
不闻不问  bù wén bù wèn







  • 某些领导对这些事实不闻不问
    Some leaders shut their eyes to the fact.

  • 他对于一切求助的呼声都不闻不问
    He shut his ears to all appeals for help.

  • 同志们有困难我们不能不闻不问
    We can't remain indifferent when any comrade is in difficulty.

  • 在他需要人关心的时候我不闻不问
    When he needed help i even never asked .

  • 我们不能对这件不公平的事不闻不问
    We should not pass over this unfair thing in silence.

  • 他粗暴无礼,我再也不能不闻不问了。
    I can't ignore his rudeness any longer.

  • 你怎么能对一个受伤的战士不闻不问呢?
    How can you turn away from a soldier who was wounded?

  • 他总是拿忙当藉口,对家人不闻不问的。
    He always uses his work as an excuse to ignore his family.

  • 房客垫资维修房屋后,房东却不闻不问
    Housing tenants underwritten repair, the landlord has neglected.

  • 税务持续上涨的时候,官员们不闻不问
    Officials sit on their hands as taxes keep increasing.

  • 不闻不问,不想不见…倘若真的有人能做到…
    Someone has disappeared without leaving me a message.

  • 赚钱对他来说是最重要的,他对孩子根本不闻不问
    Making money is all the world for him and he couldn't care less for his children.

  • 达赖喇嘛明明知情已经好几年了,却一直不闻不问
    The Dalai Lama has known about this for years and done nothing.

  • 对于周遭正发生的事情,你不能不闻不问,不加理会。
    You can't close your eyes to what has been happening.

  • 他再次承诺废除《联邦婚姻保障法》和“不闻不问”政策。
    He promised anew to repeal DOMA and "don't ask, don't tell".

  • 可是左翼分子非法占用智利大学电视台时,当局却不闻不问
    When leftists seized and illegally operated the University of Chile's TV station, the authorities turned a blind eye.

  • 当别人告诉你某事行不通的时候,有时不闻不问是更好的办法;
    Sometimes it's better not to ask or to listen -- when people tell you something can't be done.

  • 劳拉:哦对,就是你的父母把鳄鱼冲进厕所,从此再也不闻不问了。
    Laura/as Bambi: Oh yeah. You are the lamb boy whose parents flushed the alligator down the toilet and haven't thought of it since.

  • 如今雅加达有了新的民主政府,建筑商对市民们所关注的问题不再不闻不问
    Today with a new democratic government in Jakarta, builders are more responsive to citizens' concerns.

  • 目前,不少项目是先建楼后造景,然后关起大门,对社区外的环境不闻不问
    At present, many projects were built, after the first run, and then lock the doors to the community, the environment remained.

  • 就算你对历史不闻不问,住在“马歇尔公馆”,仍可感受时代那股独特的气派。
    Even if you do not care about the history of living in "Marshall mansion, " You can still feel the era unique style.

  • 如果欧洲的选民们对议员们的挥霍不闻不问,那是因为人们认为他们根本一无是处。
    If Europe's voters are indifferent to the excesses of MEPs, it is because nobody thinks they are in charge of very much at all.

  • 新兴市场的银行讲这些新的行为虽然利润不多,但是如果不闻不问他们就将注定错过。
    Emerging-market banks say this activity is not very profitable anyway, but they are bound to miss it if it goes.

  • 只要有什么社会活动,吉布森夫人总是踊跃参加,而她丈夫似乎对政治总是不闻不问
    Mrs Gibson is always in the swim if there is anything social on, her husband seems always out of the swim in politics.

  • 身上流着相同的血,怎么说外婆是他们的亲生母亲,自己的母亲生病了,怎么可以这样不闻不问
    The body is being high the same blood, how saying that grandmother is their their own mother, their mother has fallen ill, how can they be concerned with like this?

  • 你可以把我视为一位荒唐的乐观主义者,但哥本哈根会议失败得如此之惨,不容我们对此不闻不问
    Well, call me a cock-eyed optimist, but Copenhagen's failure strikes me as being too abject to ignore.

  • 当然,我们不能对皮肤的疲劳状态不闻不问,连续一段时间劳累后,最好的护肤方法就是晚上做个简单的护理。
    Certainly, we cannot be concerned with to skin's state of fatigue, after continual period of time tired, the best skin care method is the evening makes a simple nursing.

  • 吉姆,我时间不多了,我给你一个警告,所有被美国父母冲进厕所,而且从此不闻不问的鳄鱼,全都回来做窝了。
    Jim, I only have time to give you this one warning. All the alligators that were flushed down the toilets, by American parents who haven't thought of them since, have come home to roost!

  • 当别人告诉你某事行不通时,有时不闻不问是更好的方法。我没有去征求别人的许可和赞同。我只是一往直前地去做了。
    When someone tells you that it doesn't work, sometimes the best way is to be silent. I don't get the agreement from others. I just do it in my way.

  • 在其首次任期内,卢拉(巴西总统,译者注)大多时候对基础教育不闻不问,现也承认巴西教育困窘不堪,为世界之最。
    Having ignored basic education for much of his first term, Lula now acknowledges that Brazil's educational plight is "the worst of all worlds".

  • 不闻不问造句相关
