
三寸之舌  sān cùn zhī shé








  • 三寸不烂之舌;油腔滑调的伪君子。
    You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue.

  • 彼得常说他妈有一条三寸不烂之舌
    Peter often said that his mother "could talk the back leg off a donkey".

  • 三寸不烂之舌;油腔滑调的伪君子。
    a glib tongue; a smooth-tongued hypocrite.

  • 三寸不烂之舌上,发现芳人。
    On the expressive tongue, the finding fang.

  • 他有三寸不烂之舌,几乎没人能把他驳倒。
    He has a glib tongue. Few people can argue him down.

  • 他有三寸不烂之舌。几乎没人能把他驳倒。
    Frank argued the manager down, though he could hardly be convinced by any other people.

  • 他有三寸不烂之舌
    He has a glib tongue.

  • 汤姆会用他三寸不烂之舌说服约翰放弃他的疯狂计划。
    Tom has a silver tongue, and he can persuade John to give up his crazy plan.

  • 凭着三寸不烂之舌骂得你坟里的祖仙起来给我说道歉。
    By dint of the strength of eloquence scold you the Zu fairy in the grave get up to say apology for me.

  • 汤姆会用他三寸不烂之舌说服约翰放弃他的疯狂计划。
    Tom has a silver tongue, he can persuade John to give up his crazy plan.

  • 他们以三寸不烂之舌,游说各国,发表自己的政治主张治活谋略。
    They went canvassing from one state to another and publishing their political opinions and strategies for governing the country.

  • 如果你想凭三寸不烂之舌来赢得对方的好感,很有可能会落得孤单的下场。
    If you try to win someone with witty conversation you are likely to end up all alone.

  • 迈克:我认为我擅长做销售。因为我对我们的产品很了解,而且我有三寸不烂之舌
    Mike:. I think I would be good in sales. I know our products well and I have a silver tongue.

  • 他是天生的情场高手,凭着三寸不烂之舌,总能找出理由把自己说成是个女士杀手。
    A natural charmer, with the gift of the gab, he can talk himself out of most situations and likes to think he's a ladies man!

  • 姚文元是尽量以“良好的态度”,力图以他三寸不烂之舌,把他们的罪行推到毛主席身上。
    Yao Wenyuan is as far as possible with " good mood " , strive with his shiver tongue, push their offense to Chairman Mao body.

  • 还有一大批有着三寸不烂之舌的说客,有来自全国步枪协会的,也有来自国际狩猎俱乐部的。
    There are also powerful lobbies, from the National Rifle Association to the Safari Club International.

  • 还有一大批有着三寸不烂之舌的说客,有来自全国步枪协会的,也有来自国际狩猎俱乐部的。
    There are also powerful lobbies, from the National Rifle Association to the ★Safari[12] Club International.

  • 首先想法和意识超前,再来胆大,三寸不烂之舌尤为厉害,不过母亲也是一个善良,纯朴的人!
    First advance ideas and awareness, then south, the heat is not rotten day is formidable, but the mother is also a good, simple people!

  • 借方开始并不想借,那么需要钱的一方就得用三寸不烂之舌,想方设法说服对方,最终如愿以偿。
    So you have to work on your persuasion skills, and you need to think of really good reasons why the lender should lend you what you are borrowing.

  • 通常我的三寸不烂之舌可以赢得争论,但若实在理屈词穷,便只能在憋屈的内心外摆上一幅笑脸。
    Usually I win by being a fanatic talker and in the cases when I cannot prove myself right, I know I must put on a smiling face, but really bitter inside.

  • “一身粉笔灰,两袖清风三寸不烂之舌,四只眼睛”成了山区教师的简约写照,可是我们依然无怨无悔。
    thus leave it penniless afterwards silver tongue, four eyes" has become a simple portrayal of teachers in mountainous areas, but we are still no regrets."

  • “一身粉笔灰,两袖清风,三寸不烂之舌,四只眼睛”成了山区教师的简约写照,可是我们依然无怨无悔。
    "1, thus leave it penniless afterwards silver tongue, four eyes" has become a simple portrayal of teachers in mountainous areas, but we are still no regrets.

  • 纵使有三寸不烂之舌,通天下万邦的言语,又有天使的歌喉,但却没有爱心,那就不过是聒噪的铜锣,叮当的铙钹。
    1  Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

  • 奥巴马先生所以让这么多的粉丝大失所望,其原因一便是他作了不可能的承诺,并凭着他的三寸不烂之舌把人们都忽悠了。
    One reason why so many of Mr Obama's fans are disappointed is that he promised the impossible and—such is the power of his oratory—got people to believe him.

  • 它地处布鲁克林南部的尖端,若干条地铁线路的终端:一片满是污秽肮脏、廉价色情的地方,鼓动着无数游说客的三寸不烂之舌
    IT LIES at the end of several subway lines, at the southern tip of Brooklyn, filled with the sordid charms of a place that has inspired more than its fair share of fast-talking fantasists.

  • 40来个2-30岁的年轻人聚在一家饭店相亲,一个专业媒人正使出三寸不烂之舌,讲俏皮话以打破沉默,使现场气氛活络起来。
    A wisecracking professional matchmaker breaks the ice as 40 people aged in their twenties and thirties gather at a hotel for a blind date.

  • 科学界的主流观点不是靠某个人的三寸不烂之舌吹出来的,而是最有专业判别能力的人在推敲、比较方方面面的证据后得出的共识。
    Mainstream science is the consensus of outstanding analytical minds based on the comparison of a wide range of evidence, not the unsubstantiated postulation of some persuasive individual.

  • 在1964年的“金手指”(007系列电影片名:下同),邦德,所发挥的传奇肖恩•康纳利,利用他的三寸不烂之舌谈论的标题坏人想到保留他的生命。
    In 1964's Goldfinger, Bond, played by the legendary Sean Connery, uses his silver tongue to talk the title villain into sparing his life.

  • 白云:别的,想想,对了,大哥,你还记得不,想当年啊,我除了拥有美丽的外表,还有着深刻的内涵,一张三寸不烂之舌更是能说会辩,你看我当个公关啥的合适不?
    Baiyun : big brother, but also buy it?Our son home I must buy a suite short remaining life, and you can buy?Big brother, you take me happy you?

  • 等人的滋味不好受,时间艰难地过了两个小时,经理终于来了,我说明来意,对方开始做我的思想工作,到底是销售经理,三寸不烂之舌说得我心服口服,不再想退房的事情了。
    I started thinking of the other side, it is sales manager, turning the trip was not rotten convinced I no longer wish to return a house matter.

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