
不堪设想  bù kān shè xiǎng







  • 这墙不能再拆,否则后果不堪设想
    This wall can not be discounted, or else!

  • 她的打算是多么不堪设想
    He tried to explain how unthinkable her suggestion was.

  • 那真是不堪设想的一刻。
    That was a truly magic moment.

  • 这件事的后果不堪设想
    The consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate.

  • 医院如果给患者输入未经检测的血液,后果不堪设想
    If you enter the hospital to patients without a blood test will lead to disastrous consequences.

  • 这样的急剧而冰冷的血流会导致休克,后果不堪设想
    The sudden flow of cold blood can create shock, a serious condition.

  • 目的分析中西药物联合应用不当带来的不堪设想的恶果。
    Objective:Analyses of the dreadful consequences resulting from the unsuited combination of the traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

  • 如果现在继续吹大房地产泡沫,那么将来的后果不堪设想
    If we continue to blow big real estate bubble, then future consequences will be unimaginable.

  • 并且独生子女政策大幅扭曲了中国的性别比例,后果不堪设想
    And it massively distorts the country's sex ratio, with devastating results.

  • 一开始大家都很小心,知道怪兽如果逃出樊笼,后果将不堪设想
    Initially, everybody had been very cautious. They knew that should a monster escape from its cage, the consequences would be unimaginable.

  • 若没有1978年的历史性转折,中国社会主义的前途将不堪设想
    If did not have 1978 historical transition, China socialism's future will be inconceivable.

  • 价格低得离谱,说明零配件极有可能是假货,一旦使用后果不堪设想
    Unrealistically low prices on spare parts is very likely fakes, once the use of lead to disastrous consequences.

  • 关系百万投资人权益的股市电脑系统若被病毒侵扰,后果实在不堪设想
    If the computer system for the stock market, which affects the destinies of millions of investors, were hit by a virus, the results would be incalculable.

  • 执法人员说,又是汽油,又是烟花爆竹,如果这里发生火灾,后果不堪设想
    The law enforcement officials said that is also the gasoline, is also the fireworks firecracker, if here has the fire, the consequence is inconceivable.

  • 进一步开发核能发电,可以造福全人类,但煤矿和油井的业主却会因此不堪设想
    The further development of nuclear power, though it can confer unimaginable blessings on mankind, is something that is dreaded by the owners of coal mines and oil wells.

  • 是药三分毒,万一哪一种药配得不得当,就会造成中毒,将会造成不堪设想的后果。
    Is one-third of drug toxicity, which in the event of a drug is not properly equipped, it will cause poisoning, the consequences will be disastrous result.

  • 如果导致银行在运作上出现问题,最终也就会引发银行倒闭、挤兑等不堪设想的后果。
    If a bank in the operational problems, but also will ultimately trigger bank failures, embarrass and unthinkable consequences.

  • 对于经历过1998年金融危机的俄政府来说,任由卢布大幅贬值的后果是不堪设想的。
    For experienced a financial crisis in 1998 the Russian government for allowing a substantial devaluation of the ruble have unimaginable consequences.

  • 如果当时个人穿着较为随意或暴露,这样的照片在互联网上传播,情况就更加不堪设想了。
    If the individual is being worn at that time relatively optional or expose, such photograph travels on Internet, the circumstance is more unimaginable.

  • 如果我们任由其发展下去,那它将有可能衍生出更多的病毒变体,到那时,后果将不堪设想
    If we let go of their development, it will likely rise to more variations of the virus, then , The consequences would be disastrous.

  • 十全十美地保留一切信息听上去像是天赐的,然而当海马状块过分随意地收取信息时,后果将不堪设想
    Perfect retention may sound like a godsend, but when the hippocampus gets overly permissive, the results can be devastating.

  • 同样,如果信息系统不公开,信息就无从鉴定,政策制定就无法建立在正确的基础上,后果可能不堪设想
    Also, where information systems are closed, information is not tested, so policy can be built on the wrong foundations, with catastrophic results.

  • 为了填饱肚皮,26岁的凯恩尝试过乞讨、偷盗,甚至从垃圾堆找东西吃。如果没人阻止她,后果将不堪设想
    Kane, 26, feels so hungry that she begs, steals and even eats out of the garbage to get to food. And if someone didn't stop her, the consequences could be tragic.

  • 正如有专家所指出的,在经济增长的油门已经开到很大的时候,如果没有性能优良的刹车系统,后果不堪设想
    As one expert has pointed out, in economic growth seemed to have a great time, without good performance braking system, the consequences will be unimaginable.

  • 这是个大问题啊,我觉得中央政府应该重视,采取措施调查、研究并控制青藏高原的改变,不然后果不堪设想啊。
    I think the central government should pay more attention to the problem, investigate, analyse and finally keep the changes of the Tibetan plateau under control.

  • 全球天气变暖的威胁日益严峻,如果具有破坏性的温室气体排放不能得到有效控制,其造成的后果将更加不堪设想
    Global warming is an increasing threat and its effects will worsen if damaging greenhouse gas emissions are not curbed.

  • 如果对这些废旧电脑处理不当,将对大气、水源、土壤造成严重污染,对人类健康造成巨大的危害,其后果不堪设想
    If we do not dispose the waste computer properly, it will cause heavy contamination to air, water and soil, and do great harm to human h.

  • 我预测的最糟情势将是如此:在几年的时间内,东南亚的产量比1997年的少30至40%,到时的后果将不堪设想
    So that would be my worst-case scenario: that in a few years, we would end up with output in South-east Asia being 30 to 40 per cent below what it was in 1997, with who knows what consequences.

  • 事实上,你已替我做了一桩极有意义的事,如果我们公司信用部得罪了你,相信他们也会得罪别人,那情形就不堪设想了。
    You have done me a great favor, for if our credit department has annoyed you, it may annoy other good customers, and that would be just too bad.

  • 随着社会经济的发展,地震的灾害性将变得尤为严重,特别是在人口稠密、生命线系统工程日益复杂的现代化大城市,其灾害性后果更不堪设想
    With the development of the social economy, the earthquake damage will become very serious. Especially in the developed huge city with many people, the damage is unacceptant.

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