
一目十行  yī mù shí háng








  • 这不是那种可以“一目十行”的书,这篇书评也不是。
    The book, much like this review, isn't a quick read.

  • 最好确保注释视觉突出,以便在内容滚动、一目十行时快速定位。
    It's best to make sure that these comments stand out visually so that you can quickly identify them when scrolling through the file.

  • 我的母亲贵为公主,一目十行、过目成诵、比爹爹有过之而无不极。
    My mother honored as the princess, Yimushixing, Guomuchengsong than daddy and everything it had been very.

  • 黛玉笑道:「只许你『过目成诵』,难道我就不能『一目十行』了么?」
    Tai-yu replied with a smile, "You boast that you can 'memorize a passage with one reading."

  • 但每个人具体情况又都不一样,有人阅读专业书一目十行,但读报纸很费劲。
    But everyone is different and specific circumstances, some people read books Yimushixing professional, but read newspapers very hard.

  • 杰克坐在我旁边,整整一学期就没见他记过笔记,甚至连一目十行地“翻”书都没见他翻过。
    He had not taken a single note all semester; he had not even gone through the motions of "flipping" the textbook pages.

  • 有一件事使我最终确信我的智力就是不如别人:我发现我的同学只是一目十行地翻了翻课本。
    An incident finally convinced me of my intellectual inferiority when I found that the other students just "flipped the pages" of the textbook.

  • 你很可能不会尝试用这样的速度去读诗歌,或者一目十行地欣赏小说中你愿意仔细玩味的片段。
    The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race through some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger.

  • 这是一个似慢实快的办法,书桌上不堆放多种类别的书,更不要摆出博览群书的派头一目十行、一天一本。
    This is a way seemingly slow yet actually quick. We can't pile up various books on the desk and take ten lines at one glance, finish one book in one day in the manner of "extensive reading".

  • 一目十行造句相关
