
一年半载  yī nián bàn zǎi








  • 这座桥一年半载可望竣工。
    Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so.

  • 至少要一年半载才看得出来,」他说。
    That will take six months or a year, " he said."

  • 头痛一年半载可不是小问题。
    A headache for 17 months is a problem.

  • 这座桥一年半载可望竣工。
    Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so.

  • 如果运气不好,房子一年半载租不出去也是常事。
    If bad luck, in six months or rent a house is not out voting.

  • 在医院,你要花上几万卢币,却仍需在病床上躺一年半载
    At the hospital, you can spend thousands of rupees and still be stuck in bed for six months or a year.

  • 可琢磨的东西很多,足够她欣赏个一年半载也不会感到乏味。
    It was much to ponder over, and sufficed to entertain her for more than a year without becoming stale.

  • 大哥,中国有九亿农民,提高文化水平也不是一年半载的事。
    Buddy, China has nine hundred million farmers. Lifting their cultural level isn't something you can just do overnight.

  • 绝大部分北京人有房可住,为了房价,忍耐一年半载不成问题。
    Peking man may have lived most of the rooms, in order to restrain, patience year or so no problem.

  • 原打算近期买套新房准备结婚,可现在却不得不再等个一年半载
    Original intention to buy sets of new premises for the recent marriage may no longer be such a year or so now.

  • 刚才我是考虑你是个新手,等过个一年半载再把这个职位给你不迟。
    A moment ago I am a consideration you are a novice, had waited for an in about a year to give you this position again not late.

  • 如果原来的调控政策再持续一年半载,楼市可望回归到比较健康的状态。
    If the original regulative policy continues one year or so again, the real estate market hopes to return to the quite healthy condition.

  • 如果他们能踏踏实实在印度民间过上一年半载,就会有截然不同的看法。
    If they can do in India live a year or so civil, there will be very different.

  • 实践证实,贫困户的脱贫,一年半载也许比较轻易,巩固脱贫从此走向…
    Carry out a proof, of poverty door take off deficient, in about a year is lighter perhaps, consolidate deficient is moved toward from now on…

  • 他赞成政府继续停止卖地,停售时间如延长一年半载将有助市场重拾信心。
    He supported the continued suspension of land sales, sale of time as a year or so will help extend the market confidence.

  • 从目前的情况看,一个项目从拿地到上市的规划建设周期快的也要一年半载
    Judging from the current situation, to take a project from planning to construction cycles listed as a year or so quick.

  • 为了自由他曾等待了14年,现在为了财富,他当然可以再等上一年半载的。
    he had waited fourteen years for his liberty, and now he was free he could wait at least six months or a year for wealth.

  • 和你打赌,它的价格肯定很高,或许我们应该等个一年半载,等它普及了再购买。
    Bet you it will be really high priced, so maybe we should wait a year until it becomes household.

  • 这些资金不可能在上海只呆三天五天,甚至一年半载都不行,至少需要几年时间。
    These funds can not be spent only three days in Shanghai five days, six months or even not OK, it will take at least several years.

  • 甚至刚毕业工作一年半载的小年青,手中积蓄还不足几万元,也要“省衣节食”去买房。
    Graduate work in six months or even just a small young hands savings less than a few million, but also "clothing diet, " to individuals.

  • 大哥,中国有九亿农民,提高文化水平也不是一年半载的事。而且你怎么知道外国农民有文化?
    Buddy, China has nine hundred million farmers. Lifting their cultural level isn't something you can just do overnight. And how do you know that foreign farmers are so cultured?

  • 若真立志投身一项事业,不妨辞去本身工作,在该行业做一年半载,摸清摸熟行径再开业也不迟。
    If determined to join a cause, may wish to resign from their work in the industry do Yinianbanzai, find out the re-opening also acts Moshu no later than.

  • 龚庭喜说,如果因为经济原因,必须自己动手装修,凑合居住一年半载,建议选用价格低廉的产品。
    Gong Tingxi said that because if the economic reason, must begin to repair, assembles housing one year or so, suggested that selects the low in price the product.

  • 尤其是那些距离交房还有一年半载的单子,她更是不愿意接下,“除非半年之内就能拿到产证,还可以考虑。”
    Especially those from a year or so there is a long list of others, she is reluctant to her, "Unless we can get off licence within six months, could also be considered."

  • 对于我来说我不愿意用,就是工资低也不愿意用,没经验是主要的,如果招到悟性好的那是企业的荣幸,如果一年半载学不好企业就是在慢性自杀。
    For me, I don't want to use, is not willing to use the low wages, experience is the main, if the understanding of the enterprise is to YiNianBanZai learn bad, if the enterprise is in chronic suicide.

  • 北京可游玩的景点相当多,长城、故宫、天坛、名人故居、后海、各色各样的博物馆、鸟巢、水立方等等等等,如果要游遍北京,估计得一年半载
    There are so many scenic spots in Beijing, The Great Wall, Imperial Palace, The Temple of Heaven, Home of Ji Xiaolan, Home of Guo Moro, Hou Hai, various of Museums, Bird's Nest, Water Cube and so on.

  • 一些具有专业精神的外国朋友,还千里迢迢跑到河南郑州的少林寺,做起了少林寺的“俗家弟子”,在少林寺生活上一两个月甚至一年半载的都有。
    Some foreigners come to Shaolin Temple in Luoyang, Henan province from faraway places, and live there as lay disciples. Some of them even live there for several months or even one year.

  • 外形是天生的,能通过女朋友“海选”合格必然有其可爱之处,如果担心丈母娘那里无法过关,可以考虑整容,但需要休养个一年半载,来不及了,老哥教你:“态度决定一切”。
    Heaven is a place nearby so there's no need to say goodbye I wanna ask you not to cry I'll always be by your side"Wish I could bring you back. you're always on my mind about to tear myself apart."

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