
一长一短  yī cháng yī duǎn






  • 当事情过去了以后的很时间。
    When the matter has passed later very long short time.

  • 当事情过去了以后的很时间。
    When things have passed after a very long one short period of time.

  • 那是耳朵尾巴的动物。
    It was a kind of animal with long ears and a short tail.

  • 根筷子太根筷子太,不行;
    A long chopsticks, a chopstick is too short, no;

  • +两声意味着GPU芯片不工作了。
    One long beep and two short beeps indicates that the GPU chip is not working.

  • 场应于对球道比赛。油、油。
    One pair of lane will be parpared with one lane short oil and one lane long oil.

  • 再查,发掘把握送纸滚轮压簧一长,调换弹簧。
    Check and found that the left and right feed roller pressure spring laying, the replacement of spring.

  • 并对化解“三”矛盾的应对措施进行了探讨。
    They also discuss the countermeasures to dissolve the contradiction of the "Three Longs and One Short".

  • 一长或两轻重的三音节所组成的个音步的。
    Having one or more syllables in addition to those found in a standard metrical unit or line of verse.

  • 一长或两轻重的三音节所组成的个音步的。
    a metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed syllables.

  • 毛衣,我还穿著,但袖口还是一长,请她多多练习。
    I'm still wearing the sweater, but the two sleeves are not even, tell her that she should practice more.

  • 他诧异地说:“真希奇,今天我的腿怎么变得一长了?”
    He says questioningly: "Really strange, how does my leg become today one long?"

  • 他诧异地说:“真奇怪,今天我的腿怎么变得一长了?”
    How is it that my legs aren't the same length today?" He said to himself in surprise."

  • 以笏打了把刀,是双刃的,肘,装束在右腿上衣底下。
    Now Ehud had made a double-edged sword about a foot and a half long, which he strapped to his right thigh under his clothing.

  • 其实nba在北美大陆之外举办常规赛已经有段不的历史了。
    In fact, the North American continent in the nba held outside the regular season has been a long period of not less than the past.

  • 如果是自个儿立着,它被系在根或的绳子上,或者干脆不系绳子。
    If it was freestanding, it was attached to a long or a short piece of rope, or no rope at all.

  • 每隔段或的时间,地磁方向就会反转:也就是北极和南极会互换位置。
    At irregular time intervals, the planet's field reverses polarity: the North and South magnetic poles switch places.

  • 每隔段或的时间,地磁方向就会反转:也就是北极和南极会互换位置。
    At irregular time intervals, the planet's field reverses polarity: the North and South magnetic poles switch places. Consider what that means for lava erupting at mid-ocean ridges.

  • 这个挖掘机工作不是太难找,但是就是我现在干不啊,拿工资都不好拿啊。
    This excavator work is not too difficult to look, but is I now does is not long, one short takes the wages all not not well to take.

  • 干酪按其种类不同,存放段可时间,出现发酵或腐烂,这个过程叫成熟。
    Cheese is kept for a longer or shorter time, according to the kind, that fermentation or decomposition may take place. This is called ripening.

  • 如果启动显示卡找不到是一长的声音。鸣就是内存啦,还有其他不记得了。
    They both gave a long beep, which sounded like the memory problem, but the actual problem is on the motherboard.

  • 他很奇怪地说:“今天我的腿为什么一长呢?如果不是我的腿有了毛病,那就定是道路不平了!”
    He really strangely say:"Today my leg why a long a short?If wasn't my leg to have trouble, that must be the road gravamen! ""

  • 中医学本科教育培养模式改革,即五年制本科采取“二”学期和五年“八课堂五实践”的导师制培养模式;
    It suggests to adopt two long and one short semesters, eight courses and five clinical trainings under the guidance of instructors.

  • 血槽开得很好、一长、刀两面的槽起始和结束位置对称、血槽的开始和结束形状均没有呈圆弧或尖形,而是平切。
    Very good blood groove, a short and a long, symmetrical beginning and ending positions of short grooves on both sides.

  • 但美联储同时警告投资者说美国经济尚在复苏过程中,实现顺利“着陆”平稳增之前还会经历段或的“迟滞期”。
    But the Fed did caution investors, saying U. S. business still has to endure some sluggish times before reaching solid ground.

  • 这可能意味着段或、乃至永久的时间,在这段时间里可以享受到生命的美好和愉悦,这种时候是多么稀有和珍贵啊;
    It will mean, probably, a period--perhaps short, perhaps long, perhaps permanent--of rather meagre and stinted acquaintance with the genial luxuries and amenities of life;

  • 相反地,那些拥有一长丶或是两个型的基因组合的人们,即可能在细胞汇合处有较多的血清素,并没有这样自我保护的偏见。
    By contrast, those who had either a long and a short version of the gene, or two short versions (and thus, presumably, more serotonin in the junctions), did not have such protective biases.

  • 相反另外些具有一长或者两个的启动基因的人(他们的神经细胞连接处应该会有更多的五羟色胺),他们并不存在对积极物体的注意偏向。
    By contrast, those who had either a long and a short version of the gene, or two short versions (and thus, presumably, more serotonin in the junctions), did not have such protective biases.

  • 文章将《九歌》与《九章》的体式进行对比,发现二者篇幅一长,体式-复杂多变-简单,其中“二湘”与“二司命”在篇幅、句式及押韵换韵等方面都相同或相似。
    This paper makes a comparison between the poetic styles of JiuGe and JiuZhang by Qu Yuan. It finds out that JiuGe is short, while JiuZhang is long; JiuGe is complicated, while JiuZhang is simple.

  • 具体可从以下几点着手:⑴优化门诊就诊流程,解决“三”问题,改善就诊环境,从细微之处体现人文关怀;⑵注重人文素质教育,以培养高素质、高水平的医务人员;
    The concrete points were:(1)to optimize the procedure, solve the problem of "three long and one short", improve the medical condition and show humanism concern in detail;

  • 一长一短造句相关
