
不得要领  bù dé yào lǐng








  • 奥巴马政府好像对此不得要领
    The Obama administration doesn't seem to get it.

  • 因此许多争执都是不得要领的。
    So many arguments are so pointless.

  • 他认为整个辩论都不得要领
    He thought the whole debate irrelevant.

  • 我对这个问题不得要领
    I don t get the hang of this problem.

  • 我的脑子在飞快地旋转,可总是不得要领
    I was flying around in my mind looking for an elusive idea.

  • 有关爱,有关幸福,我们渴望。却始终不得要领
    About love, the well-being, we desire. But always to no avail.

  • 你都可能会把所有这些作为结论,然而都不得要领
    It is all, you might be tempted to conclude, pretty pointless.

  • 最主要的是,我们的考虑平平庸庸,或者说不得要领
    It was above all that our deliberations were banal or irrelevant.

  • 他多次尝试打开车门,但都不得要领,因为他用错了钥匙。
    All his attempts to unlock the car were futile, because he was using the wrong key.

  • 但如果你穿越阴阳,我花很多精力去努力,但通过武术不得要领
    But if you want cross yin and yang, I spend a lot of energy but I can't find it from martial art point of view.

  • 对于勇气的理解,如同对政治动机的理解一样,常常让人不得要领
    The meaning of courage, like political motivations, is frequently misunderstood.

  • 标兵佩佩而答,记者不得要领,只好再问:“你现在的生活还好吧?
    " example admire admire and answer, the reporter is discursive, be forced to ask again: "Is your present life not bad?

  • 回头看看自己的理财路,虽然有得有失,但最强烈的感受是:不得要领
    Look back at their own financial way, though mixed, but most feel strongly about it is: to no avail.

  • 好刀大爷,东西不是抢来的,买不着刀是您不得要领,好好学习,天天向上。
    Haodao, they're not robbed. You couldn't buy Dao lies in that you didn't get the gist. Study hard and you will make a progress.

  • 如果你的态度不够友善,你只会让你的伴侣对你产生敌意从而使沟通变得不得要领
    If you are not kind, then you will only cause your partner to set up their defenses and then communication becomes pointless.

  • 林先生不得要领,心里更急,丢开陆和尚,就去问第二个走近来的人,桥头的王三毛。
    Mr. Lin could make no sense out of this at all. His worry increased and he dropped Lu to accost Wang, the next person who came along.

  • 我经常和朋友们一起去酒吧,音乐会,节日庆典,你都可以数出来,但是我总是不得要领
    I consistently went out with friends to bars, concerts, festivals — you name it — but I always struck out.

  • 从那时起,我曾多次查询与他的国家的驻外使领馆查找他的任何延长亲戚,但都不得要领
    Since then, I have made several enquiries with his country's embassies to locate any of his extended relatives, but to no avail.

  • 不过得先礼后兵,先推行怀柔政策不得要领之后,就可以用这句话,让对方的狡辩无处藏身。
    You would usually only use this phrase after politely requesting that someone repay a debt to you and they try to weasel out of it.

  • 显然,刘力对于开发商注重节能却只关注节能产品忽视节能整体设计的“不得要领”很无奈。
    "Obviously, Liu power for developers to ignore energy conservation only concern the overall design of energy-efficient products "no" is very helpless.

  • 企口地板看似铺装简单,其实这里面大有学问,把握不好或者不得要领都会影响地板的使用寿命。
    Tongue-and-groove floor visits the outfit that be like a shop simple, there is knowledge greatly inside this actually, master bad discursive perhaps metropolis to affect the service life of the floor.

  • 然而,里根在谈及贿选时,把矛头同时对准“双方”这一不得要领的评论险些使美国在关键时刻误入歧途。
    Nevertheless Reagan's unfortunate comment about fraud on "both sides" threatened to put the United States on the wrong side at a critical moment.

  • 而传统和背景是不能直接“拿来”的,这也许是中国图书馆学研究在学舌西方时总是不得要领的主要原因。
    But tradition and background can't be "brought" directly, which may be the main reason that Chinese library science research can't grasp the key points or main ideas when we study the West.

  • 你或者是放弃诉求无视非法行为泛滥,否则只能花费这样一大笔金钱给那些看上去根本不得要领的律师们。
    You either give up and allow the abuse, or you put up a fight and spend such a huge amount of money on lawyers that the fight seems pointless.

  • 在掷铁锤方面,乔治无人能及,但是在搬石块方面,需要一些特别技巧,乔治总是不得要领,经常输给霍桑。
    At throwing the hammer George had no compeer ; but there was a knack in putting the stone which he could never acquire, and here Hawthorn beat him.

  • 一些业内专家指出,京城房地产界要互相学习,但这种学习不是不得要领的模仿,而是要有所超越,是“超”而不是“抄”。
    Some industry experts say that the real estate industry to meet the mutual learning, but this learning is not no model, but to go beyond it, is "super" instead of "copy.

  • 王东春是我们常说的“好孩子”类型的那种人,但按正常的牌理出牌评说他的作品,多少都会游离于他作品的表面而不得要领
    However, if his works are commented according to normal rules, such a commentary would be more or less about the superficiality of his works rather than the essence.

  • 为了避免突然犁田,必须在有限的范围内保持很好的操控空间,犁田的原因经常是因为使用刹车不得要领或在错误的情境下使用造成的。
    In confined areas you need to maintain good clearances for your bar-handles to avoid brutally sudden crashes. Crashing is often caused by pointless use of brakes or using them in a wrong situation.

  • 对此我考虑了整整一周,方才搞明白,我对论文写作不得要领,只是由着性子跟着感觉写,我感到是多了感情,少了理智,我确实很一般。
    I've been think about it all week. I know I haven't got the facility for essay construction. I just let myself go and get excited. I feel more emotionally than I do mentally. I'm very ordinary really.

  • 其用户指南,内容指出,把重点放在对象您将需要新闻界的“T”按钮-我们试图这样做,但都不得要领,因为我们的拍摄并未受益,在任何方式。
    Its User Guide reads that to focus on an object you will need to press the "T" button – we tried to do that but to no avail, as our shots didn't benefit from that in any way.

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