
丝丝入扣  sī sī rù kòu






  • 有没有办法做到政策的丝丝入扣毫无缺口?
    There is no way to achieve the policy Sisirukou There is no gap?

  • 我能丝丝入扣地在自我当中感受角色之所在。
    I feel intimately inside myself where the role belongs.

  • 看似无次序的繁盛,犹如一张理性的网,丝丝入扣
    The bloom, looking without order, was as a sensible mesh with meticulous care.

  • 小西园优秀演师将泾河龙王的心情转折诠释得丝丝入扣
    The excellent performance by Xiao-Xi-Yan Troup interprets very flawlessly the mood transition of Jing-River Dragon King's!

  • 凯特布兰切特因其苍白的肤色和丝丝入扣的表演而闻名于世。
    CATE BLANCHETT is known for the pale beauty of her face and her vivid film performances.

  • 凯特·布兰切特因其苍白的冷艳美和丝丝入扣的表演而闻名于世。
    CATE BLANCHETT is known for the pale beauty of her face and her vivid film performances.

  • 分别在旧世界与新世界流传甚广的传说,居然丝丝入扣,我们怎麽解释?
    How can we explain the close matching of widespread traditions between the Old World and the New?

  • 刘烨也不负众望使出他最坏的演技,坏得“丝丝入扣”,让观众不寒而栗
    Liu Ye also not let people downs puts forth he worst performing skill, is bad "with meticulous care", lets the audience be afraid.

  • 秦海璐丝丝入扣地诠释出一个女人的复杂的心理轨迹,表演扎实不留痕迹。
    Qin Hailu Sisirukou interpretation of a woman's complex psychological track, solid performances without leaving any traces.

  • 但在一系列的运输丝丝入扣地编织成一个自成一体的体系后,运输便成为物流。
    But be in a series of after ground of carriage with meticulous care weaves the system that becomes an organic whole into one each, carry become content to flow.

  • 资本主义市场经济的内在本质决定了它和个人主义唇齿相依、丝丝入扣的紧密关系。
    The inherent essence of capitalist market economy has determined as dependent on each other as lips and teeth, close relation intricately woven together between it and individualism.

  • 夜上海浦东店典雅现代的外观设计与陆家嘴地区二十一世纪的都市时尚气息融合地丝丝入扣
    The elegantly modern exterior design of Pudong Night Shanghai converges metropolitan culture around Lujiazui area in the 21st century intimately.

  • 她的五官,披肩的褶皱,佩戴的首饰甚至是发丝都雕刻得丝丝入扣,生动地展现了女神的风貌。
    The facial features, the pleats of the shawl, the accessories she wears and even the hair are meticulously carved, presenting surprisingly vivid scenes.

  • 若是两位高手较量,劲力精微之处丝丝入扣,如齿轮相咬合,一方稍有不慎,即会受到致命的打击。
    If two masters dispute, strength subtle place with meticulous care, if the tooth lines on the feet and palms of buddha linking, a side slightly has carelessly, namely can come under the fatal attack.

  • 演员在其中通过富于表情的舞姿逐步展示出行动和故事情节,其动作更加自然,而舞蹈也和音乐丝丝入扣
    The action and story was developed through expressive dance, with the movements more natural and the dance harmonizing with the music.

  • 此外,新粒子的性质并不是随意规定的,它们的定义受严格的限制,因为新粒子必须与物理学既有的架构丝丝入扣
    The new particles do not have arbitrary properties, moreover— their definitions are tightly constrained, because the new particles must fit within the existing framework of physics.

  • 缪佳欣具备深厚的摄影的技术功底,虽是夜间摄影作品而细部仍丝丝入扣,艺术家对光线,暗部细节,照片颗粒等的处理细致入微。
    Miao Jiaxin has proficient photographic techniques. Although the pictures were taken at night, we can still see the details clearly. He gives the utmost attention to light, dark details and grains.

  • 这部影片的动作场面相当出色, 演员阵容算得强大。可惜情节发展不能丝丝入扣, 人物性格老生常谈, 使得其整体显得相当生硬。
    This is a film with solid choreography, a great cast and a potentially compelling plot that suffers from weak pacing and clichéd character development.

  • 我对你讲的这些,绝无夸大,也无粉饰,甚至可以说讲得平淡无味,极不生动,而且用的是我们历来习惯的一本正经的言辞,所以也就不能讲得丝丝入扣
    This story is neither exaggerated nor embellished: indeed, I have weakened and impaired it in the narration, by the necessity of using the more refined expressions of society.

  • 丝丝入扣造句相关
