
一片焦土  yī piàn jiāo tǔ






  • 战火 曾把这里烧成一片焦土
    Flames of war ever here firing a ravages of war.

  • 整个城镇已经毁于大火,只剩一条条铁轨和一片焦土
    The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace.

  • 一片焦土
    Scorched Earth.

  • 1973年,西班牙的内战时期,Gernika城镇是一片焦土
    In 1937, during the Spanish civil war, the town of Gernika was burned down.

  • 从此,年年闹旱灾,真是万里一片焦土,人们过着没吃没喝的艰难日子。
    Since then, year after year drought in trouble, Miles is a scorched-earth, people lived in did not have no drinking bad times.

  • 镇雄县磺区植物生长环境被破坏,约有2000公顷土地成为一片焦土
    The growing environment flora in Huangqu Region, Zhengxiong County has been destroyed.

  • 大片大片的地区接连地遭受敌人的破坏,或在两军激战中沦为一片焦土
    Wide regions had been systematically devastate by the enemy or pulverised in the encounter of the armies.

  • 长期以来,秦阿房宫被描述得无比恢弘、壮丽、奢华,而最终却被项羽焚毁,变成一片焦土
    For a long time, E Fang Gong has been described as grand, magnificent, sumptuous palace, which is burnt to ashes by Xiang Yu.

  • 因维人在与统治者的漫长战争中,确实获得了胜利,但它们赢得的地方很多已经变成了一片焦土
    It was true that the Invid were victorious in the long war against the Masters, but in many cases what they ruled was an empire of ash.

  • 你补我也补:法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科奇说,如果不帮助其企业度过难关的话,欧洲工业将会变成一片焦土
    Subsidies will beget more subsidies: Nicolas Sarkozy, France's president, says that Europe will turn into an "industrial wasteland" if it too does not prop up its manufacturers.

  • 她父亲的宫殿早已成为一片废墟,目所能及的城市和村落都已成了焦土,还有大量的土地早已荒废,远近更是看不到人烟。
    Her father's castle lay in ruins, the town and the villages were, so far as could be seen, destroyed by fire, the fields far and wide laid to waste, and no human being was visible.

  • 而今,大片大片的热带雨林已荡然无存,到处是秃斑块块的焦土和数不胜数的被烧焦的藤蔓和树桩,满目疮痍,一片荒凉!
    Now, big big selva already alled gone, it is bald spot everywhere piece piece the is scorched cirrus of ravages of war and without number and stub, suffer misery, desolate!

  • 特罗斯特拉的城墙周围环绕着一片焦土,地面上遍布会爆炸的石头————这是黑暗精灵和极其聪明的矮人符文牧师之间的战争遗迹。
    The scorched plain that surrounds the Talosthra walls is scattered with explosive stones -- the traces of a past battle between the Dark Elves and particularly clever Dwarven Rune Priests.

  • 特罗斯特拉的城墙周围环绕着一片焦土,地面上散布着可爆炸的石头——这是过去在黑暗精灵和侏儒火系法师之间爆发的一场战争时留下的遗迹。
    The scorched plain that surrounds the Talosthra walls is scattered with explosive stones -- the traces of a past battle between the Dark Elves and particularly clever Dwarven Rune Priests.

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