
一气呵成  yī qì hē chéng








  • 三个工序在同一锅内一气呵成
    Three processes in the same pot at one go.

  • 他的文章从头到尾,一气呵成
    He wrote the article at one go from beginning to end.

  • 这些诗似乎是一气呵成的。
    These poems seemed to have been dashed out at a heat.

  • 进入东翼下载一气呵成版。
    go to East WIng tod/l the full version.

  • 整场演出一气呵成,恢宏大气,震撼全场。
    The whole show at one go, the magnificent atmosphere, shocking the audience.

  • 他作此画一气呵成
    He did the picture at a heat.

  • 永远都有进步的空间,不要过多相信一气呵成
    Never be satisfied with current success and don't always believe in accomplishing it at one time.

  • 一些经过审查的课程单独成立,其他都是一气呵成
    Some examined course modules separately, others all in one go.

  • 这个进球过程配合得一气呵成,令现场球迷大呼过瘾。
    This goal process coordinates to form a coherent whole, is loudly shouted the scene fan satisfies a craving.

  • 暂时比较不幸的是,我没有校对的习惯,文章基本上是一气呵成
    P. S. unfortunately, all my articles are done in one breath, and I don't have the habit of proofreading.

  • 这部小说是伏尔泰在不到三天的时间内完成的,可以说是一气呵成
    The novel is Voltaire in less than three days to complete, and can be said to be coherent.

  • 然后一把将刀拔出来,倒扣进牛皮刀鞘里,动作一气呵成,毫无半点瑕疵。
    Pulled out a knife and then will come back into the leather scabbard buckle, the action at one go, without a single flaw.

  • 登山车就是关乎流畅不拘的骑乘,煞车、过弯、爬坡、越过障碍一气呵成
    Everything in mountain biking revolves around to serving your momentum, braking; turning climbing and negotiating obstacles.

  • 不过仔细一看,你会发现他们的安排相当合理,事实上,简直是一气呵成
    But look again and you will find that their arrangement does have a sense and, in fact, a contextual one.

  • 无论勾哪一种线,在行笔的过程中,都要摒住呼吸,不要太快,一气呵成
    No matter what kind of line hook, line T in the process, we should Bingzhuhuxi, not too fast, one go.

  • 简约流畅的外观线条,融合了直线和小角度的流畅性,给人一气呵成的美感。
    The brief smooth outward appearance line, fused the straight line and small angle smooth, forms a coherent whole the esthetic sense to the human.

  • 整部录像一气呵成,他们第二天便将跑步机退还到商店。-是啊,非常令人佩服。
    They did it all in one take and returned the treadmills to the store the next day. -Yeah, very impressive.

  • 一旦习惯了阅读这种具有挑战的书,我认为你将一气呵成而不用反复阅读理解了。
    Once you get used to reading challenging books, I think you'll find that you aren't tempted to go back to page-turners.

  • 一气呵成的阅读文章,对于太长的可以分段——例如分成若干章节——然后依次阅读。
    Read the article in one sitting. For longer material, "chunk" it -- into chapters, for example -- and follow this procedure for each chunk.

  • 过弯时的顺畅度、下断崖、过断桥等关卡,强调整个动作要一气呵成,既乾净且俐落。
    To reach a smooth turn, falling from the cliff, passing the breaking bridge and checkpoint so on, the whole action must be executed rapidly and elegantly.

  • 整个进攻一气呵成不超过10秒钟,甚至球进时对手莫斯科火车头的整条后防线还没回撤到位。
    The entire attack forms a coherent whole does not surpass 10 seconds, when the ball enters the match Moscow railway engine's entire strip rear guard line has not returned removes the arriving.

  • 包括提前拟好的15个问题,我们的专访持续了35分钟之久。中间经纪人没有任何打断,一气呵成
    Throughout the interview, 15 questions were asked and it lasted for about 35minutes during which her manager did not halt which allowed the smooth flowing of the interview.

  • 莫斯科对紧急情况的反应还是相当高效的:疏散人群、为救护车开道、建立紧急情况指挥中心,一气呵成
    The response of the emergency services was fast and efficient, evacuating people, providing access to ambulances and setting up a special headquarters.

  • 那种一气呵成弹完整首歌曲的心情,还有那迷醉的世界,只有自己一个人…在里面的快乐只有自己一个人才懂得。
    The kind of shells at one go the full song mood, as well as those fascinated by the world, only one person … inside their own happiness is only one person knows their own.

  • 他们没有一首首的录歌,而是连续几夜按照次序录音,这就使得歌曲能够互相影响,在情绪自然的流动下一气呵成
    Instead of recording the songs one by one they choose to record them in a given order several nights in a row, thereby letting the songs influence each other and grow forth in a spontaneous flow.

  • 在得到关于工作的信息后要尽快的开始工作, 之后要一气呵成地完成其中的每个环节, 并尽快地达成目标。这些都是十分重要的。
    It's important to start projects relatively soon after receiving information and to complete them as soon as possible after beginning them in an unbroken line of completed sub projects.

  • 拳法中栽拳、砸拳、劈拳、体现密林伏虎的打虎之势,走如风,站如钉、眼若闪电拳似流星,桩步和行步交替出现,静如山岳,动似江河一气呵成
    While performing, you should move like the wind, stand like a nail with your eyes as bright as lightning, or flash your punches on the enemy. All of the movements are conducted almost in one breath.

  • 科学中会要求我们做出总结,就此处具体而言,要把似乎散落在四处的对思考上的方面的事实情况放入一个一气呵成的局面中是一件容易办到的事情。
    Science requires that we generalize, and in this particular case it's easy to take the seemingly scattered facts of thought and fit the jigsaw pieces into a coherent picture.

  • 怨言是上天得至人类最大的供物,也是人类祷告中最真诚的部分。根据实际量身定做的训练方法以及每天足够的锻炼时间。汗水,一气呵成,至真至纯。
    Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God.

  • 当历史学家们回首过去的这100天时,他们很可能会记录下美国总统一气呵成的那一连串成就,这对美国历史上其他任何时代的总统来说,都会叹为观止。
    When historians come to look back on the past 100 days, they are likely to record a burst of presidential effort unmatched by any other epoch in history.

  • 一气呵成造句相关
