
一日三秋  yī rì sān qiū







  • 一日不见如隔三秋,一月思念如盼七年。
    One day part is like three months past. One month thinking is like seven years missing!

  • 恩…想死你了呀…一日不见如隔三秋啊…
    See What Kate See…Feel What Kate Feel…

  • 一日不见,如隔三秋
    One day apart seems like three years.

  • 一日不见,如隔三秋
    A single day apart seems like three years.

  • 一日不见如隔三秋
    A single day apart seems like three years.

  • 如果没有你在身边,一天像三年那麽长--一日不见如隔三秋
    One day without you seems as long as three years.

  • 一对热恋中的男女,他们就是分开一两天也会觉得一日不见如隔三秋
    When those love-struck lovers separate one or two days, they feel as if they are apart for three years.

  • 而“一日不见如隔三秋”的相思就像园中的玫瑰,采摘时不小心也会被扎得心痛。
    yet "on one day not being seen like separating three falls" love sickness like to watch the roset in the garden, picking, not being careful will also be gripped aggrievedly.

  • 几乎每一天都要去她家找她,正儿八经地品尝到了“一日不见,如隔三秋”的滋味。
    After that, I went to visit her at her home almost every day, getting to know the taste of "One day apart seems like three years".

  • 2005年的国事之春,中国的发展选择了一个古老又似乎新颖的词汇--和谐,大众媒体的发展一日三秋
    At the outset of 2005, China faced a new but long-existed task-constructing a harmonic society.

  • 20年来我第一次如些深刻地感觉到一个人的存在,习惯想着你入睡,也同样习惯半夜惊醒后第一个想到的人是你。虽然没有一日不见如隔三秋的感觉,却也会为你牵肠挂肚。
    20 for the first time I feel that if more deeply the existence of a person, think of your sleep habits, habits also woke up after a night of the people you thought.

  • 一日三秋造句相关
