan: "Akama… your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago. ""

  • 大殿居中两面三刀旁南北讲堂相对,后殿凹壁,外角楼屹立,内壁绘制经文,可容纳500人礼拜会礼。
    Center hall next to the North-South Forumliang mian san dao relative, hou dian concave wall, standing outside the turret, wall drawing text, which could accommodate 500 people will worship ceremony.

  • 玄关兼具“换鞋场所”和“住家门面”两面三刀项重要功能,因此必须规范成具有机能性的个性化空间。
    Porch holds concurrently " the place that change a shoe " and " live appearance " double-dealing main function, accordingly must the standard becomes the personalized space that has functional sex.

  • 伊利丹:“阿卡玛……你的两面三刀并没有令我感到意外……我早应该把你和你那些畸形的同胞全部杀掉。”
    Illidan: Akama… your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago.

  • 伊利丹:“阿卡玛……你的两面三刀并没有令我感到意外……我早应该把你和你那些畸形的同胞全部杀掉……”
    Illidan: "Akama… your duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago. ""

  • 两面三刀造句相关
