
万人空巷  wàn rén kōng xiàng








  • 本片在中国播出后引得万人空巷
    The film broadcast in China after Yinde Wanrenkongxiang.

  • 消息传来,举国欢庆,万人空巷
    The news of the whole country celebrated, booming.

  • 万人空巷的局面曾经一度导致交通瘫痪。
    The booming situation had led to traffic gridlock.

  • 亮灯的那天晚上,偌大的南昌市几乎万人空巷
    Of bright light that day in the evening, so big Nanchang city almost the whole town turns out.

  • 男主角前天出现在南京东路步行街,引起“万人空巷”。
    The actor appeared the day before yesterday in the Najingdonglu pedestrian street, caused "the everybody turning out".

  • 得胜的足球队捧着奖杯凯旋而归时,城里人万人空巷地欢迎他们。
    The whole town turned out to welcome the winning football team when they came back with the Cup.

  • 这是全国最盛大的游行活动,而万人空巷的观看人群是其盛大规模的有力证明。
    It's the country's largest parade and the spectators lining the streets proved it.

  • 第一届比赛的决赛选择在除夕夜举行,当时上海万人空巷,收视率达到94%。
    The first game of the final selection to be held on New Year's Eve, when the booming Shanghai, the ratings reached 94%.

  • 2007年保生大帝神像曾成功巡游金门,在金门引起很大轰动,出现万人空巷的盛况。
    Tati in 2007 statues have been successful tour of Kinmen, caused a sensation in the Golden Gate, there's booming prosperity.

  • 城中几乎是万人空巷,店铺都关门停业,仿佛一向行踪匆匆的时间也愿意为奥克兰而停顿。
    The whole town turns out is almost in the city, shop closes close down, as if all along the time with hasty track also is willing to be Oakland and halt.

  • 1990年,中国第一部室内剧54集《渴望》诞生,万人空巷的壮景至今让人难以忘怀。
    In 1990, China's first indoor 54-play, "desire" was born, the booming of King Zhuang people so far unforgettable.

  • 一时间,出现了万人空巷的情形,热情的人们争相拥挤在道路两旁,要一睹南丁格尔的风采。
    The English government was ready to give her a warm welcome like welcoming a state guest. and the people all wanted to have a look at her mien.

  • 每逢农历三月人山人海、万人空巷的「大甲妈祖绕境进香」活动,更是台湾的年度宗教盛事!
    The "Dajia Mazu pilgrimage" in March of lunar calendar is especially an annual religious event in Taiwan that draws hundred of thousands pilgrims each year.

  • 50多集的《渴望》,使中国人的作息时间被打乱,万人空巷,收视率超过90%,北京市犯罪率下降。
    More than 50 sets of "desire" to China's schedule has been disrupted, booming, the ratings for more than 90% drop in the crime rate in Beijing.

  • 整个菲律宾的大城小镇可能将万人空巷,坐在电视机前观看国家级拳击英雄帕奎奥对下一个世界冠军拼搏。
    Streets in towns and cities across the Philippines are expected to empty soon as people gather in front of televisions to watch their national boxing hero Manny Pacquiao fight for another world title.

  • 同样的琼瑶导演班底、同样的湖南卫视播出平台、同样的大学二年级出外拍戏情境、同样的万人空巷般的收视成绩。
    Chiung Yao's team the same director, the same Hunan TV broadcast platform, the same second-year university to go out filming situations, the same ratings as results turned out.

  • 但是夏天温度达到45摄氏度(华氏113),户外的金属门把手都烫人,所有人都呆在有空调的室内,万人空巷
    In the summer though, when the heat reaches 45°C (113°F) degrees and metal door knobs are scalding on the outside, the streets are empty as families spend air-conditioned time indoors.

  • 吉米-卡拉格希望在国际比赛日之后,利物浦的物疗室能够万人空巷,因为利物浦迎来是否具备联赛冠军资格的大考。
    Jamie Carragher is hopeful Liverpool's treatment room will be a little emptier after the international break as the Reds gear up for a 'massive test' of their league credentials.

  • 但谢晋的许多电影,在当年都是老百姓万人空巷般地前去观看,至今还称得上是拥有总观众人数最多的中国电影导演之一。
    But Xie Jin's many movies, were the common people everybody turning out go in the same year to watch, until now also calls has one of total audience population most China film makers.

  • 开放的第一天,人们以争先一睹这座神秘的皇宫及其宝藏为快,北京市内万人空巷,交通为之堵塞,此亦成为当天各大报纸的重大新闻。
    News of the opening flashed across the nation, and such was the scramble of visitors on the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill.

  • 开放的第一天,人们以争先一睹这座神秘的皇宫及其宝藏为快,北京市内万人空巷,交通为之堵塞,此亦成为当天各大报纸的重大新闻。
    flashed across the nation, and such was the scramble of visitors on the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill.

  • 李宇春是一个歌手,又不只是一个歌手,在2005年那场几乎万人空巷的选秀运动中,李宇春的身上已不再只是她自己,而是深深地烙上了时代的印记。
    Li is a singer, not just a singer in 2005 that almost booming draft of the campaign, Li Yuchun's body is no longer just her own, but deeply branded the mark of the times.

  • 英国政府在港口准备好了欢迎国宾的仪式来迎接这个“提灯女神”。一时间,出现了万人空巷的情形,热情的人们争相拥挤在道路两旁,要一睹南丁格尔的风采。
    The English government was ready to give her a warm welcome like welcoming a state guest. and the people all wanted to have a look at her mien.

  • 万人空巷造句相关
