
不落窠臼  bù luò kē jiù








  • 胎前产后善用寒凉,不落窠臼
    cold or cool drug for the antenatal and postnatal commonly.

  • 这件作品不落窠臼,对二战以后盛行一时的敞面式雕塑颇具影响。
    This highly inventive work had an influence on the open-form constructions prevalent in sculpture after World War II.

  • 最先的消息说那会是超过九十分钟的煽情愉悦和不落窠臼的观影乐事。
    the upfront message is more than 90 minutes of gushy joy, of old-time movie pleasures.

  • 他们可以自由地表达,独辟蹊径,不落窠臼,不用担心失去崇拜者的支持。
    They enjoy the freedom to express themselves in unique and original ways without fear of losing the support of fans.

  • 吉尔曼不落窠臼的短篇小说《黄色壁纸》具有极高的艺术性、思想性、创新性和较少的说教性。
    Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" is well-known for its high artistic quality, ideological education, originality and less dictation.

  • 他那不落窠臼的创作风格,为其在当时各种娱乐文化尚不发达的中国创造了一次不小的文学“奇迹”。
    Even at that time entertainment and culture are not yet developed in China , he creates a great miracle in Chinese literature by his own creative style .

  • 但,让我们将那些荒谬的内容留到最后来说;最先的消息说那会是超过九十分钟的煽情愉悦和不落窠臼的观影乐事。
    But let's save the wrong stuff till the end; the upfront message is more than90 minutes of gushy joy, of old-time movie pleasures.

  • 《软件工程思想》讲述“软件开发”和“做程序员”的道理,视野独特,构思新颖,内容风趣,不落窠臼,令人耳目一新。
    Software engineering thinking about software development and do programmers , the vision of unique, innovative ideas, the content of humor, not follow the beaten track, it is refreshing.

  • 《软件工程思想》讲述“软件开发”和“做程序员”的道理,视野独特,构思新颖,内容风趣,不落窠臼,令人耳目一新。
    "software engineering thinking" about "software development" and "do programmers", the unique vision, innovative ideas, as witty, have an original style, is refreshing.

  • 作家的这种赋予主要表现在:回到语言的原意中去,在语音上开掘情感要素,在词汇上推陈出新,在语法上不落窠臼等各个方面。
    Writers entrust language to its original intention, manifest the emotional element of speech sounds, fresh the meaning of vocabulary and depart from the conventional pattern of grammar.

  • 然而,《黑暗骑士》并不落窠臼——一个接一个的变态受虐场景绷紧了你的神经,让你带着后电影时代无序混乱的紧张逃到街上。
    Yet "The Dark Knight" is hardly routine—it has a kicky sadism in scene after scene, which keeps you on edge and sends you out onto the street with post-movie stress disorder.

  • 《软件工程思想》讲述“软件开发”和“做程序员”的道理,视野独特,构思新颖,内容风趣,不落窠臼,令人耳目一新。堪称难得,以至回味无穷。
    "software engineering thinking" about "software development" and "as a programmer", the unique vision, innovative ideas, as humorous, the door was a refreshing sight. His rare, and even titled.

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